Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/330

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NOTES AND QUERIES. ii28.iii.jraK.i9i7.

me a good fashionable hatt and hatt band, the price leave to you, and any other things you thinke I may have occasion for.

The note of prizes of English goods here shall send you Per next, not having time now hardly to write this, which gives me occasion to make one request to you, that while the Ships are here you would hold me excused it I fayle of that punctuality in answering your letters as formerly, and I question not but I might have made the Same excuse for you which now I doe to you, who without doubt are more encombred with businesse then I now am. Therefore although I cannot receive any thing in this country more welcome then your letters, yet I would not that you Should bind your Selfe to a necessity of answering mine, but that you would let me hear from you as your best leisure will Permitt, which indeed cannot be so often as acceptable.

The Slippers you write for Shall procure as Soone as possible, having for that end given out money to have them made (for without that here's hardly the worth of an anna to be bought of any thing), but in the interim have sent you 1 Pr. (which pray accept of). They were made for me, so possibly may be somewhat too little ; the rest have bespoke as you ordered. I have not more then to desire you to excuse this hast, So rest

[Unsigned] [Endorsed] To Mr Vickers July 14th: 70


RicJiard Edwards to William Bagnold (rough draft).

(O.C. 3449.)

Cassumbuzar July the 14th 1670 To Mr Bagnold

Yours of the 9th Currt. received the 12th at night, advising your receipt of mine Primo Inst. and your desire that by an entercourse of letters a Correspondence and more familiar acquaintance may be advanced between us, wherein I unfeignedly concurr with you and Shall use my utmost endeavours to encrease it and render my Selfe worthy the good opinion you are pleased to have of me. I heartily congratulate the advancement the Hon: Company have conferred on you, am only Sorry we Shall thereby lose your good company here in the bay ; but I willingly preferr your Interest before my particular* content, and from my heart beg

  • " Private " is written above " particular "

In the original.

Almighty God that your Imployment ma> every way answer your desires and that yoii may therein enjoy all happy nesse and prosperity. And let me intreat you that wherein I can Serve you, you would at any time freely use me, and that among the many friends you have meritoriously acquired you would vouchsafe a place to


[Unsigned] [Endorsed] To Mr Bagnold July 14th: 70


John Vickers to Richard Edwards. (O.C. 3452.)

Hugly the 24th July 1670 Dear Freind

Yours of the 14th Instant Received the 17th do., but yours Per Via Ballasore is Not yet come to hand, though I once thought I might have been there before this, but now shall Not goe till the sloops* arrive, and Uncertaine whither then or not. However, if you thinke it Convenient (if any body g[oes d]owne before me) shall remit the girdle[s] etca. thither, which probably may find sale before I may goe there, which suppose will Not bee till the Companies goods goe Downe ; if not, Per the Next Conveighance ; but if they stay here, doe not question the Disposa[ll] of them, for 4 ships Comming Downe and but few goods to be bought at Ballasore, we shall be sure to have some of their Companies here.

I have enquired the Conveighance Mr Whites letters Came by, which was a Dutch ship from Metchlepatam, and A Coss thither, but Cannot here of any Conveigham to send to him againe.

The hat and hatband You write for sht procure as soon as possi[ble] and what el you may want, and must [? now beg] t! same excuse of you that you Make, f though I cann[ot] be soe much encumbn with business (where wee have somar assistants) as you are, Yet it sometimes mi

  • At this period the captains of the Company

ships could not be induced to face the perils navigating the HQgll river. Cargoes for Beng were, therefore, transhipped at Balasor, a: taken to Hugll by sloops commanded by t Company's pilots. In 1672 Capt. James, wi the aid of a pilot, brought the Rebecca up HQgll (O.C. 3671), but thence, until 1679, i other captain could be persuaded to follow I example. See Bowrey, ' Countries round tl Bay of Bengal,' ed. Temple, p. 166 ., and YuJ ' Hedges' Diary,' iii. 197 ff.