Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/554

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1916.

B. (C. W.) on Walker families of Middlesex, 128

B. (E.) on clerks in holy orders as combatants, .77

B. (F.) on authors wanted, 247

B. (F. M.) on observant babe, 34

B. (F. V.) on English prisoners in France in 1811, 434. Statues and memorials in the British Isles, 473

B. (G. W. E.) on anagram, 507. Anagram : " monastery," 427. Children's books, 228. Montagu and Manchester, 339. Touching for luck, 491

B. (J. F.) on Life of Johnson in the 1825 Oxford edition of his works, 70. Macaulay's Prince Titi, 374

B. (J. P.) on ' Blazon of Gentrie,' 196

B. (L. G.) on Archer : Bowman, 29. Bath Cor- poration seal : Du Barry's rapier, 91. Corona- tion mugs, 370. " Fat, fair, and forty," 97. Foster (Johnnie) : St. Andrew's : lay vicars, 313. Leitner, 336. Moray Minstrels, 134. Scott (Sir Walter) : an unpublished letter, 446. " Shiffles," 16. Tavern signs : King John, 147

B. (S. de) on " A la Caroline," 415. Copley and Mrs. Fort, 418

B. (W. D.) on Brianus de Bede, 329

Bainsford (F. Vine) on family portraits mentioned in wills, 457

Bankine (B. L.) on Lyke Wake dirge, 268

Batcliffe (T.) on author of quotation wanted, 148. British herb : herb tobacco, 136, 317. Brooks' 'Ancient War Odes,' 70. Coronation mugs, 476. Dando, the oyster-eater, 54. Funeral biscuits, 355. Gossips and lies, 266. ' History of Masonry,' 329. Pin -pricked lace patterns, 468. Powdered glass, 297. St. George mum- ming play, 515. Skull and iron nail, 133. ' Supplement to Munchausen's Travels,' 169. Tithe-barn in London, 126. Touching for luck, 492

Baven (C.) on Darwin and mutation, 315

Beid (Cuthbert) on gunfire and rain, 96

Beinach (S.) on "A la Caroline " : Collegium Carolinum, 415. " Bete du Gevaudan," 351. Thinking in French, 207

Belton (Francis H.) on Marquess of Carnarvon, 155

Benira on colours of dragons, 488

Bitchie (James) on folk-lore at sea : the rabbit in Britain, 317

Bobbins (Alfred F.) on " caterpillar tractors," 9. Gennys of Launceston and Ireland, 249

Bobinson (Luke N.) on Bobinson family, 489

Bobson (W.) on " As dead as Queen Anne," 289

Boby (John T.) on illustrators of Goldsmith, 394

Bockingham on chimney-sweeps : " Lucifer " match factories, 415. Etruscan surgical in- struments, 15. Hebrew dietetics, 93. Pow- dered glass, 335

Bodway (Alfred) on ' King Edward III.' : heraldic allusion, 366

Bogers (Harold S.) on Stuart, Count d'Albanie, 110, 191

Bussell (Constance, Lady) on ' Simple Story,' 456

Bussell (F. A.) on Sudbury Hospital, London, 217

Buvoca on Countess of Huntingdon's collection of hymns, 352

S. on King's Own Scottish Borderers, 248, 434

S. (B. C.) on Bury, Chesham, Bucks, 48. Caven- dish (Sir Henry), 287. ' Vicar of Bray,' 73

S. (C. W.) on Bushton, 172

S. (F. H.) on Horn Cross Close, 368

S. (G. A.) on " Old Gamel," 348

S. (H.) on Johnnie Foster : St. Andrew's : lay vicars, 313

S. (H. S.) on cruelty to animals, 69

S. (J. H.) on James Bentham, d. 1794, 236

S. (J. S.) on author of French song wanted, 131, ' Wanted a Governess,' 515

S. (W.) on Bev. Bowland Hill, 189. 'Once a Week,' 510

S. (W. B.) on effect of opening a coffin, 193. Eighteenth - century plate, 436. Pindar of Wakefield, 138

Sadler (Hugh) on M. Grillion, artist, 209. " Sea board " and " sea-bord," 448. Shakespeare portrait, 326. " Trefira Saracin," 377

St. Stephen on bowing hi the House of Commons, 328

St. Swithin on Queen Anne's " three realms," 217. Author of French song wanted, 56. Cleopatra and the pearl, 198, 354. Clerks in holy orders as combatants, 132. Coffin-shaped garden bed, 91. Cold hands, warm heart, 79. Cultus of King Henry VI., 235. ' David Copperfield/ 396. Father Christmas and Christmas stock- ings, 69, 497. Folk-lore: chime-hours, 417. Folk-lore at sea, 154. Folk-lore at sea : the rabbit in Britain, 317. Fourteenth-century stained glass, 457. " Galoche " : " cotte," 429. Griffin (Gerald), 298. Is the only child ever famous ? 232. Johnson (Dr.) on fishing, 218. Lumpkin, 374. Begimental nicknames, 138. St. Swithin and eggs, 16, 58. " Swaddy," 333. Tree folk-lore : the elder, 94. Turkish crescent and star, 255

Salmon (Principal David) on George Inn, Borough,. 138. " Government for the people, of the people, by the people," 197. Powdered glass, 297

Sanborn (M. Bay) on J. G. Le Maistre, novelist, 1800, 159

Saunders (H. A. C.) on Sussex windmills, 517

Sayle (Charles) on touching for luck, 430

Secretary (Hon.) Alpine Club on Dr. Archibald Vincent Smith's ascent of Mont Blanc, 1847, 128

Secretary of the Society of Genealogists on parish registers, 93

S6e (Dr.) on British army : mascots, 10

Shilleto (B. J.) on Shilleto family, 127

Shorter (Clement) on reference wanted : Swin- burne, 127

Shorting (Ernest H. H.) on cipher of names, bz^. King's Cock-Crower, 208. Pictures by George Bobertson, 467. Shorton (Bobert), Dean of Stoke, 67

Sieveking (A. Forbes) on history of an " inedlte " English letter of Voltaire, 329

Smith (Edward) on Alcester, 58. British herb r herb tobacco, 474. Clifford (Anne), Countess of Dorset, Pembroke and Montgomery, 517 Touching for luck, 491

Smith (Prof. G. C. Moore) on " All is fair in love and war," 58. Authors wanted, 292, 369. Carleill (Christopher) and Sir Francis Walsing- ham, 87. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Philip Sidney, 108. ' King Edward III.' : heraldic