Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/137

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12 s. m. FEB. 17, i9n.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Much information respecting the school at Chertsey is to be found in the Charities Report of 1824, xi., 647, &c. I have epito- mized the very lengthy account therein found, and include" here only those paragraphs which are of sufficient historical interest :

" By indentures of lease and release, dated

1725 and made between Sir William Perkins of the one part ; and Matthew Perkins, Geo. North,

and Richd. Hastier, of the other part Sir Wm.

Perkins had then lately, at his own cost, erected in the town of Chertsey a convenient school- house, and therein placed a schoolmaster. .. .for teaching 25 poor boys of the said parish reading, writing, and arithmetic, and the catechism of the Church of England, and at his own cost clothed the said 25 boys. Sir Wm. did grant and release unto the said parties of the 2nd part a newly built brick messuage, on the north side of Windsor Street. .. .then in the tenure of Isaac Knight, schoolmaster ....

" By another indenture, made Sept. 8, 1736 land subsequently enrolled in Chancery], between the said Sir Wm. Perkins of the one part ; and Heneage, Earl of Aylesford, Henry Weston, and Geo. North of the other part, Sir W.Perkins not only thitherto continued at his own costs and charges to maintain the said school for 25 boys, but was willing also to institute another school in the said town of Chertsey, for teaching 25 poor

f'rls reading, the catechism of the Church of ngland, and plain work ; such girls to be of the parish of [Chertsey, or of the three adjoining parishes of Thorp, Egham, and Cobham ; and to grant and convey one other newly built brick messuage in Chertsey, for the habitation of a

schoolmistress .... and appointed the trustees Matt. Perkins and Geo. North (Rich. Hastier being dead).

"It appears .... that Sir Wm. lived many years after executing the last abstracted inden- ture, and died about Oct. 30, 1741, without having appointed any other rules or orders for the management of the said schools ; that certain new trustees had been appointed by direction of Court of Chancery, and that large savings had been made out of the charity property, which at the 'date of the said indenture (viz., April 2, 1819) consisted of 5,2211. 9s. lid. bank stock ; 253L 9*. 5d. navy 5 per cent ; 337L 17s. 9d. 5 per cent of 1797 ; and yearly sum of II. the annual rent of 2 pieces of land in Chertsey Common, allotted on the inclosure thereof in right of the 2 school-houses .... referred to a master of the Court of Chancery to approve a scheme for the extension and improvement of said charity .... his report, dated Dec. 18, 1818, certified that the then present school-houses. . . .should be sold, a piece of land at west end of Chertsey measuring 1$ acres purchased, new schools erected, and the charity extended towards educating and clothing 10 additional boys and 5 girls, and likewise towards educating the additional number of 215 poor boys and 95 poor girls, making the total number of 225 boys and 100 girls ....

" The boys and girls were removed to a new school at Michaelmas, 1819 ; Mrs. Oliphant was appointed mistress at salary of 40 1. per year. [In April, 1819, Charles Bartlett appointed train- ing master at 21. 2s. per week, but he dying suddenly on July 24, 1819, R. Bond was sent down. Aug. 22, 1819.] Christmas, 1820, Mr. Bond* appointed permanent master at 70 guineas per annum. "

The following are the particulars of the 'expenses and the erection of the new school-houses :

attending the proceedings in Chancery,

Solicitor's bills

Mr. Wightwick, for 1J acres of land mentioned in master's report

Benjamin Butler, as per contract . . . . . . ....

Benjamin Butler, for paling, as per contract Brittain, for paling . . ... . . . ,

Critchfield, for paling

Stanbrough, for bricks, per contract

Lucas, bricklayer

Copper pumps, &c.

Grates, stoves, &c.

Plans, &c.


Petty expenses

Which expenses were defrayed from the following sources, viz. :

Produce of old school-houses land, including the allotments

Do. 253 8 3 navy 5% 's at 105 %

Do. 337 17 9 5%'s, '97, at 106

Do. 350 bank stock, at 219

. d.


3 11





9 4




5 8


7 6


9 5


4 5


6 4


1 5


8 6


16 5


Expenses of letters of attorney, &c Supplied from the annual income

265 15 357 14

763 17 9

1,387 7 7

11 5

/657 8 6

" \211 7 6

2,898 11 Hi

53 13

1,376 2 7

oao ta n

868 16

2,898 11 Hi

187 Piccadilly W.