Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/314

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NOTES AND QUERIES. 112 **. in. MAY. 1917.


bitulam vertici affiges, quam scarificabis

.oo example of haircutting being prescribed as a remedy for chronic headache occurs in the ' Observations et curationes medicinales,' ix. 20, of Petrus Forestus (1522- 1597), the town physician of Dellt. patient, Theodore Teyling, a relative ot Forestus, had been in the habit of wearing his hair long. He was told to have it cut short, and acknowledged that he now felt better, and was less liable to headaches. The cure was happily completed by the use of a comb made from a he-goat's horn and by forswear- ing all melancholy foods, such as hare, venison, leeks, onions, and cabbage. There is an historic example of haircutting tor headache. According to Strada, De Bello Belcnco,' Decas Prima, lib. x. p. 513 (L,ugd. Bat 1645), the Emperor Charles V., when visiting Italy in 1529, had his long hair cut off as a remedy for headache, cum ad imperil coronam capessendam veniret in Italiam, minuendo capitis dolori csesariem deposuisse." The courtiers, says Strada, eagerly adopted this style, and the result was that the habit of allowing the hair to grow Ions was universally abandoned.


same regiment, at the time of the massacre* of 1803. The " Ceylon Regiment, or, as i was subsequently known, the " 2nd Ceylon Regiment," was at first called Ramsay s Regiment," after its first commandant, Maior William Ramsay, also of the Foot ; and the " 3rd Ceylon Regiment raised later, as " Baillie's Regiment, it first commanding officer -being CoL (a wards Brigadier and Major-General) Char Baillie of the 51st Foot, who took part in the expedition against Kandy in There was also a " 4th Ceylon Regiment which was reduced before the 3rd, whicl was itself reduced in 1816. The 1st and 2nd Ceylon Regiments ultimately becair the Ceylon Rifle Regiment.


50 Penywern Road, Earl's Court, S.W. 5. Major-General Forbes Champagne vro appointed colonel commandant of the , Foot on Aug. 31, 1809. He was promoted lieutenant-general in the following year.

Maior-General Josiah Champagne was ap- pointed colonel of the 41st Regiment of 3 on Feb 22, 1810. He was promote- lieutenant-general in the following July

H. J. B. CLEMENTS. Killadoon, Celbridge.

To keep the head cool, the feet warm, and the bowels open is, according to Boerhaave, the secret of health. A great ' mop c hair " undoubtedly tends to make the head hot, and it is a common practice of mothers to crop their children's hair to avoid this. That it is often beneficial I know from long experience. V- "' ^'

In ' Lectures and Observations on Medi- cine ' printed for private distribution among the friends of !Dr. Matthew Baillie, 1825, p. 166, appears the following passage :-

" The cutting the hair of the scalp very short, and the application' of cold, by a large sponge wrung out of cold water and applied to the upper part of the head, will often give great temporary relief when the skin has been previously hot.


MAJOR-GENERAL CHAMPAGNE'S REGI- MENT (12 S. iii. 250)." Champagne's Regi- ment " was " a Regiment of Foot to Serve on the Island of Ceylon," which was em- bodied in April, 1798, Lieut.-Col. Josiah Champagne of the 80th Foot, at that time stationed in Ceylon, being gazetted its first commandant. It was also known as the "Malay Regiment" or the "1st Ceylon Regiment," and formed part of the garrison of Kandy, under Major Adam Davie of the

Major-General Josiah Champagne was the first colonel of "A ^P" 31 * * , ^ fantry" raised in April, 1801. In lj its title was changed to 1st Ceylon R< ment" There were three other Ceylo regiments, and after their disbandmen (1815 to 1822) the number dropped, and the regiment was styled 1 Ceylon Rifle Regiment." This title retained until its disbandment in 1873.

J. H. LESLIE, Major, R.A.

(Retired List).

CASSELL'S ILLUSTRATED ' ROBINSON CRUSOE' (12 S. iii. 110 194)--This first appeared serially about the year 1 illustrations having decorative borders

The principal illustrators were: .Matt Morgan, R. P. Leitch, Harrison Weir, T Mac|uoid, A. Pasquier George Thomas (artists) ; W. Linton, J. Cooper, P. Justyne, T. Cobb (engravers).

A RIMING WILL (12 S. iii. 185, 251).- 1 am as much astonished as SIR WILLOUGH MAYCOCK, but not at all amused, to find t I have been the victim of what I suppose; was intended for a joke. A printed copy o the document came to me from a sour which I believed to be trustworthy, but feel that it is a matter for regret that 1