Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/280

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NOTES AND QUERIES. 112 s. m. APRIL i4, 1917.

Scheme Men " (pp. 27, 28, 81, 109, 110). As being much interested in the early story of Nonconformity in the far West, I should be glad to know where the original detailed records of the work of this Association are preserved, and whether in any form they have been published. DUNHEVED.

REFERENCE WANTED. " Christ came to establish a kingdom not a church." I am quoting from memory, but I believe correctly, from Cardinal Newman. Will some one give the reference ? Lucis.

MILITARY SALUTE IN CROMWELL'S ARMY. I should be grateful for information as to the manner in which officers were saluted by private soldiers in the Cromwellian Army.

I am aware of a Regimental Order in 1745, to the effect that soldiers were not to take off their hats, but to clap their hands to their heads ; but I have been unable to trace any regulation as to the practice of saluting prior to this date. J. M.

LOPE DE VEGA. Is there an adequate translation into English of Lope de Vega's ' Pastores de Belen,' which Prof. James Fitzmaurice-Kelly describes as a sacred pastoral of supreme simplicity and charm as Spanish as Spain herself ? (' Litterature Espagnole,' second edition, 1913, p. 301.)

How many great writers have, like Lope, been able to write with true religious feeling while leading a dissipated life ?

L. C. N.

A SAYING OF PITT. Can any reader give me a reference to the saying of Pitt describing the liberty of the English peasant, who had a cottage into which the wind and rain might enter, but not the king ?

DE V. PA YEN-PAYNE. [See 12 S. i. 509 ; ii. 17, 59, 218, 277.] AUTHOR WANTED. Can any one tell me where I may find : " The secret consciousness of duty well performed ; the public voice of praise that honours virtue. . . .All these are yours " ? I am told this was written by "Francis." But what Francis ? Sir Philip ? A CONSTANT READER.

THE RED DRAGON OF WALES AT 10 DOWNING STREET. On St. David's Day, March 1,1917, the Red Dragon of Wales was displayed over the residence of the Prime Minister. In commenting on this on the following day the press, or some portion of it, stated that this was the first time that a flag other than the Union Jack had been flown at 10 Downing Street. Is this statement correct ? F. H, C.

COL. SIR WILLIAM BYRD. Who was Col. Sir William Byrd, who, in 1737, was one of the founders of Richmond, Virginia ? He lived and died at a place called Westover, situated in the suburbs of Richmond, and said to be the finest mansion in America at that time. J. LANDFEAR LUCAS.

Glendora, Hindhead, Surrey.

MARTEN FAMILY. The Martens settled in Sussex in 1386. Where did they settle ? Where can I find their pedigree ? Please reply direct. A. E. MARTEN.

Stuart House, Ely, Cambs.

VERDUN BARONY. Is there an Eng- lish barony of Verdun ? Shakespeare (Henry VI. i. 7) represents the first Earl of Shrewsbury as having been created " Lord Verdun " during the French wars of the fifteenth century. I cannot trace this creation in the Shrewsbury pedigree as given by Burke. If the title was ever created, is it still used ? S. D. C.

JACK LONDON. I wish to know the names of the periodicals where the under-mentioned stories first appeared : ' A Bit of Steak,' ' The Abysmal Brute,' ' The Mexican.'




(12 S. iii. 27, 50, 77, 116, 170, 177, 188,232.)

THE following similes have been collected from Lincolnshire sources in the last thirty years or so, but no doubt the list is very imperfect :

As awkward as a barrow with a square wheel.

As awkward as a ground toad. That is, difficult to deal with, stubborn, ill-tempered.

As bald as a blether o' same. Bladder of lard.

As bald as a coot.

As bare as a bub. A young nestling still without feathers.

As bare as a coot.

As big as a barn-door.

As big as a house-side.

As big as the High Church at Hull. Said by a tramp.

As black as Byard's dog, or bitch.

As black as the devil.

As black as an oven.

As black as soot.

As black as thunder.

As brisk as tunder. That is, tinder.

As bug as a lop. " Bug " means elated, sel satisfied, proud, pert, overbearing ; while " lop/ is a flea.

As bug as the queen's coachman.