Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/253

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your Utmost Indeavour that what goode 8 you buy for me may bee provided as soon as possible, for, besides the Advance in all probability there may be upon the price, the Interest will not eat out soe much. The other 100 pray Invest as you shall think fitting.

Since our Comming to Hugly Wee have dietted below by our selves, Mr Bridges keeping A Private table, but of late here has hapned such strange Differences between Mr Nurss,* Bullivant, Billingsly, Mr Bagnold and my self, the 3 former envying us for I Cannot tell what, except it be that Wee live More Contented then they and have the Chiefs favour, to Whom you and I are very Much obliged (for the generall letter to England lately Coming to View to be Coppied in the Registerf) he has writ very fafourably in our behalf to encrease our Sallary and give leave for preferment ; And about A Week past ordered the Banian J to lett me have 1000 or 1500 Rupees at Interest to provide goodes against the Europe Shipps Arriveall. The former they [?know and] suppose guess at the latter, soe that I thinke [illegible] Mallice is soe Much that Wee are irreconciliable, But there] is less Danger in A barking Parriar Our that Cannot bite ones shins then A roaring lion, and to avoid their Clamorous and abusive tongues, which None Can -escape in this Factory, Wee have left their Mess.

Having little else save my humble Service to Mr March &ca., hoping that when you have occasion you will as freely use Your Reall and affectionately Loving Friend


P.S. Yours of the 30th Ulto. just now received and am glad the sannaes Came safe to you. If you meet with any goodes you think fitting, you may Invest but 200 rupees in longees.

Idem J. V.

Mr Vincent Receipt inclosed you will receive J. V.

tEndorsed] To Mr. Richard Edwards Merchant

In Cassumbazar

  • Valentine Nurse \vill be noticed later.

t This letter has not been found.

t Banya, Hindu trading caste, but the term is here applied to the Company's Hindu broker.

" Mess " appears to be used here in its original meaning of a small group of persons, sitting together and helped from the same dishes. See the ' N.E.D.' s.v. Mess, sb. I. 4.


John Vickers to Eichard Edwards. (O.C. 3433.)

Hugly the 13th June 1670 "' Dear Friend

My last to you was the 3d present Per Mr Vincent which I hope you have received before this. These are only to accompany the inclosed to Mr Marshall, which I would desire you to send forward by the first opportunity of your own Cos- setts* or any Merchants belonging to Cassumbazar, there being A bill of Exchange for 300 rupees in it to be invested in Ophium, soe the sooner it Comes to his hand the better.

Having fully Writt you Per the last, have little More at present then to assure you I Remaine Your Reall and affectionately Loving Friend


Since the above written the Merchant hath drawne a bill upon ugersinef for 600 rupees, which you will receive en- closed (300 being for Mr Bagnolds account, the other 300 for mine), who upon Receipt of this bill will deliver you another upon GoculdassJ in Pattana, which Pray send forward with the [e]nclosed letters to Mr Marshall as above written. Mr Evans a bout 3 dayes hence goes to Ballasore and Intends in September to goe to tenassareell againe, Who desires kindly to be remembred to you and bad me assure, if in any thing he Can serve you there, you shall find him very ready at any time. Pardon the trouble the in- closed will give you, being from your idem friend


[Endorsed] To Mr Richard Edwards Merchant

In Cassumbazar

[In Wm. Bagnold's writing] If this peone^T arrive not with you on the 19th Instant accordinge to his promise, then pray have him chastized.


(To be continued.)

  • See Letter V.

t See Letter XXIX.

j Gokal Das, a merchant.

John Marshall was at this time serving as a factor at Patna under Job Charnock.

II See Letters XVIII., XXV.

If Peon, from Port, "peao," an " orderly " or messenger.