Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 2.djvu/94

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I suppress details, because I am one of the delinquent nine, but it might be identi- fied by the (perhaps) unique fact that prisoner and deceased had exactly the same name and that not a common one though not apparently of kin. PENITENT.

ARMS OF HARROW SCHOOL. The ' Book of Public Arms ' states correctly that there is no official authority in the shape of a patent of arms for arms of Harrow School, but states incorrectly that the school shield, as used, is Argent, a lion rampant azure. The shield as used is Azure, a lion rampant argent. Possibly this is only a misprint, but as there is no list of corrigenda it is as v.-ell that the error should be chronicled in ' N. & Q.' LEO C.

MAXIMILIANUS TRANSYLVAKUS. The Catalogue of the fifth portion of the Huth Collection is still repeating that ancient myth that Maximilian had addressed his famous letter ' De Moluccis Insulis ' to " his father, the Cardinal Archbishop of Salz- burg." His father was " Maitre Luc dit Transilvain ou de Transilvanie (Van Seven- borge)," according to a deed seen by the late M. Alphonse Wauters. Cf. ' Histoire des Environs de Bruxelles ' (1855), vol. ii. p. 288.

L. L. K.

WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.


IN the original edition of 1654, and also in the second edition of 1658, of ' Scholse Wintoniensis Phrases Latinae,' a work com- posed by Dr. Hugh Robinson (' D.N.B.,' xlix. 17), but edited by his son Nicholas, there is an ' Epistola Dedicatoria,' addressed to Robert Wallop, Nicholas Love, and Thomas Hussey, " Scolae Wintoniensis quondam alumnis maxime spei." Robert Wallop and Nicholas Love were, no doubt, the regicides whose careers are traced in the 'D.N.B.,' lix. 156 and xxxiv. 159. But who was Thomas Hussey ? I shall be glad to obtain definite information as to his parentage, career, and death. So far what I have ascertained is as follows :

1. In 1615 one Thomas Hussey, being then a Fellow-Commoner of this College (" Com- mensalis ad mensam Sociorum"), gave to

our Library a book which it still retains. ' Commentarii Michaelis Ghislerii .... in Canticum Canticorum ' (Paris, 1613). I cannot say whether he was or was not identical with the Thomas Hussey who had been admitted as a Scholar in 1 608, and was- eventually superannuated : " Thomas Hussey de Blackden, co. Dorset : 1 1 annorum in festo Michaelis preterito " (which may mean either Michaelmas, 1607, or Michaelmas,. 1608).

2. Two youths, both named Thomas Hussey, and both natives of Dorset, matricu- lated at Oxford : one as of Wadham College in June, 1616, and the other as of Magdalen College in February, 1616/7. Neither of them graduated. (See Foster's ' Alumni Oxon.')

3. The man whom Nicholas Robinson had in mind was probably the Thomas Hussey who sat for Whitchurch, Hants, during the- latter part of the Long Parliament (1640-53), becoming M.P. for the borough after Richard Jervoise's death in October, 1645. (See ' Commons' Journal,' iv. 327 ; ' Members of Parliament,' Return of 1878, i. 493). Tim Thomas Hussey acquired the manor of Laverstoke, Hants, in 1637, and sold it in 1653 to Sir John Trott. He owned the advowson of Dogmersfield in 1639 and 1641, Between 1648 and 1650 he bought from the Commissioners for the sale of Church Lands- (1) Longwood Warren and Lodge, Owslebury, for 351Z. 3s. 4rf. ; (2) the liberty of Alresford, for 2,683Z. 9s. IJd. ; (3) Willesley Warren,, near Overton ; (4) the manor of Cole Henley, Whitchurch, for 1301. 12s. ; and (5) the manor of Shipton Bellinger. (See ' Victoria History of Hants,' iii. 334, 340, 349 ; iv. 74, 209, 213, 302, 513.) At the Restoration all these lands went back to the Church : Shipton Bellinger to the Dean and Chapter, and the rest to the Bishop of Winchester. What then became of Thomas Hussey, if still alive ?

4. He is mentioned more than once in the ' Calendar of Proceedings of the Committee, for Compounding, &c., 1643-1660' (see pp. 473, 1535, 3017). But the references put together in the ' Index ' under " Hussey,. Thomas, M.P." clearly include one reference (at p. 1023) to another man, the Thomas Hussey who was returned M.P. for Grantham in 1640, but died in 1641. That Thomas- Hussey belonged to the baroneted family of Honington, Lincolnshire, and his widow r Rhoda, became in 1646 second wife to Ferdinando, second Lord Fairfax of Ca- meron. (See Baker's ' Northamptonshire," i. 555 ; and Cokayne's ' Peerage,' iii. 305, and ' Baronetage,' 'i. 60.)