Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 2.djvu/332

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. n. OCT. 21,

11. 1425-6. the fatall Vrne | That lotheth death. Tl e Malone editors suggest " bodeth " for "Intheth." Read " lotteth." Cp. 'Spanish Traircdy,' I. i. 36 :

^Tinos, in grauen leaves of Lotterie,

1 >i-.-w forth the manner of my life and death.

1. 1438. Armenians. .. .Medians. Read " Ar- menias. . . .Meclias." Cp. 1. 335. note.

1. 1440. there. Read "their" (M.).

1. 1443. Which in. Read " Within." Cp. 1. K124, note ; 1. 1657.

1. 1450. lookes. Query " backes " ? The word " lookes " is suggested by " lookes " above.

1. 1451. sorrowing. Query " soaring " ? Cp. I. 1489.

1. 1455. vertues. Query " vertuous " ? Cp. 1. K'46. The same correction is required in Kyd s ' Soliman and Perseda,' III. i. 35.

1. 1459. ciuill. The word seems to be suggested by " Sibilles."

I. 1462. songes. Query " signes " ? Cp. 1. 1082.

II. 1481-2. The Malone editors suspect a lacuna. Rather for "expeld " read " exceld " (Dyce's correction in ' II. Tamburlaine,' IV. i. 177),

and transfer 1. 1482 to stand after 1. 1450.

1. 1512. crowne. Perhaps suggested by " dia- dem " below. Query " hand " ?

1. 1538. f auor = object of favour.

1. 1540. nurse. Query " nurst " ?

1. 1547. Hecatombs. Read " Hecatombas."

1. 1550. spoyles. Query " smyles " or -' browes " ? Cp. 1. 2385.

1. 1566. had. Query " has " ?

1. 1582. a peerce to flint. M., " to peerce a flint." Perhaps rather " a flint to peerce."

1. 1586. finnish. Query " findish " (fiendish) ?

1. 1594. boe = "bow." Cp. 1. 1968.

1. 1597. hast. Query " hadst " ? (M.).

1. 1599. Blod-slaughtered. Query " Blody, Slaughtered " ? Cp. 1. 1861.

1. 1601. to thrust thy life to dangers mouth. If the reading were not confirmed by 1. 382, one -might suppose " thrust " stood for " trust."

I. 1607. But these were but. Read " And -these were but." The first " But " has crept in

from the second.

II. 1612-13. let not thy woful teares Bode mee, I knowe what thou wouldest not

haue to hap.

If the reading is right, " thou wouldest " is -syncopated to " thou 'dst," and the line means " forbode for me what I know thou would'st not "wish to happen."

1. 1637. steeps = steps (M.).

1. 1669. girdes. Query " guiles " ?

I. 1675. wrong. Query " wrongful death] " ?

II. 1677-8. An "aside."

1. 1691. the Hearse. Query " thy Hearse " ?

1. 1704. The line should be indented.

1. 1715. lend. Read " bend." Influenced by " Leaue " following.

1. 1726. for them='fore them. Cp. 1. 800. 'The reverse error in 1. 1925.

1. 1729. I, bloody Caesar, Caesar. Query "I -Caesar, bloody Csesar " ? or "I bloody Caesar, Ceesars Brutus too."

1. 1742. I doe. Read " doe I."

1. 1744. was. Query " was't " ?

1. 1751. heard =hard (M.).

1. 1785. in thy top. Query " in thy lap " ?

1. 1829. deathes. Query " deathe " ?

1. 1863. those. Query " his " ? The error is due to " those " below.

1. 1902. soundes= swoons. The passage, as M. and C. show, is based on Spenser, ' F. Q.,' III. iv. xvii. :

Like as the sacred Oxe that carelesse stands. It is possible " soundes" here should be "standos." 1. 1905. hasted. Query "hated"? 1. 1926. Spare. Query " Spared " ?

I. 1936. these. Query " those " ?

II. 1945-6.

No more I Fortun'd, like the Roman Lord, Whose faith brought death yet with immortall

fame ,

Read " No more ! " (cp. 1. 1804, " Caesar, no more ! I hear," &c.) and put a full stop at " fame."

1. 1961. hast commanded. Query " hast com- mand of " ? Cp. 1. 69. The sentence ends with " Thessaly," 1. 1965. LI. 1961-70 are taken from Appian, 88, 373.

1. 1971. And all the Costers on the Mirapont. The word " Mirapont " presents difficulty. After the passage just quoted, Appian proceeds :

jj.iv ffrparia. rcus a/j.<f>i rbv "Kdffffiov vl TOV K6\irov

Is " Mirapont " a corruption of " Melapont," or of " Mizopont," suggested by ' Tamburlaine,' III. i. :

And I as many bring from Trebizon,

Chio, Famastro and Amasia,

All bordring on the Mare-maior sea (i.e., on the Black Sea). Or did the author coin a word " Mesopont " (="the midland seas," 1. 622) ? He has omitted the Iberians from Appian's list of Cassius's forces. Perhaps they come in here.

1987. Heros=Heroes (Herpes). Cp. 1. 2569.

1988. See 1. 263, note.

1999. Defective.

2014. discentions. Read " discentious." Cp. 1. 750.

2024. trophes =- trophies (M.).

2036. these. Query " those " ?

2054. cease =seize.

2055. Fathers. Read " Father."

2068. Light-shining Treasons. Read" Light- shuning " (" light -shunning ").

2073. shild gainst shild. Omit " gainst." 2098. thee="the" (probably). 2100. the="thee." Cp. 1. 1361. 2103. worthy death. Perhaps right. But 1. 2050, " My death which seem'd vnworthy to the Gods," would suggest " vnworthy."

1. 2112. JSmathian fieldes ---- her. Perhaps " jEmathia's " and " their." Cp. 1. 270, " To see Pharsalias fieldes to change their hue."

1. 2114. Stremonia. The Malone editors sug- gest " Strymon " (which would not scan). Prof. H. M. Ayres, however, shows that the dramatist is following Spenser, ' F. Q.,' I. vii. xvii. :

renowned snake

Which great Alcides in Stremona slew. 1. 2119. sight = fight (M.), as in 1. 1082. See

I. 2312, note.

I. 2121. woundes. Query "moundes"? Cp.

II. 265, 2203-5. For the corruption cp. 1. 1321.

II. 2136-7. The Malone editors here see a lacuna. It is simpler to suppose that " And " in 1. 2137 should be " In."

1. 2139. rides (=ridest). Cp. 1. 311.