Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/487

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.128. 1. JUNE 17, 1916.] NOTES AND QUERIES.




!NOTES :-Henrv VI. and Winchester College, 481 City Coroner and Treasure-Trove Fieldingiana, 483 Heroes of Waterloo The Mount, Wbitechapel. 485 Common Hangman Bereaved Parish Mortlake : J. E. Anderson's Prints, 486.

QUERIES : Rabsey Cromwell alia* Williams, 486-" Lord Bacon "Morris Kerry Place-Names, 487 Right Wor- shipful the Mayor Walter Titley-Quotation from Pope Admiral Nicholas Haddock Pace-Egging Gregory Goosetree Gorges Brass Colours of Dragons William Mildmay, Harvard College, 488 Robinson Family Henley, Herts R. S. Cbarnock's Books Fazakerley Mediseval Latin " Consumption " and " Lethargy " R. Brereton, Artist Puck Fair, 489.

SREPLIES : Gennys of Launceston, 489 " Spiritus non potest habitare in sicco." 490 -Garbrand Touching for Luck, 491 "Agnostic" and "Agnosco" Altars of Antiquarian Interest, 492 Shakespeare's Falcon Crest, 493 - Mack Surname" Fly " : "Hackney," 494 Mirror Ghosts Authors Wanted Hymn-Tune Lydia.' 495 King's Own Scottish Borderers Accidental Likenesses, 496 -Father Christmas Julius Csesar on "Sudden Death " Family Church Livings, 497 " Jennings Property" "She braids St. Catherine's tresses," 498 Waring Parishes in Two Counties Picture of the Tichborne Claimant, 499.

3SOTES ON BOOKS: -Calendar of Patent Rolls of Edward IIL A Mediaeval Burglary.'

Notices to Correspondents.



TN a former article (ante, p. 441), while attempting to tell the story of Henry VI. 's visit to Winchester in November, 1444, I relied partly upon the record of the King's visits which occupies two pages of our

  • Liber Albus,' and which, though it was

-evidently written all at one time, and there- iore several years after some of the events which it narrates, has hitherto been treated as a thoroughly trustworthy document. Its .author, who had, I am sure, every desire to be a faithful chronicler, adopted such an air of precision whenever he mentioned a date, that one cannot be surprised at the general acceptance which his statements have met with in our local histories. Nevertheless, as will here be shown, several of his dates will not stand a critical examination. In order to elucidate his chronology, I propose to deal in turn with each of the royal visits recorded by him, first setting out what he says, and then adding some comments which may perhaps be helpful to any one who is interested in this King's itinerary.

The King's First Visit (11441).

" Memorandum quod primus adventus serenis- simi principis Henrici sexti ad istud Collegium fuit penultimo die mensis Julii videlicet die Sabbati Anno domini millesimo cccc mo quadragesimo et Anno eiusdem domini Regis xix : quo die interfuit primis vesperis et in crastino misse et secundis vesperis et obtulit xiiis. iiiid."

Our author's endeavour to fix the date of this visit is unsatisfactory. He says that the King arrived on Saturday, July 30, 1440, 19 H. VI. July 30, 1440, was in fact a Saturday, but the regnal year was then the 18th, and not the 19th, which did not begin until Sept. 1, 1440. If he really meant July 30, 1441, 19 H. VI., then the trouble is that that day was not Saturday, but Sunday.

In these circumstances the true date of the visit must remain uncertain, unless it can be obtained from other documents. Our Account-rolls, though they do not throw complete light upon the problem, seem to indicate that the visit occurred in 1441. For, while no trace of a royal visit is to be found in the roll of 1439-40, the roll of 1440-1 (Mich. 19 H. VI. Mich. 20 H. VI.) contains three separate entries about such a visit. The first of them mentions the receipt of the King's oblation, and the other two relate to the expense of an entertainment in the College hall :

" Oblaciones Et de Roberto Vyport Sacrisfo Collegii h A pro diversis oblacionibus in capella cum xiiis. iiiieZ. oblatis per dominum Regem et xvid. pro cera in obitibus domini W. Lewes [Lawes] et Henrici Casewyke [Kesewyk] xliiiis. mid. ob."

" Custus Aule . . . .Et solut. pro vi ulnis panni linei continentis in latitudine secundum estima- cionern iii quarteria pro tuellis pro panibus portandis in adyentu domini Regis ad Collegium, precium ulne viid., iiis. vid."

" Custus necessarii forinseci cum donis . . . . [last entry : ] Et in expensis factls in adventu domini Regis viz. in carnibus bovinis cum tins, pro vino pro jantaculo militum generosorum et aliorum, viis. viiid."

These entries do not state the day or days upon which the King was at the College, and the Hall-books of 1439-40 and 1440-1 are missing. It may be that the " primus adventus," as our author calls it, occurred on Saturday, July 29, 1441, but that is merely my tentative suggestion.

The Second Visit (1444).

" Item Anno domini millesimo cccc mo xliiii to in festo sancte Cecilie Virginis," &c.

This passage of the record was fully set out in my previous article, where an account was given not only of Henry's visit on