Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/246

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towbom u. outline fc o! teal value.

NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. in. MARCH 24, 1917.


mans & Co., 5s. net.) . .

is a reprint of four lectures, on the origin



Invasion of England,' which was brought out in {wo volumes in 1908. This was Mr. Broadley's own copy, and has been extended by him ro four volumes by the insertion of rare material of all sorts-auto- "raphs, portraits, caricatures, broadsides, and other Sood things and is here offered for 13W.

Pictures form an interesting feature of the Catalogue. Thus there are 36 original drawings by Capt. George Jones illustrating the battles ot Quatre-bras, Ligny, and Waterloo, together with a set of the etchings done from them by b. Milan in 1817, 28L ; there is a portrait in oils by Viger ot Queen Hortense, 25 in. x 20 in., signed and in a gold frame, 501. ; and there are no fewer than forty- eight portraits of Napoleon himself. The romantic youthful head by Turner after Masquerier is re- produced on the cover ; Mr. Edwards s example is a proof before all letters, and its price is !. L'Eveque'8 'Campaigns of the British Army in Portugal' is also here a good copy without any plates missing, and including some proofs (1812), 167. as is Landmann's ' Historical, Military, and Picturesque Observations on Portugal (1818), 121. Modern work on Napoleon is well represented, and the collection includes several books which be- longed to the Emperor's library.

Mr. P. M. Barnard of Tunbridge Wells, in his Catalogue No. 113, describes very fully, and wito notes sometimes corrective of statements which have hitherto been generally received, 166 items arranged under the heading ' Rare and Interesting Books.' They include works in English, Irench, Italian, and Spanish, from the Venetian Legenda Aurea' of 1478 (Arnoldus) to scarce books of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. About a dozen interesting illustrations are supplied, and the catalogue is certainly, alike for its contents and for their handling, among those best worth keeping for reference.

We marked several attractive items in the Cata- logue of Engravings (No. 245) sent to us the other day by Messrs. James Rimell & Son. Readers who nave been interested in our recent corre- spondence on the bibliography of Temple Bar may like to know where to find a coloured print ot Queen Victoria passing through Temple Bar on her way to the Guildhall, Nov. 9, 1837 (T .Helm e), 21 2s. This is but one in a large collection both of' single drawings or engravings and of series ot London views ; and the descriptions in the Cata- logue are by no means confined to London.

JOTTINGS FROM CATALOGUES. MB. FRANCIS EDWARDS'S Catalogue for March (No 372) is devoted to Napoleon I. and the Napo- leonic Wars. It includes rare books, autographs, Sengravings, besides a few miscellaneous items, Jnd will rw attention on the part of the students

f AmontMemoirs of Napoleon we noticed those by Mme. Junot (Duchesse d'Abrantes) ^ in BenW^d library edition of the translation (188.*), di. , ana - Journal ' of the life of Napoleon atbt.

i :' a Hudibrastic Poem

UrTTcantos ~bv Doctor" Syntax," with '30 coloured Sates ^bv George Cruikshank (1817), 1. An item Sf SUtinSS is an extra-illustrated copy of Messrs. Wheeler and Broadley's ' Napoleon and the

pottos to <&0msp0n&mts.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means o disposing of them.

CORRESPONDENTS who send letters to be forwarded to other contributors should put on the top lett hand corner of their envelopes the number of the page of 'N. & Q.' to which their letters refer, so that the contributor may be readily identified.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of ' Notes and Queries Adver- tisements and Business Letters to Ihe 1 lishers "-at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.4.