Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/594

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488 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 S.X.JUNE 24,1922. Ambassador Extraordinary in Russia from of the freeholders inhabitants of Churchill 1743-1745, and later Field-Marshal, pen- 1 appeared at this leet upon the summons or sketched for us by Walpole as " imperiously j warning of the lords or owners of the hundred blunt, haughty and contemptuous, with! or of their officers. an undaunted portion of spirit, a great deal I The inhabitants of Churchill had paid the of humour and occasional good breeding,"! l or d up to six: or seven years past 43s. 9|d. characteristics as peculiarly Russian as they yearly for feudal rents and duties " under are Irish, if I may say so without looking i the feudal names of ward silver, hidage, for trouble. With the exception of the head silver, and certainties "; these were Virgil these books bore the Tyrawley gathered by the tythingman of Churchill " autograph. an d by him paid to the deponent. He had As a matter of fact, the " autographs " seen, he said, books and records of these in question were not genuine. The con- | payments, but remembered no particulars ventional spelling Tyrawley which I use other than his own book; the inhabitants of here was that used in these " autographs." Churchill also kept a staff " with scores, This spelling, as also the handwriting, was j notches, and marks thereon, whereby they not true according to original family docu- | knew how to gather the particulars "of the ments in my possession. All this suggests i said sum of 43s. 9d. from the several to me that the writer of that fly-leaf note inhabitants or freeholders." The staff was Mr. Irwin refers to may have amiably con- j delivered from one tythingman to another; fused the names Tyrawley and Tyrconnell. | but had been lost about seven years before. And yet Tyrawley died in 1773! | Another witness, who had been steward of Might I further mention that my Virgil bears the quaint little stamp : " Se vend chez Klostermann, rue d'Isaac NO 99, a St. Petersbourg," differing in detail, as may be seen, from the other Klostermann stamp referred to above. VALENTINE J. O'HARA. Authors' Club, Whitehall, S.W.I. FEUDAL PAYMENTS IN THE HUNDRED. The following notes extracted from Ex- chequer Depositions, 19 James L, Hilary 5, in P.R.O., illustrate some of the feudal payments mentioned in the discussion of " Hay Silver " (ante, pp. 409, 454). - the hundred about thirty years before for seven or eight years and was now again steward, specified the feudal sums due from Churchill more explicitly, viz., at the Feast of St. Martin the Bishop in winter 8s. Sd.; for wardage due at the same day Is. l%d.; for chequer fee I2d. : and for hidage due at the Feast of the Annunciation and Nativity of our Lady by equal portions 32s. 6d. He had seen certain Court Rolls of the hundred kept by a former steward and the staff which had been "broken, defaced, or purloined by some of the inhabitants of Churchill of purpose to defraud the lord." Payment was first denied suit was between Sir Rowland Lacy, Kt., in the time of the last lord Sir Anthony lord of the Hundred of Chadlington, Oxon, Cope. E. ST. JOHN BROOKS. - and Gilbert Joyner and other inhabitants j of the village of Churchill in that hundred; i 51, THREADNEEDLE STREET. The de- it concerned certain feudal payments due to j molition of this building is worth recording, Sir Rowland Lacy as farmer of the hundred. | as its very distinctive appearance with The depositions were taken at Shipton- j single row of high windows and large basso- under-Wychwood on Jan. 14, 1621. The relievo must have made it familiar to large bailiff of the hundred, who had been bailiff numbers. Built in the first half of the in the lifetime of the Countess of Warwick nineteenth century as the Hall of Com- and for forty -four years, deposed that Sir! merce, it never seemed to have achieved Edward Unton, Kt., and the Countess of its purpose of excelling the Royal Exchange Warwick, his wife, had been lord and lady or other open Exchanges. The basso or owners of the hundred; then Sir Henry! relievo presumably represented Commerce Unton, Kt., then Sir Anthony Cope, Kt., j sending her benefits to all people. The and now Sir Rowland Lacy, Kt., who held | actual subject and its artist are not known it in fee farm from the King as his predeces- i to me, but the figures are nearly all Early sors had done at a rent of 5 10s. The! Victorian. In 1847, Edward Moxhay is leet or landay of Churchill, he stated, was j described as the proprietor, so probably kept or held for and in the right of the lords! the idea originated with him. Even then or owners of the hundred, and all or most i it was little more than^a block of offices,