Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/532

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1916.

Earth, " red earth," as foundations for houses, 19

Easling (J. C.), engraver, c. 1810, 227

East Sheen, picture of Temple Grove, c. 1700, 349,


Easter custom, pace-egging, 488 Easter, Old-Style, table to find, 1738, 70 Ecclesiastical devolution of property and Canon

Law, 209, 278 Ecclesiastical folk-lore, 10

Edwards (Edwin), etcher, his biography, 389, 455 Eggs, St. Swithin and, 16, 58 ; pace-egging, 488 Elder tree, folk-lore of, 37, 94 Election, Parliamentary, for Queensferry, 1754,


Eliot (George), notes on ' Romola,' 310, 374, 415 Eliot (Grace Dalrymple) and Madame St. Alban,

c. 1785, 233, 286

Elizabeth (Queen), her letter of warrant per- mitting torture, 407 ; and the Marian burnings,


Emerald, alleged love of chastity, 125, 197, 291 English Prayer Book printed at Verdun, 1810, 176 English prisoners in France in 1811, 176, 434 English pronunciation of Latin, order for, 248, 353 " Englishman's house is his castle," legal truth of

the saying, 509

Engravings, small mezzotint, c. 1829, 126 Enlistment as a birthday celebration, 449 Ensigns in the Royal Navy, date of introduction,


Ensor (H.), artist, 227 " Entire," brewers' use of the word, 447, 519


Haud temere antiquas mutat Vasconia voces, 67, 130, 193, 454

Epitaphs :

Admiral Christ, 280, 320 Here lies Sir John Guise, 138 Over the river, faces I see, 387 Epitaphs: for Baron Westbury, 10, 18,95; of

Finmore and Willis at North Hinksey, 26, 298 ;

in Mylor churchyard, 347 ; in Brigstock church- yard, Northants, 387 Erasmus, his ' Moriae Encomium,' 241 Erzerum, first syllable of the place-name, 287, 417,


Estavayer, water tournaments at, 345 Eton, rebellion of the boys at, 1815, 90, 176 Etruscan surgical instruments, 15 European travel of the 17th century, 61, 101, 141,

153, 181, 216, 221, 261, 275, 301, 328, 339, 470 Evelyn (Elizabeth) and the Evelyn family, 288,

356, 435, 473

Evelyn family, 288, 356, 435, 473 Evening paper, forerunner of a morning paper,

341, 363, 381, 414, 454 Executions, military, modus operandi, 285 Eye, human, figure of Buddha in, 245

' Fables in French and English, Amusing and

Instructive,' 1747, 449

Fairfax (Major J.), his commission, 1769, 266 Falconer (J.), d. 1699, burial entry of, 57 Farmer, tenant farmer, the status of, 207 Farm-names of Pembrokeshire, 466

Farnham, Dorset, inscription on church bell, 389,.

420, 436

Fazakerley, meaning of the surname, 489 Fazakerley family and the Radcliffe family of

Leigh, 288, 395, 489

Fellows (W. M.), engraver, his death, 48 Female novelists, 1785-1815, 111, 150, 155, 215,.


Ferrers family, the arms of, 9 Ferrers and Allen families, 84, 125, 156, 416 Ferrers and Alleyne families, 125, 160 Fiddlers of Dorset, the last, 1913, 367 Fielding (Henry), and ' Shamela,' c. 1740, 24 r

his " Parson Adams," 224 ; at Boswell Court,

c. 1745, 264 : corrections in his ' Covent Garden

Journal,' 284 ; corrections in his ' Voyage to

Lisbon,' 284 ; Tom Jones and his sword, 506 Fieldingiana : Miss H and, 483; "One of the

merriest gentlemen in England," 484 Finlay, White, and Rixon families, 370 Finmore family, epitaphs of, at North Hinksey,,

26, 298

Fires at Alresford, Hants, c. 1620, 209, 294 Fishes, stories of the swarming and ascension of,.


Fishing, Dr. Johnson on, 18, 98, 157, 218 fitzGerald (Richard), autograph letter of, 1680, 48- Flagstaff, tallest one-piece, 59 Flags, emblem on, for Irish Flag Day, 1916, 346 Flanders (Counts of), their Flemish motto, 469 Fleet, Portland, attempt to drain, 1635, 347 Flemish motto of the Counts of Flanders, 469 Florio (John) and Francis Meres, 54, 117 Flowers of Australia, their smell, 90 " Fly "= vehicle, origin of the word, 150, 254,.

398, 494 Folkard (H. C.), " Marksman," author of ' The

Dead Shot,' 208, 315


Adam's apple, 245

Buddha, figure of, in the human eye and neck, 245

Cats, reasons for some habits of, 15, 251

Chime-hours, effect of being " born in," 329.. 417

Church bells and rheumatism, 509

Crossing, the dangers of, 238

Cuckoo in folk-lore, 338

Elder- wood for cradles, 37, 94

Funeral, the body to pass through the church,.. oO

Geese and rain, 227

Goats and cattle, 16

Mass, superstitions connected with the, 10

Rabbit, superstitions relating to, 154, 235,. 317, 394, 438

St. Swithin and broken eggs, 16, 58

Sea folk-lore, 66, 154

Sleeper, methods of waking, 158

Smokers' superstition, 208, 276

Stone-lore, emerald and chastity, 125, 197, 291

Tigers, use of their whiskers in magic rites, 37,, 118, 234, 355

Touching a sailor for luck, 430, 491

" Wasting " in infants, remedy for, 346 Football, a form of, played in 1594, 165, 276 Footpath, use of the word " parapet " for, 190, 319 " For one's sins," early use of the phrase, 427 Ford, Chobham, history of the house, 369 Fort (Mrs. S.), her portrait by Copley, 348, 418 Fort Jerome, St. Domingo, and H.M.S. Argo- and Sparrow, drawing of, 328