Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/446

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. i. MAY 27, me.

hear of a copy of Detaille's ' L'Arm^e Franchise,'

'the subscribers' edition, in 2 vols., folio, published 1885-9 at 321. here 121. 10s. Mr. Edwards has ^ilso ' The Mariner's Marvellous Magazine, a

Series of Thirty Chap-Books,' enclosed in a cloth

" cabinet," 1809 (31. 10s.) ; the six volumes of The Tomahaivk, 1867-70 (21.) ; a copy of Ozanam's

' CEuvres,' 1855, 5 vols. (16s.); and a first

collected edition of Synge's works in 4 vols., brought out six years ago (31. 10s.).

Messrs. Myers & Co. send us a lavishly illus'

trated catalogue (No. 212) describing some

260 choice items, several of which are of first-class importance. They have nearly thirty examples

of fine binding, mostly of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, both French and English,

f, including some of the work of Charles and Samuel Mearne. Our American readers will find a good deal to interest them here, and particularly two

original MS. military maps used by Leslie in the War of Independence, the one (1777) showing the

country between Baltimore and Philadelphia, a relic of the battle of Brandywine (45J.) ; the

-other connected with the battle at Briar's Creek in 1779 (151. 15s.). There is also a first edition of

Capt. John Smith's * The Generall Historic of Virginia,' &c. (151. 15s.) ; and, catalogued under

  • America ' because of the accounts of voyages and

settlements which it contains, Robert Fage's 1 Cosmography ' a very rare and curious book

to be had for SI. 8s. Guicciardini's ' I Paesi Bassi,' first edition, Antwerp, 1567 (4Z. 4s.) ; the report of the disputation or private conference with the Jesuit Father Campion in the Tower,

1 black-letter, 1581 (21. 2s.) ; Holbein's ' Imagines Mortis ' in the first Cologne edition, 1555 (21. 2s.) ;

the Elizabethan ' Book of Homilies,' black-letter, 1574 (31. 3s.) ; and Nicholay's ' Navigations, Peregrinations, and Voyages, made into Turkic,'

translated out of the French by T. Washington the younger, 1585 (31. 5s.), may be mentioned as

v examples of sixteenth-century printing ; to which may be added Jugge's second illustrated edition (black-letter) of the New Testament (51. 5s.).

' The greatest treasures, however, which Messrs. Myers offer here are the ' Horse ' a Hardouyn, printed on vellum, no date, but the Almanack 1509-24 (115Z.) ; a French fifteenth -century MS.

on vellum, with numerous miniatures and borders (2501.) ; and a Dutch MS., also on vellum and of the fifteenth century (85Z.).

Messrs. Sotheran's Catalogue No. 763 continues their list of the books from the late Baron

. de Renter's library, giving particulars of philosophical works and of books of Oriental and classical interest. Under all three divi- sions we have a very good set of books offered at moderate prices. Thus we noticed under ' Philosophy ' Hartenstein's Kant (51. 15s.) ; the great edition of Hegel brought out in the thirties and forties of the last century by his friends (Ql. 9s.) ; and Prantl's ' Geschichte der Logik im Abendlande,' 1855-70 (5Z. 5s.) ; among Oriental works the French version of Moses Maimonides, * Le Guide des Egares ' (31. 3s.)

.and a fine copy of Mohl's French translation of Firdausi in the 1837-78 edition, 7 vols., royal folio (12Z. 12s.); and in the long list of useful Greek and Latin classics the Stallbaum Plato,

21 parts in 12 vols. (31. 3s.) ; a complete set of the

Athenian Society's publications (10Z. 10s.); and

-the 7 vols. of Jebb's Sophocles (21. 15s.).

Mr. George Salby's Catalogue No. 6 gives particulars of over one thousand books relating to Anthropology and Archaeology. He has some good sets of publications of societies, e.g., the Egyptian Exploration Fund, first to thirty-second memoir, 32 vols. (251.) ; and the Journal of Hellenic Studies, from 1880 to 1913, 33 vols. (24Z.). His most imposing item, which costs 140Z., is Kingsborough's ' Antiquities of Mexico,' 1830-48, 9 vols., imp. folio, containing about one thousand plates, illustrating the remains of ancient Mexican civilization collected in the various great libraries of Europe. As a whole this Catalogue might serve as a useful summary of the anthropological and archaeological work of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Mr. James Miles of Leeds has sent us his Catalogue No. 202, from which we select the following for mention : Whitaker's * History of Richmondshire,' with the Turner plates, 1823 (SI. 8s.) ; a copy of The Annual Register,' 1758 to 1828, 72 vols. (21. 10s.) ; a manuscript on Glove- making, evidently written by an expert with a view to publication, early nineteenth century (21. 2s.) ; and Pine's Horace and Virgil (Horace with error corrected), 3 vols. in all, the Virgil being bound as 1 vol. (4Z. 4s.).

Messrs. James Rimell's Catalogue of Books on Applied Art (No. 242) contains some highly interesting things. Under the heading ' Il- lumination ' they describe two good ' Horse ' an early MS., probably Flemish, with 3 full-page miniatures, and many red and blue capitals, in Gothic letters on vellum (121. 12s.) ; and a fifteenth-century French example (251.). We noticed several attractive works in the * Military ' and ' Naval ' sections ; under ' Costume ' a copy of Vecellio, ' Habiti Antichi et Moderni ' the second edition of 1598 (SI.) ; a selection of Catalogues well worth attention ; and a copy of Buck's ' Antiquities,' which they offer for 181. 18s.

We received an unusually large number of catalogues this month, and hold several over for our next notice.

MESSRS. MACMILLAN are bringing out on June 1 the first part of ' A Bibliography of British Ornithology from the Earliest Times to the End of 1912, including Biographical Accounts of the Principal Writers and Bibliographies of their Published Works,' by Messrs. W. H. Mullens and H. Kirke Swann. The work will be completed in six bi-monthly parts, price 6s. net each.

The Athenceum now appearing monthly, arrange- ments have been made whereby advertisements of posts vacant and wanted, which it is desired to publish weekly, may appear in the intervening weeks in ' N. & Q.'

10 <ffi0msp0tt&mts,

BROWNMOOR (" Till May be out cast not a clout "). This saying is often quoted as " Cast not a clout," &c. See 10 S. v. 388, 433, 474, 493.

MR. H. S. GLADSTONE and MR. McPiKE. Forwarded.