Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/89

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12 S.X. JAN. 28, 1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 67 Three^Compasses . . Oxford Street Three Compasses Three Cranes Three Crowns Three Crowns Three Crowns Three Cups . . Three Cups . . Three Cups . . Three Cups . . Three Horse Shoes . Three Johns Three Kings Three Kings Three Morrice Dancers Three Nuns Three Pigeons Three Punch-bowls Three Queens Three Tuns Three Tuns Hornsey Poultrv Poultry . . East Smithfield . Stoke Newington 1789 1723 1729 1731 1769 1727 1777 Pickax Street, Aldersgate 1677 1708 1732 1745 1785 1789 1732 1677 1708 1732 1745 1749 1703 1727 1745 .. 1708 Queen Three Tuns Old Street Bread Street, west side, south of Watling Street High Holborn, north side, be- tween the " Old Blue Boar " and the " New Inn " Goswell Street, east side Bennett Street, near Square, Westminster Crispian Street, Spittlefield . . 1731 Orange Street, Bloomsbury . . 1792 Old Change Whitechapel 1732 Butcherhall Lane, Newgate .. 1788 Charles Street, Long Acre . . 1735 Charing Cross Brewer Street 1737 At junction of Poor Jewry Lane 1720 and High Street, Aldgate 1745 Billingsgate 1732 Parker's ' Life's Painter of Varier gated Characters.' Thornbury, v. 430. Lane's ' Handy Book,' p. 167.

  • London Topographical Record/

1907, iv. 110. Sadler's ' Life of T. Dunckerley/ 1891, p. 104. Larwood, p. 99. Levander, A.Q.C., vol. xxix., 1916. Lane's ' Handy Book,' pp. 177 and 179. Daily Advertiser, June 24. " Richard Freeman from the Three Crowns, Stoke Newington, begs leave to inform the Publick in general that he has taken the Flask in Highgate opposite the hill from Kentish Town . . . and hopes to give the same satisfaction as at his former residence. Ogilvy and Morgan's * London Sur- vey'd.' A New View of London,' i. 82. ' Parish Clerks' Remarks of London/ p. 390. Rocque's ' Survey.' Levander, A.Q.C., vol. xxix., 1916. Parker's ' Life's Painter of Varie- gated Characters.' ' Parish Clerks' Remarks of London,' p. 386. Ogilvy and Morgan's ' London Sur- vey'd.' 1 A New View of London,' i. 82. ' Parish Clerks' Remarks of London/ p. 383. Rocque's ' Survey.' ' London Topographical Record,' 1907, iv. 102. ' Calendar of MSS., Marquis of Bath, iii. 433. Daily Post, April 15. Rocque's ' Survey.' ' A New View of London,' i. 82. The sign represented John Wilkes, the Rev. John Home Tooke, and Sir John Glynn, sergeant-at-law. Sadler's ' Masonic Facts and Fictions/ 1887, p. 44. Levander, A.Q.C., vol. xxix., 1916.

  • London Topographical Record/

1907, iv. 95. Thornbury, i. 347. 1709-1742, kept by John Rudd. ' Parish Clerks' Remarks of London/ p. 383. Levander, A.Q.C., vol. xxix., 1916. The Craftsman, Nov. 1. Macmichael's ' Charing Cross/ p. 67. Daily Gazetteer, Oct. 8. Applebee's Weekly Journal, Nov. 19. " The Annual Feast of the County and City of Oxford, will be held at Leathersellers' Hall in Bishops- gate Street on 24th inst. Tickets may be had at the 3 Tun Tavern within Aldgate." Rocque's ' Survey.' ' Parish Clerks' Remarks of London/ . 22.