Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/479

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12 s. i. JUNE 10, i9i6.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Chester. I quote from the translation of this last book (MS. Harleian 2261):

" The body of Kynge Arthur was found this tyme at Glaston betwene ii berialles of ston in the churche yerde, putte depe into the erthe in an holowe oke, and was translate into the churche and put into a beryalle of marbole, conteynenge in the seide olde beryalle a crosse of led havynge this wrytinge in hit : ' The noble Kynge Art'hure with Guenera his eeonnde wif lyethe beryede here in the yle Avalon.' The boones of theyme were so distincte that ij partes of the beryalle towarde the hedde contenede the boones of Arthure, and the thrydde parte towarde the feete conclusede the boones of his wife, where thre yelow heres of the same woman were founde noothynge chaungede in coloure by moisture of the erthe, and a monke of that place takynge theyme gredily in hys honde, thei were redacte sodenly into powdre."

I should recommend the ' Polychronicon ' to persons who are tired out with the poor fancy of our modern books of fiction. These " hundred thousand stories " are, really, an inexhaustible mine of wonderful tales.


STATUES AND MEMORIALS IN THE BRITISH ISLES (11 S. viii. 444). King William's Statue on College Green, Dublin :

Inchoatum Anno Dom. Mdcc.

Antonio Percy, Equite aura to prsetore Carolo Forrest 1 . Jacobo Barlow jvicecomitibus

Absoluturu Anno Dom. Mdcci.

Marco Ransford, Eqtiite aura to praetore Johanne Eccles ) . Rndulpho Gore } comifabus

(From Gilbert's ' History of Dublin.') See also Harris's ' History of Dublin City.'

F. V. R,

ELIZABETH EVELYN (12 S. i. 288, 356, 435). With the information first supplied by MR. DYER, my identification seemed certain, for I assumed that the pedigree of the God stone branch in Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica was correct. He has, however, shown that I was wrong, by printing an extract from another volume which proves that the Elizabeth he is in search of was a spinster. Turning back to the Miscellanea (correct reference, IV. ii. 337), it will be noted that the father of the two Elizabeths was John, and not his son George Evelyn. The second Elizabeth is stated to have died unmarried in 1623. This, I think, is a mistake easily accounted for. Bray's pedi- gree merely says " unmarried in 1623." In 1623 the Heralds visited Surrey, and Eliza- beth was returned in her father's family as unmarried. MR. DYER can verify this from

the Harleian Society's publications of the Visitations. I think, then, we may conclude that his Elizabeth was the eighth daughter of John Evelyn of Kingston, sister-in-law to the lady I formerly suggested, sister of Sir John Evelyn, Kt., of Lee Place, and aunt of Sir John Evelyn, Bart, of Godstone. Can MR. DYER tell me the connexion between the Evelyns and Sir Robert Needham ?



When England's wronged and danger's nigh. Are not all these quotations mere variants of the Lombard proverb " Passato il pericolo- [or, punto], gabbato il santo " (" When the danger is past, the saint is cheated ") ? It is quoted by Rabelais (' Pantagruel,' iv. 24), Other variants are : " The river past, and God forgotten " ; " The devil was sick, the devil a monk would be " ; and I have heard one referring to the ingratitude of patients to their doctors, once they have been cured. DE V. PAYEN-PAYNE.

(12 S. i. 428.)

7. See the concluding lines of C. S. Cal- verley's ' The Cock and the Bull,' a parody of the style of ' The Ring and the Book ' :

It takes up about eighty thousand lines,

A thing imagination boggles at :

And might, odds-bobs, sir ! in judicious hands.

Extend from here to Mesopotamy. The original in Browning of the second line was evidently the passage quoted in the editorial note.

A Swiss doctor was once heard describing life in the Neapolitan slums in the words,. "It boggles description." The phrase al- most deserves the honour of naturalization. EDWARD BENSLY.

[MB. J. B. WAINEWRIGHT also thanked for reply.]

ITALIAN OPERA IN ENGLAND (12 S. i. 428), Grove gives the date of the performance of (a) ' La Merope ' as 1799, at the King's Theatre, London. He also says with refer- ence to (c), ' Aci e Galatea,' that Haydn's diary contains a favourable account of Bianchi's ' Aci e Galatea,' which he heard in London in 1794.


JOHN RANBY, F.R.S. (12 S. i. 428). I published a full account of this surgeon in The West London Medical Journal for April of this year. This Journal, price Is., i& published by Adlard & Son.