Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/353

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12 8. III. JULY, 1917.]



SOME of the friends of ' N. & Q.' are aware that a valued contributor, MB. R. A. AUSTEN- LEIGH, offered recently to purchase the paper in order that it might revert at once to a weekly issue. The terms (which in- cluded the retention of the services of Mr. Randall, the sub-editor, who has been connected for over forty years with the paper, and of the present proprietor as printer) were agreed upon ; but the Board of Trade made an order on June 8 that no person should, without a licence from the Board, publish any new magazine, and for the purposes of the order the expression " new magazine or other publication " was to include any periodical intended to be published more frequently than at the date of the order. As a consequence N. & Q.' must continue to serve its purpose as well as possible as a monthly.

With a view to such continuance, and being aware of the necessity of keeping down expenditure, Mr. Randall has consented to add to his duties as sub-editor without increased recompense ; and the Proprietor will give to editorial work as much time as he can spare from the performance of duties connected with other work for which he is paid, and without which he could not continue to do unpaid work for ' N. & Q.'

The assistance of all is asked, not only financially in any case in which that is possible, but also in facilitating the work connected with communications by stating at the head of each whether it is a Note or a Query, and in the case of Replies filling in all former references to the subject.

If a shilling is enclosed with a Query, Replies will be sent in proof to correspondents before they appear in 'N. & Q.' ; and, in addition, long replies are being forwarded in manuscript to querists in cases in which it is clear that space will not permit of interesting information receiving general publicity at once in our pages.

Having a fairly comprehensive reference library, including our own valuable General Indexes, we are sometimes able to answer queries without inserting them in ' N. & Q.' ; but this often involves some research, and should be suitably acknowledged.

The June Balance-Sheet is being prepared, and, besides being sent to those who have contributed to the Guarantee Fund, which we fear will now prove to be overdrawn will be forwarded to any one sufficiently .interested in the paper to send half-a-crown to be placed to the above-named fund.


C N T E N T S. No. 70.

NOTES : The Chimney Sweeper's Climbing Boys, 347 Richard Edwards'* Correspondence. 349 First Edition of Cocker's 'Arithmetic,' 352 English Army List of 1740, 354 Trewman's 'Flying Post' Bank of England Sir Gilbert Heathcote. 356 Submarines Chelsea Supersti- tionSir John Barnard, 356.

QUERIES : " Blood is thicker than water " : Commodore Tattnall, 356 " A Leicester Plover." 357 Carr : Douglas of Carr "Malbrook s'en v-t-en guerre" William Jones, Author of ' Finger-Ring Lore 'Jane Austen : ' Pride and Prejudice 'Jane Austen: a Continuation- West: De Morgan: Bannerman : Turing Wilkinson of Thorpe Mrs. May Drummond : Portrait Col. Dun- combe Roger Goad of King's College, Cambridge. 358 'Ireland in Fiction' E. Serrano Wheble's 'Lady's Magazine' Topographical Information for Research Work Edgar Mortara James Whiting, 359 John Hamilton Reynolds : Tom Hood : Longmore Kingsman Family Wood-Sorrel Banbury Toad at the Heart ' Society in London ' " Death's Part " " Church Drops " Authors of Quotations Wanted, 360.

REPLI ES : Route of Charles I. from Newcastle to HoJmby, 361 Gray's Books and MSS. Letters from H.M.S. Bacchante in 1812-13, 363 English Travellers in the Netherlands "Talbot Gwynne" The Gorvin Hunt Americanisms, 364 -Jacob, the Wonder- Working French Zouave The MacBains of Scotland, 365 Coventry Churchwardens' Accounts ' Conquest of Canterbury Court,' by Quartermain ' Flatland 'Members of the Long Parliament Bird: Villiets, 366 Col. William Byrd Eglinton Tournament Maw. a Game of Cards Gloves at Weddings, 367 36th Regiment of Foot-Charles Lamb, Westwood, and Stackhouse's 'History of the Bible' First Steamer to America: T. D. Davenport, 368 -Alphabet in the Christian Church, 369 Colloquial Similes Fieldingiana Old Inns Heart Burial, 370 Michael Smith, D.D. Uvedale, Cary, and Price Families ' Johnny Newcome in the Navy ' Two Charades, 371 Arms of St. Wilfrid Fire putting out Fire ' Tales of my Landlord, 1 New Series -Indian Mounds, U.S.A. Folk- Lore : the Angelica Authors Wanted, 372.

NOTES ON BOOKS :' Original Records of Early Non- conformity under Persecution and Indulgence.' Booksellers' Catalogues. OBITUARY : William Douglas. Notices to Correspondents.


FEW, if any, of the rising generation have ever heard of these poor boys, who are the subject of the subjoined letter, though to many, no doubt, the name of their benefactor, Jonas Hanway (1712 Sept. 5, 1786), the great traveller and philanthropist, is not unknown, as he was the first man who ventured to walk the streets of London using an umbrella, and did so for nearly thirty years before he saw umbrellas come into general use.

On April 22, 1788, the petition of David Porter of Little Welbeck Street, master