Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/296

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NOTES AND QUERIES. 1 12 s. in. MAY, 1917.

1630. Rec. for a gentlewoman of the Lady Morrisons . . . . . . . . 6 peales iijs

1631. Bee. for Thomas Shackspeare his Childe

3 peales xviijd.

[William, son of Tho. Shacksper, died Dec. 19, 1631.]

1634. Lady Colepepper. . . . 4 peales ijs. Lady Burnaby . . . . 1 peale vjd.

1635. Paid given to a poore Minister by the appoyntment of Mr. Carpenter that came out of Carnarvanshire . . . . . . ijs. vjd.

Paid for ringing at the Bishopps first coming to Coventrey . . . . . . . ." ijs. vjd.

paid for a pottle of Canara sack, a pottle of Clarrit, a pottle of White [? wine] and sugar sent to the lord Bishopp at Mr. Jessons . . vjs [Bishop Robert Wright.]

1640. Paid for Shrowds and burying poore people this wholl year .. .. xxxviijs. xd.

1643. Paid given 5 severall english men that lost all they had in Ireland and had seueral passes to come into England . . iijs. vjd.

1645. A souldier 000

[Nothing was charged for his knell.]

For ij loades Carriag of Mr. Bryan's goods from Barforde or Warwick to Coventry 37s. 6d.

[A famous Puritan divine.]

1661. To the ringers for ringing on his Majesty's Coronacion day . . . . 040

To the ringers for the Kinges bearthday


1662. Paid for ringing at the Queenes landing in England out of Portugal . . 026

[Catharine of Braganza.]

1672. Mr. Wanley for a yeares reading prayers


[Nathaniel Wanley, author of ' Wonders of the Little World.']

1684[/5]. For Singing when King James the 2nd was proclaimed King of England, &c. 060 Given to two Russia men to redeeme their familyes from Slavery 050 1685. Paid for ringing on the King's Corona- cion day . . . . . . . . 050

[James II.]

Paid for ringing for the Victory over the

Bebells 030


1688. Paid Caleb Hunt for Carrying of Money for ffrench protestants to Leichfeild 036

Paid for the Kinges Declaration 010 [The famous Declaration of Indulgence pro- mulgated by James II.]

Paid for Prayers for the Prince of Wales . . ' . . . . 010

Paid for an order of Councell to pray for him . . . . . . 010

[The " Old Pretender."] Paid for prayers against the Invasion and for prayers for Thanksgiveing


Paid for an order of Councell to pray for King William . . 010

1689. Paid for Ringing on the King's Corona- cion day . . . . . . . . 026

Paid for Ringing the 4th of November, being the King's birth Daie 026 Paid for Carrying the money vpon the Breif for the Irish protestants to Litch- feild .. 050

1692. Paid to the Parritor for a booke for the Navy .. .. .. .. .. 016

[The apparitor was an official of the ecclesiasti- cal Court. Was this a special prayer for the Navy ?]

Paid for wine for strang ministers

2 10

[This was the regular allowance for wine for preachers who came from a distance. In 1614, when a strange minister came to Stratford-on- Avon, and was entertained at New Place, the Corporation sent a quart of sack and a quart of claret for his entertainment.]

1693. Paid the Ringer on Qwene Elizabeths Coronacion . . . . . . . . 016

1698. Paid the charge of prosecuteing the Rogues that stole the Church leade 0, 6 6

1702. Paid to the ringers when wee took the

Plate fleet 00 02 06


1702. Paid for an order for reading of Brieffs at the death of K. Wm 00 01 00

1704. Paid, given the Ringers when Count Tallard was taken 026


1705. Paid for drawing the Queens Armes

03 00 00

[The arms dated 1704 over the fireplace in the vestry.]

1706. Paid, given the Ringers when the ffrench were beaten in Flanders . . . . 036


Paid for wine and biskitt to treat the Bishop .. .. .. 030

[John Hough.]

1707. Paid given the Ringers the first of May, being the Union day . . . . 34

[Union with Scotland.]

1708. Paid given the ringers for the victory of Audenard . . . . . . . . 26

Paid given the Ringers when the ffrench raised the Seige of Brussells 2 6

Paid given the Ringers for the retaking of Ghent and Brussells 2 6

1709. Paid the Ringers for the victory at Blaregnies 00 02 6


1714. For a book to pray for the Prince of Wales 016

1715. To the Ringers the 28th and 29th of May


Paid, a Treat for the Church Wardens and Overseers being two Rejoyceing days

14 8 [I suppose this was at the Coronation.]

Paid the Kings Landing Day and for two New Prayer books 076

To the Ringers for King Geo. his Crownation Day . . . . 050

[October 20.]

To the Ringers the 5th and 17th of November . . . . . . 076

[The 17th of November was the birthday of Queen Elizabeth.]

1716. To the Ringers the 6th of ffebruary, Q. Anns birthday 050

To the workmen, when the Church was Beautifyed, in Ale . . 10