Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/494

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. i. JUNE 17, i9i&.

moche to say as Canicius is height. And after- wardes by the Spaynardes it was called Smerycke, by whate reason I know not."

This last statement is very strange. It is generally supposed that Smerwick is St. Mary Wick. It certainly is not Spanish.

5. There is a parish in County Limerick called Ardkenny or Ardcanny, eight miles west of Limerick, which is probably named from St. Canice or Kenny or Kenneth ; but I find no trace of this name near Smerwick Harbour. There is an ancient hermitage called Gall ems there. Perhaps Sir Nicholas means this. Who was Gallerus ?


THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL THE MAYOR. It is becoming a fairly common practice to address Mayors of provincial towns as the " Right Worshipful." I believe they are entitled as a matter of courtesy to " Worshipful." I shall be glad to know if the former is correct.


WALTER TITLEY is described in ' Diet- Nat. Biog.,' Ivi. 419, as the "son of Abraham Titley, a Staffordshire man." I should be glad to ascertain where Walter Titley was born in 1700, and anv particulars of his mother. G, F. R. B.

QUOTATION FROM POPE. Tod, in his ' Annals of Rajasthan,' gives the following from " the story of Hercules put into doggerel by Pope " :

He whom Dejanira Wrapp'd in the envenomed shirt, and set on fire.

What is the reference ? EMERITUS.

ADMIRAL NICHOLAS HADDOCK (1686-1746)' When, where, and whom did this dis- tinguished admiral marry ? The ' D.N.B.' is silent on the point. His only daughter married Samuel Holworthy of Elsworth Park, Cambs. L. E. TANNER.

2 Little Dean's Yard, Westminster, S.W.

PACE-EGGING. At Eastertime bands of boys go round to the houses at Grasmere pace-egging (? peace-egging or paste-egging). They have a short play that they act and sing. Can the words and music be obtained ? And what is the origin of the custom ? With the money they collect. I am told, they buy eggs that they dye different colours, and then roll down slopes to see which one will be the last to break its shell.


[MR. F. GORDON BROWN [gave at 10 S. vii. 30 numerous extracts from his copies of the "Pace- egg" play. See also 5 S. iv. 511 ; 9 S. iii. 249, 334.]

GREGORY GOOSETREE. On the back of & drawing by J. H. Mortimer, R.A., is in- scribed : " ... .Gregory Goosetree, Padding- ton Churchyard 24 th Jan>\ 1776

200: 00: 00 "

Was this person in any way connected with Goostree's Club, Pall Mall, the rendez- vous of Wilberforce and Pitt ?

Was he a relative of Thomas Goostre (or Goostrey), solicitor, of Sherrard Street,. Golden Square, and later of Missenden Abbey, Bucks, whose daughter married William Selby Lowndes pf Winslow ?


205 Adelaide Road, Swiss Cottage, N. W.

GORGES BRASS. I have seen in an antique shop in Chelsea a brass bearing the in- scription :

"Henry Gorges | Esq e onely childe | of Richard Lord | Gorges who dyed I y e 27 th of Aprill | 1674 in. ye nyneteent h | yeare of his age."

This is surrounded by an ornamental border,, with death's heads in the corners.

If any one can say from what church this brass came, its restoration could probably be effected. H. L. L. DENNY.

3 Lincoln Street, Chelsea, S.W.

THE COLOURS OF DRAGONS. Have the several colours red, blue, green, yellow assigned to dragons in legends, in heraldry,, in art, &c., any definite significance ? If so, what, in each case, is it ? RENIRA.

WILLIAM MILDMAY, HARVARD COLLEGE, 1647. He is general^ stated to have been a son of Sir Henry Mildmay of Graces, Little Ba-ddow, Essex. This is a mistake, as I have recently discovered that he was the eldest son of Sir Henry Mildmay of Wanstead, Essex, who was a grandson of Sir Walter Mildmay, the founder of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Hence it is particularly in- teresting to find that we had at Harvard a direct descendant of the founder of John, Harvard's college. But beyond his paren- tage I have been unable to find any informa- tion at all about William Mildmay. Did he marry ? If so, whom ? Where did h& live ? Where and when did he die ? Was he identical with the William Mildmay who matriculated (as a fellow commoner) at Emmanuel College at the Easter term in 1641, but left without taking a degree I (See Venn, ' Book of Matriculations and Degrees,' 1913, p. 464.) Any information that your correspondents can give will be greatly appreciated.


Boston, U.S.