Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/216

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. m. MARCH 17, 1917.

I acquired the bulk of the song-books and printed ballad collections in Ebsworth's library at the sale by Messrs. Puttick & Simpson. W. N. H. HARDING.

Chicago, 111,

GLOVES AT WEDDINGS. Can any one tell me anything about a custom, in former years, of giving gloves at weddings to friends of the family ? At funerals, the custom is within my own recollection. Turning over some old family letters lately, I came across the following :

" I received your very bountiful present of ex- cellent cake the day after your marriage [Mr.

Wallace] had it yesterday, with his gloves, which he commission'd me to assure you he would wear with great pleasure. We both wore our gloves to church, and I feel myself very grateful for such a mark of your affectionate remembrance which I would have told you sooner, but waited for a Frank."

The writer of the above letter was a Mrs. Wallace, wife of James Wallace, M.P. for Horsham, and Attorney-General, 1780, and father of Lord Wallace of Knaresdale. The recipient of the letter lived to an ex- treme old age, and I can remember, at her funeral, that packets of Savoy biscuits and a number of pairs of gentlemen's black gloves were laid out on the hall table, for any of those attending who might choose to take them. E. T. BALDWIN.

PEDIGREES WANTED. I should be glad of pedigrees of the following families :

1. Thomas Newman, citizen and grocer of London, 1609.

2. Davison of St. Mary's, Carlisle.

3. Richard Turner of Erith.

4. Lee of Christchurch, Surrey.

5. Burfoot of Withyham, Sussex.

6. Anthony Bacon of Cyfartha, 1777.

7. Noakes or Noyes of Southcott, Reading.


Finchampstead, Berks.

PORTRAITS WANTED. 1. Anselm Bayly = Anti-Socinus, pseud.; a writer on theology at the latter end of the eighteenth century. His portrait has not been engraved. Does an oil painting exist ? What are the dates of his birth and death ?

2. Leonard Busher, author of ' Religion's Peace, or a Plea for Liberty of Conscience,' 1614. I shall be obliged for a few biographical details. Does a portrait exist ?

3. Charles Henry Churchill, author of ' The Druzes and the Maronites under Turkish Rule,' 1862. What is the date of his birth and death ? Does a portrait exist ?

4. John Dury (Durie), 1596-1680 [' D.N.B.'). I cannot find his portrait mentioned in Bromley, Evans, or Chaloner Smith's catalogues. Is there perhaps an oil painting in a private collection ?

5. Sir Henry Finch, 1625 (' D.N.B.'), Serjeant - at - Law. I cannot trace the existence of an engraved portrait. Is there an oil painting, perhaps, at one of our legal institutions ? ISRAEL SOLOMONS.

' LOCK " =LAZAR-HOUSE. Stow mentions in Kent Straet in the Borough of Southwark " a lazar-house for leprous people, called the Loke." This was already in existence in 1453. According to ' The Ambulator,' llth edition, p. 158, the hamlet of Kingland

"had formerly an ancient hospital, or house of

lepers, called Les Loques ; an obsolete French

word signifying rags, whence a lock was formerly

used as a synonymous term with a lazar, or poor


The site of this hospital was let on a building

lease in 1761.

Is the derivation from loqtte, a word which is not, I think, obsolete in French, generally accepted ?


THE KNIFEGRINDER. Could any reader inform me who it was that invented the cutlers' travelling barrow, and when it was introduced ? J. B. BUCHAJT.

PHOENICIAN TRADERS IN BRITAIN. I have seen a statement that the Phoenicians brought tin along the Pilgrims' Way to Sandwich. Is there any authority for this ?


REFERENCE WANTED. In Edward Chu:- ton's ' Gongora,' vol. ii. p. 139 (John Murray, 1862), there is the following translation f a sonnet which Churton ascribes to Loje de Vega :

Dear books ! the man who knows you, and hath tried,

How can he be unhappy ? Though he want

Great patron's favour, and, of grace too scant, Fame to her shrine free entrance hath denied ; Yet the free soul with you in regions wide

May stray, the ranging mind no fears can dauni;

When, from the crowd profane, it seeks the


Retired, where Truth and ardent Virtue guide. Let him, who will, life's succours vainly ply

For gold, for ease, for pleasure, doomed to moan,

Whose hopes must with his dying idols die ;

Thou generous Study, friend in counsel known. Alone the heart's deep thirst canst satisfy ;

For thee I live, would die with thee alone. Where is the Spanish text to be found ? ARCHIBALD SPARKE.