Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/433

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128. 1. MAY 27, 1916.]



"being ' Parish Corruption in Part Display'd, or a Narrative of Some Late Transactions in St. Luke's Parish,' &c. In 1826 some other local agitation produced a broadside :

" To be sold by auction on Tuesday, April 17th, at the Rookery in the Parish of St. Book in the County of Neithersex, the situation of Vestry Clerk," &c.

The places of entertainment were fruitful of handbills. The Peerless Pool is de- scribed in Warwick Wroth 's ' London Pleasure Gardens ' ; the Chf lybeate Spring or Baths of St. Agnes-le-Clair is not so well known ; and still less familiar is the Royal Albert Saloon, 11 Ironmonger Row, which from 1840 was a Showmen's Hall and Subscription Theatre. I have a brief refer- ence to some theatre in Whitecross Street, tout its literature is not known to me.


ANAGRAM : " MONASTERY." Here is a curious anagram. I know nothing of its origin, but the allusion to " Dan my Senator " seems to point to the time when O'Connell was M.P. :

"'How much there is in a word!' says I- " Monastery makes Natty Rome ; and when I looked -at it again it was evidently More Natty, a very vile place, er mean sty. Ay, Monster,' says I, have I found you out?' ' What Monster?' says the Pope. 'What Monster?' says I. 'Why, your image Stone Mary.' 'That,' says he, 'is My One Star, my pride, my treasure.' Says I, 'You should say My Treason.' * Yet No Arms,' says he. 'No,' quoth I, 'you rely on quieter means, which go better as long as you have No Mastery I mean Money Arts: 'No,' says he again, 'those are Tory Means, and Dan my Senator will baffle them.'

  • ! don't know,' says I, 'but I think one might

awake no Mean Story out of this one word Monastery.'"

G. W. E. R.

CARDINAL NEWMAN : HIS BUST IN OXFORD. On May 2, 1916, a bust of bronze was set up in the garden of Trinity College, Oxford. Its pedestal, of stone, bears the inscription :

John Henry

Cardinal Newman


The bust itself bears on one side the words :

A. Broadbent Sculptor 1915 on the other :

Presented by D. La Motte Esq. M.A. This speaking likeness looks across the lawn, towards Wadham College, and stands beneath the rooms of Tommy Short, who was New- man's tutor when he was an undergraduate of that college. EDWARD S. DODGSON. Oxford Union Society.

ROBIN HOOD BIBLIOGRAPHY. (See 9 S. viii. 263 ; 10 S. v. 468 ; viii. 70, 295 ; 11 S. v. 29, 94, 296; viii. 203, 297, 313, 378; ix. 498 ; x. 170, 236 ; xii. 170.) The two following have Bewick cuts :

" Robin Hood's Garland : Being a Complete History of all the Notable Exploits performed by him and his Merry Men. In which is given a Preface ; containing a more full and particular Account of his Birth, &c., than any hitherto published. York : Printed by and for Thomas Wilson and Son, High Ousegate. 1811." 18mo, pp. iv, 106.

" The History of Robin Hood. Embellished with cuts. York : Printed by Thomas Wilson and Son, High-Ousegate. 1812. (Price One Penny.) " 32 mo, pp. 30. Similar cuts to preceding.

Note also :

Journal of Forestry, vol. iii. p. 190 ; v., 1881, pp. 385-9 and 457-72.

Lancashire and Cheshire Naturalist, vol. vii., 1914, pp. 50-51.

' London's Forest ' (Perceval), 1909, pp. 66-7.

1 Forests of England ' (Brown), 1883, pp. 17-18.


ANDRIA. Reuter, on April 18, conveyed to us the news of the destruction by fire of the ancient cathedral of this see, in which lolanthe of Jerusalem, second wife of the Emperor Frederick II., was buried in 1228. According to Baedeker :

" His third wife, Isabella of England, who died at Foggia in 1241, was also interred in the Cathe- dral of Andria, but the monuments of these empresses have long since disappeared, having been destroyed by the partisans of Anjou."

This Empress Isabella, who was daughter of King John, has a notice in the ' D.N.B.'

For St. Richard of Andria see 11 S. x. 329. JOHN B. WAINEWRIGHT.

" FOR ONE'S SINS." The jocular use of this expression is noticed by the ' N.E.D.,' which cites Geo. Borrow, 1842. An instance occurs in the ' Early Diary of Frances Burney,' 1773 : " Had I been for my sins born of the male race " (vol. i. 203, ed. 1889). RICHARD H. THORNTON.

SOUTHAMPTON Row, MARYLEBONE. A public-house called the Pontefract Castle stands at the south-western corner of Chapel Street at its junction with the Marylebone Road, and on the stuccoed side of the premises facing the latter the words " Southampton Row " appear, in old- fashioned letters in high relief. Mr. James Wilson, the Town Clerk of Marylebone, courteously informs me that there was a Southampton Row there for quite fifty years, to the year 1857, when it was incor-