Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/54

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 . i. JAN. is, wie.

WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

WARREN HASTINGS ON THE PERSIAN GULF. Could any reader tell me where to find a passage in Warren Hast ings' s ' Life ' where that statesman dwelt on the strategic and political importance of the Persian Gulf in its bearing on our Empire in the East ? I recollect distinctly that Hastings expressed a strong opinion as to how it behoved us to guard the sea route and land approach to India in those parts.

Could any reader refer me to the passage I am thinking of ? Hastings' remarks were singularly prophetic, and would prove most interesting at the present time.


65 Belsize Park Gardens, N.W.

BRITISH HERB : HERB TOBACCO. In the minute-book of the Amicable Club of War- rington for the years 178997 there is given a copy of each half-yearly account presented by the landlord of the inn where the club met. On several occasions the account includes a charge for British Herb, as thus ".Tobacco, one pound, 3s. 6d. ; Brittish Herb, quarter pound, Is. 6d." Less frequently the entry is " Herb Tobacco " which is perhaps a synonym for British Herb.

As the cultivation of tobacco in this country was forbidden, and the price charged for the " herb " is nearly double that for tobacco, it would seem that British Herb can have been neither British-grown tobacco nor a cheaper substitute. Perhaps some reader can say what it was.


THE BURY, CHESHAM, BUCKS. No. 1. A line picture of a large Georgian house, extensive stables to the right, in front a wide lawn, circular drive, poplar avenue, and ornamental water. Underneath is, " Bury Hill, Chesham, Bucks, 1770, the residence of Coulson Skottowe, Esq ve " At the left-hand bottom corner the words " Rock & Co., London." Size 7f in., by 6 in. no margin, set close to edge in mount.

No. 2. A companion picture, view of same house across the water, a church to the left. Three figures in the foreground are in the costumes of time of George II. Under- neath, " Chesham Church and Bury Hill, 1770." Left-hand bottom corner, " Rock &

Co., London." Right-hand bottom corner,. " Hepburn, Chesham." Size and mount the same as No. 1.

No. 3. A small engraving of No. 1, size 7^ in. by 5 in., including wide margin, the actual engraving being 4 in. by 3 in. At the back is written under date 1894, in the hand of my uncle long dead, " This picture of Chesham House I procured from an old hotel many years ago when I visited Ches- ham." It is impressed on thin cardboard,, and looks as if it might have come out of some old guide-book or topographical work.

No. 4. Another like No. 3 impressed on stiff paper, but with the difference, " Rock & Co., Sc., London, No. 256."

No. 5. A small engraving of No. 2, same- size, &c., as No. 4, with the difference,. " Rock & Co., Sc., London, No. 255."

Wanted any information about the- pictures. Did they come from a book ? What was their date ? Who were " Rock & Co." and " Hepburn "? Have they any modern representatives ? B. C. S.

LORD MILNER'S PEDIGREE. The ordinary- Peerages (Burke, Debrett, Lodge, and so on) carry Lord Milner's origin no further back than his father, " Charles Milner, M.D." The Star, Dec. 21, 1914, took him back to his grandfather, Richardson Milner, who settled in 1825 at Diisseldorf, and married a German lady. Can any reader say where Richardson Milner came from, and cite any German books of reference which deal with his family in Germany ?


LEITNER. What is known of the family of Elizabeth Leitner, who married Charles F. Amery of the Indian Forest Department ? Was she related to Dr. Leitner, the philo- logist ? J . M. BULLOCH.

W. M. FELLOWS engraved a number of the additional plates in Smith's ' Antiquities of Westminster.' I should be glad to ascertain the date of his death, and to learn any information about him.

G. F. R. B.

RICH. FITZGERALD. I have an autograph letter on the current topics of the day addressed : "A Monsieur Mons r Le Cheu 1 " Bulstrode, Resident du Roy de la Grande Bretagne a Bruxeltes," from Rich, fitz- Gerald, Madrid, July 11, 1680.

An account of Sir Richard Bulstrode is given in the ' D.N.B.' I should be very grateful for a few details of the life of his correspondent. ISRAEL SOLOMONS.