Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/526

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. i. JUNE 21, uio.

who are interested in the great preacher. It runs to nearly seventy pages, and deals with over four hundred items. About three-quarters of these are classified under separate subject-headings, and an index is given to all the titles and periodicals men tioned. There are, lastly, two chronological lists, the one of Whitefield's general works, the other ol his sermons. Southey and Warburton have been competently tackled ; arid one of the best articles in the volume is that on the Parliamentary genera 1 Massey.

Another good and lengthy entry is that under Hannah More, in which, however, we looked in vain for any mention of the Hannah More Hall at Bristol, which seems in itself as well worth record- ing as could be a chapter or paper about the author, and besides must have been the occasion of a certain amount of journalistic writing which belongs to the subject of Hannah More's bibliography.

One or two of the modern items are somewhat more meagre than we might have expected. Thus there should have been some note of the two or 'three well-known books which Prof. Lloyd Morgan 'has to his name, and a note also of his late and his present positions in Bristol University ; and it would have been just as well to give the married name of Amy Sedgwick. A slight notice of person may sometimes prove not only of little use, but actually, by its very defects, misleading. However, as we began by observing, it is the modern notices which are thus in some places defective ; justice on the whole has been done to the Gloucester worthies of the past.

Subjoined to the main alphabet are a few pages of Addenda to Part I., a table of Persons and families, and one of Localities, and an index of authors referred to.


of the best books of Irish interest described in recent Catalogues is O'Hanlori's ' Lives of the Irish Saints,' which, in 10 vols., runs from January to October 21. This is to be found at Mr. Charles Higham's, and to be had for fil (Cat. 544). Messrs. Heffer of Cambridge (Cat. 145) have several works worth attention on the part of students of the Iri*h language, thus : Vols. I- XVI. of the Publications of the Irish Texts Society, of which early volumes are exceedingly scarce (with the revised edition of Vol. III., the set comprises 17 vols., and is offered for 81 18,9. 6d.); Standish O'Grady's 'Silva Gadelica,' a collection of tales in Irish, edited from MSS. and having translation appended, 2 vols., 3/. 10s.; from the "Grimm Library" Kuno Meyer's 'Voyage of Bran' (II. Us. 6d.), ' The Cuchullin Saga in Irish Litera- ture,' stories compiled and edited, with Intro- duction and notes, by Eleanor Hull (II. 5s.), and L. W. Faraday's * Cattle Raid of Cualnge,' 15s. ; some half score monographs by Kuno Meyer ; Wood-Martin's two books on pre-Christian Ireland, and a goodly number of others.

In the way of modern Irish literature we noticed that Mr. Horace Commin of Bournemouth (Cat. 58) has a copy of the collected works of W. B. Yeats in 8 vols. (1908), of which the price is 21. 17s. Qd.

The political and social works relating to Ireland are fairly numerous, and among them not the least interesting are the tracts described by Mr. P. M.

Barnard of Tunbridge Wells (Catalogue 108) The earliest are two black-letter pamphlets of the year 1653, concerning the claims of the ' Irish Adven- turers,' and the ' Arrears of Officers and Souldiers for the Settling and Planting of Ireland.' There are two connected with the Popish Plot in Ireland ; several relating to political, industrial, and religious affairs at the beginning of the nineteenth century ; a copy of ' The Ulster Tragedy ' and of ' Mackder- mot's Ghost'; and eight examples of Dublin print- ing from 1725 to 1756, bound together in an octavo volume.

Mr James Commin of Exeter (Catalogue 323) has, among other books on our subject, a copy of W. Carleton's 'Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry' (1864), 15s., 'and O'Kelly's ' Macaria Excidium, or the Destruction of Cynrus; being a Secret History of the War of the "Revolution in Ireland,' edited, with notes, illustrations, and memoir, by J. C. O'Callaghan (Dublin, 1850), 8s. 6d.

From the dozen or so books on Mr. Henry Davev's list (Cat. 54) we may select for mention 'The State of the Protestants of Ireland under King James's Government' (1692), 5s. Qd. ; and G. V. Sampson's ' Statistical Survey of the County of Londonderry, with Observations on the Means of Improvement' (1802), 6s. Qd.

Mr. Murphy of Liverpool (Catalogue 205 ^ has a copy of Henry Grattan's * Speeches,' in 4 vols., edited by Grattan's son (1822), II. Is. ; and also four or five good Irish pamphlets of the turn of the seventeenth to the eighteenth century. Other works of which we made a note are ' Correspon- dence of W. Pitt andU, Duke of Rutland' (1842), 4s., in the Catalogue (357) of William George's Sons of Bristol ; and a copy of ' Vindiciae Hibernicse ' (Philadelphia, 1819). offered for 3s. Qd. in that of Mr. J. Thomson of Edinburgh.'

The Athenaeum, now appearing monthly, arrange- ments have been made whereby advertisements of posts vacant and wanted, which it is desired to publish weekly, may appear in the intervening weeks in ' N. & Q.'

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CORRIGENDA. Ante, p. 487, col. 2, 11. 29-30, for "Daingean-in-Chuis" read Daingean-ui-Chuis. P. 495, " Hymn-Tune ' Lydia ' " : Cobbin's initials should be J. L, not "J. T."