Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/536

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1916.

Loving-cup, regimental, of the 14th Hussars, 229,

314 " Lucifer " match factories, mortality among the

hands, 149, 415

Luck, touching a sailor for, 430, 491 Lumber Troop, Fetter Lane, convivial society, 469 Lumley (H. R.) " Lyulph," Christmas numbers

by, 37

Lumpkin family, 229, 374

Lunatic asylum at Islington, c. 1850, 247, 339 Lutzow (Count), Bohemian man of letters, d. 1916,

207, 256

' Lydia,' hymn-tune so called, 309, 377, 434, 495 Lydiard (W.), Westminster scholar, 1819, 133, 220 Lyons, documents discovered at, 1916, 186 " Lyulph " (H. R. Lumley), Christmas numbers by,



" M. A. E.," author, c. 1864, 410

Macaulay (Lord), and the Mass, 149, 215 ; his

mistake about ' Prince Titi,' 207, 297, 374 Mack, shortened form of a surname, 165, 278, 413,


Madan (Patrick), b. 1752, memoirs of, 265, 393 Maistre (Le). See Lemaistre. Manchester, title of Earl of, Montagu family and,

267, 339

  • Manchester Courier,' publication suspended,

1916, 308

Mandarins, the real, and the nodding figures, 30 Mansel (Sir R.), Kt., d. 1656, his marriage, 308,

398, 438, 454

Mansfield monument in Westminster Abbey, 286 Manuscript, ' Ad Amantem,' identification of, 370 Marcellinus. See Ammianus. " Marking-stone," meaning of the word, 308 " Marksman," author of ' The Dead Shot,' his

identity, 208, 315 Maria the Jewess and hydrochloric acid, 70, 151,

217 Marriage licences issued by the Peculiar Court of

Snaith, 50

Marsac (Major) and Thomas Holcroft's de- scendants, 168, 412

Martin (David), painter, 1737-98, 166, 253 Mary, Queen of Scots, her execution, 367 Maryland, first English colonists of, 247 Marylebone Road and Southampton Row, 1857,


Mascots of the British Army, 10, 58, 94, 139 Mason (George), 1735-1806, writer, 287 Masonic symbols on Orange Lodge apron, 169 ' Masonry, History of,' 1772, 329 Mass, superstitions connected with the, 10 ; famous

Englishman's change of view, 149, 215 Matches, lucifer, mortality among the factory

hands, 149, 415 Materia Medica in the Talmudic age, 102, 122,

257, 357 Maximilian, Emperor of Germany, statue of, in

full armour, 110, 172 Maxse, origin of the surname, 287, 418 May (Thomas), Recorder of Chichester, 1683, 28,

75, 216

Mayor, the title " Right Worshipful," 488 Meath (Ralph, Bishop of), 1726-31, his ancestry,


" Meddle and muddle," origin of the phrase, 75 Mediaeval Latin words, English dictionary of, 489 Medica, Materia, hi the Talmudic age, 102, 122,

257, 357

Memorials in the British Isles, 16, 65, 243, 406,

473 Memory at the moment of death, 49, 97, 177, 234,

258, 399

Menai boating calamity coincidences, 284 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (F.), article on his ' Songs

without Words,' 310

" Mensal Chapelry," meaning of the term, 327 Merchant custom, " Laus Deo " on ledger folio,.

409, 474

Meres (Francis) and John Florio, 54, 117 Merton College, Oxford, arms of, 249, 294 1 Meteor, or Monthly Censor,' published 1814, 29 r

78 Mexican and Semitic languages, resemblances-

between, 70, 234, 431 Mezzotint engravings, small, c. 1829, 126 Milan, San Babila Church in, 288 Mildmay (W.), of Harvard College, 1647, 488 Military executions, modus operandi, 285 Miller (John), M.P. for Edinburgh, 1868-74, 429,


Milner (Lord), his pedigree, 48, 96 Miners (T.), c. 1577, " nephew to Cardinal Pole,"

227, 334

Minucius Felix, P. B., translator of, 1708, 150 Mirror ghosts, instances of, 447, 495 Miscarriage of justice, supposed, 1817, 289, 358,


Moira coals, ' Times ' advertisement, 1815, 38, 96 " Monastery," anagram on the word, 427 Monasticism, Coptic and Celtic, 236 Money a.nd war, a dictum of Trivulzio, c. 1500, 37 " Monialis," meaning of the word, 166 ' Monkeys, Anecdotes of,' published 1825, 166,

232, 338, 519

" Montabyn," meaning of the word, 189, 316 Montagu (E. Wortley), 1713-76, his marriage, 188,


Montagu (Lady M. Wortley) in Serbia,, 1717, 386 Montagu family and the title Earl of Manchester,

267, 339 Montgomery (J.), 1771-1854, his hymn-tune

' Presburg,' 409, 513 Monuments : the Mansfield in Westminster Abbey,

286 ; inscriptions on, in Salisbury Cathedral,

425 Morant (Major G. F.), his ' Game Preservers and

Bird Preservers,' 1875, 309, 396 Moray Minstrels, c. 1855, reminiscences of, 10,

54, 134, 214, 313, 376

Moresnet, " republic," records of, 42, 129, 195 Morgan (Augustus De), his ' Book of Almanacs,*

1851, 146

Morgan (Polydore), priest, ordained 1579, 387 Morland (Samuel) and Newcome's School, Hack- ney, 148, 217, 313, 458 Morris family, 487 Mortality, Bills of, 1593-1758, whereabouts of a

volume, 349 Mortimer (J. Hamilton), R.A., his letters, 370,

414, 477

Mortlake, J. E. Anderson's Surrey prints be- queathed to, 486 Mortoft (F.), his travels in Europe, 1658/221


Aultre n'aray, 41

Donee repleat orbem, 255

Flemish, of the Counts of Flanders, 469

Lovalto Melie, of Richard III., 9

Loyaute" me lie, 9

The beauty of the house is order, 208