Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/306

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name " Meynell " appears in the last of these returns, but not in the earlier ones. When did he assume it ? Was F. Villiers identical with Frederick Villiers Meynell, who was for several years one of the Re- gistrars of Deeds for county of Middlesex ? If so, when did he transpose the order of his names ? When did he die ?

ALFRED B. BEAVEN. Leamington.

BISHOP OF ALERIA. Who is the Bishop of Aleria referred to in the following passage from Johnson's ' Preface to Shakespeare ' ?

" Yet conjectural criticism has been of great use in the learned world ; nor is it my intention to depreciate a study that has exercised so many mighty minds from the revival of learning to our own age, from the Bishop of Aleria to English Bentley " (Preface Raleigh, ' Johnson on Shakespeare,' p. 60).

I can get no information on the point in any encyclopaedia or work of reference to which I have access here.


College House, Esplanade. Madras.

[Steevens, in Malone's 'Shakespeare,' i. 106, says that this was John Andreas, who, during the papacies of Paul II. and Sixtus IV., was secretary to the Vatican Library. Paul II. employed him in the selection and preparation of works for the press, and he published editions of Herodotus, Strabo, Livy, Aulus Gellius, and others. He was Bishop first of Accia in Corsica, and Paul II. made him Bishop of Aleria (also in Corsica). He died in 1493. Steevens refers for these particulars to ' Fabric. Bibl. Lat.,' Hi. 894.]

ROUTE OF CHARLES I. FROM NEWCASTLE TO HOLMBY. In the ' Diary of John Hobson ' (Surtees Society pub. vol. Ixv.) reference is made to " John Guest having been taken to Burton Grange to see Charles I., who was evidently on his way from Newcastle to Holmby Hail, Northants." I have looked up several histories, and the nearest I can get to -what I require is in Rushworth's ' Historical Works,' vol. vi., where it is stated that

" The Parliament Commissioners received the King into their charge and soon after set forwards with him, to DURHAM, and so on to Holmby, being met by the way by SIR THOS. FAIRFAX, who .... conducted his Majesty through NOTTING- HAM. .. .and so his Majesty was brought to HOLMBY, where he arrived on TUESDAY, Feb. 16, 1646/7."

Can any reader tell me the route by which Charles I. travelled from his leaving Newcastle on Feb. 9, to his arriving, on the 16th, at his appointed residence at Holmby Hall, or state where it is to be found ?


Booklovers' Club, Barnsley.

INDEXES WANTED. Can any reader lend an Index locorum, or say where one can be seen, of :

1. Monumenta Anglicana. By John Le Neve* Vol. iv. from 1700 to 1715.

2. Visitation of Surrey Harl. Soc., No. xliiu 1899.

3. Index Nominum to Clergy of Chichester Diocese. By Rev. Geo. Hennessy.

GEORGE W. WAINE. St. Mary's Schools, Newington Butts, S.E.

TALLY STICKS. Are these still used in England ? I have seen them used by tradesmen in old French towns within the last few years. H. K. HUDSON.

CARI.TON HOUSE. What are the best authorities on the above in the time of the Regency ? A. G. P.

' TALES OF MY LANDLORD,' NEW SERIES. I have ' r l he Fair Witch of Glas Llyn ' in three volumes, date 1821. I wish to know what other stories came out in the series, and who is the author of ' The Fair Witch.' I should also be glad of an explanation of the following contained in the book :

Garmer, the dog of hell (vol. iii. p. 218). What is the origin of this name ?

Rhcesus a feverish dream which in- stantly shapes, like the dream of Rhcesus, the horror it seems to presage (vol. ii. p. 301). Who is he ?

The Phrygian king " I perish like the Phrygian king amidst the golden mockeries of your guilt " (vol. iii. p. 317). Is the refer- ence to Midas ? A. M.

[Rhesus was the Thracian king who came late to the assistance of the Trojans. He was the owner of the snow-white horses of which an oracle- had declared that Troy would not fall if they once drank of the Xanthus and fed on the gr<ss of the Trojan plain. On the night of Rhesus's arrival Odysseus and Diomedes entered his camp, slew him in his sleep, and carried off the horses. Is the dream in the passage quoted a mistaken allusion to- the 'Rhesus' of Euripides, where the charioteer who comes forward to relate the death of Rhesus narrates a dream which he had had himself ?]

JEATT : WALLS : WHITE : MORETUS. " R. Jeatt," of Dartmouth, occurs on an engraved coin in my possession. I shall be glad of any information about this unusual surname. The work is of late eighteenth- century date.

" Walls, Hereford " appears on an en- graved coin in connexion with the crest of an eagle statant. Can any one throw further light upon "this piece ? (Wall of Derbyshire bore eagles.) It is apparently of late eighteenth-century date.