Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/543

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1916.




  • ' Wager incident " in Cymbeline, its source, 342

Wahab family, 247, 320

Wake (Henry T.), Quaker bookseller, c. 1890, 53 Waking a sleeper, superstitious objections, 158 Walker (J.), Archdeacon of Hereford, d. 1741, 455 Walker families of Middlesex, 128 Walker family of Stratford-le-Bow, 55 Walsingham (Sir Francis) and Christopher Carleill,


War Minister, correct designation of, 510 War and money, a dictum of Trivulzio, c. 1500, 37 Warde (Capt. John), 1544-1601, of Kent, 257 Warfare, the employment of wild beasts in, 74, 94,


Waring family, 268, 377, 499

Warrants, the king's signature to death warrants,

49, 111, 157, 210, 260, 289, 358, 430 " Wasting " in infants, remedy for, 346 4 Watch, Lines to a,' the author, 150, 256 Water, action of frogs and toads on, 268, 418 Water of the Nile and other rivers, methods of

eliminating impurities, 18, 38, 76 Water tournaments at Estavayer, 345 Waterloo, lists of the heroes of, 485 Wax seals, mediaeval, the colour of, 248, 416 Webster (Arthur), dancer, c. 1840, 188 Wellington (Duke of) at Brighton and Rotting-

dean, 389, 476, 517

Welsh priests educated abroad, lists of, 269 West (Elizabeth), thief, c. 1776, 448 West (W.), his print of the Baddeley cake, 1827,

1, 21, 146

Westbury (Baron), mock epitaph for, 10, 18, 95 Westminster Abbey, the Mansfield monument in,

286 Westminster School : Cruikshank's caricature of,

347 ; meaning of " gratis " scholar, 369 Westminsters, Old, 11, 49, 58, 70, 94, 133, 150, 158 Whalley Abbey and election of municipal officers,


Wharton, creation of the Barony of, 1548, 46 Whetenall (Lady Catherine), her travels in Europe,

1649, 141 Whiskers of tigers used hi magic rites, 37, 118, 234,


Whist, playing cards c. 1857, 468, 514 White (Lydia), last of the Blue-Stockings, c. 1780,


White, Finlay, and Rixon families, 370 Whitechapel, early references to the Mount, 485 Whitefield (G.), his ' Life ' by Oliphant, 1826, 151,

226; works connected with, c. 1738, 226 Whitfield (John), comic actor, d. 1814, 30, 74 Whitford (Richard), 1511, his will, 409 Whittington (Dick), demolition of his " house," 73 Wilder, Wright, and Payne families, arms of, 169,


Willett (J.), London merchant, 1783, 11 Williams (Joseph and David), actors, c. 1680, 421 Willis family, epitaphs of, afc North Hinksey, 26,


Wills, family portraits mentioned in, 457, 500 Wills of Kent, 1466-1665, notes on, 8 Wilson (Dr.), Queen Elizabeth's letter of warrant

to, permitting torture, 407 Wilson (Richard), c. 1750, friend of Lord Eldon, 90,

158, 213, 277, 437, 516

Wilson (General Sir R.), c. 1847, his representa- tives, 117 Winchester College: lawyers employed by, 15th

century, 361, 383 ; basins given by Henry VI.

to, 441, 481 ; Henry VI.'s visits to, 441, 481,

501 Winchilsea (George James, Earl of), his poem

' The Tommiad,' c. 1842, 128, 175, 212 Windmills of Sussex, the " six-sweep mill," 326,

453, 518

  • Winter's Tale,' origin of the satyrs' dance, 326

' Witches of Warboys,' bibliographical note, 283,

304, 414

Wolrige family, 209

' Working-Man's Way in the World,' 1853, 468 Workman (J.), his ' Book of Arms,' temp.

James VI., 311, 372 Worting and Oudart families, 11 Wright, Payne, and Wilder families, arms of, 169,

Wright family, arms of, 327, 415

Wunderer (Johann D.), his travels in Europe,

1589, 301, 470 Wwill family of Constable Burton, 50, 135

" Yes, sir," use of the phrase in America, 14 York Minster, religious dances celebrated in, 148 Young (Arthur), his " the magic of property turns sand to gold," 389, 437