Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/360

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ 12 s. m. JULY, 1917.

The Golden Rule " also called the Rule of Three," with examples.

The popularity of the ' Arithmetic!? ' was no doubt due to the clear and practical method inculcated. For many years there was a constant demand for it, as is proved

by the numercms editions that appeared. It does not fall to the lot of many writers of school-books to have their works republished scores of times, and to have their name go down to posterity in a popular proverb.

T. F. D.


(See 12 S. ii. 3, 43, 84, 122, 163, 204, 243, 282, 324, 364, 402, 443, 482, 524 ;

iii. 46, 103, 267.)

THE regiment which follows (p. 48) was brought into being, as a regiment, by John Lindsay, 20th Earl of Crawford, in October, 1739, from some independent companies of High- landers which had been in existence since 1729, and which had been known as " The Black Watch."

The regiment was first numbered as the 43rd, but in 1748, when Oglethorpe's Regiment was disbanded, it became the 42nd. In 1758 it received the additional title of " Royal Highlanders," but though always known as " The Black Watch," it was not until 1861 that this title was officially conferred upon it. Since 1881 it haa been " The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) " :

Earl of Crawford's Regiment of Foot in the Highlands.

Earl of Crawford (1) . . Sir Robert Monro (2). . George Grant (3)

Collin Campbell (4) . . James Colquhoun John Campbell (5) Collin Campbell George Monro (6) Dougal Campbell (7)

Duncan Mackfarland

' Lewis Grant Paul Mackferson John Mackenzie (8) . . Alexander Mackdonald George Ramsay Malcolm Frazer (9) Lewis Grant

L John Mackniel (10)


Lieutenant Colonel Major

Captains . .

Captain Lieutenant


Dates of their present commissions.

.. 25 Oct. 1739 . . ditto, ditto


.. 26 ditto .. 27 ditto .. 28 ditto. .. 29 ditto .. 30 ditto

.. 25 ditto


.. 26 ditto .. 28 ditto . . 29 ditto. .. 30 ditto .. 31 ditto

1 Nov. 1739.

2 ditto.

Dates of their first commissions.

Captain, 25 Dec. 1726.

Captain, 10 Aug. 1707.

Lieutenant, 21 Jan. 1714-5. Ensign, 23 Mar. 1730-31. Lieutenant, 17 Dec. 1714.

Lieutenant, 24 April 1725, Lieutenant, ditto.


Ensign, Ensign , Ensign,

12 Dec. 1709.

22 Aug. 1715.

9 Dec. 1711.


Lieutenant, 5 Nov. 1736. Ensign, 13 Dc. 1732.

(1) John Lindsay, 20th Earl of Crawford. Had served previously in the North British Dragoons and in the 1st Regiment of Foot Guards. Joined the Russian Army, and was severely wounded at the battle of Krotska, July 22, 1739. Major-General, May 30, 1745 ; Lieutenant- General, Sept. 20, 1747. Present at Fontenoy, 1745. Colonel of the 2nd Horse Grenadier Guards, Dec. 25, 1740 ; and of the North British Dragoons, May 22, 1747. Died Sept. 20, 1749. See ' D.N.B.'

(2) Munro of Foulis, 6th Bart. M.P. for Wick Burghs, 1710-41. Killed at the battle of Falkirk, Jan. 17, 1746.

(3) Of Culbin, fourth son of Ludovick Grant of Grant. He died 1755.

(4) Colin Campbell, younger, of Monzie, A.D.C. to Lieut. -General Clayton, was killed at Dettingent in 1743.

(5) Eldest son of Robert Campbell of Carrick. Killed at Fontenoy, 1745.

(6) Of Culcairn, brother of Sir Robert Monro. See supra. During the rising of 1745 he led the Munro clan on the Royalist (Hanoverian) side, and was assassinated by a Jacobite on Aug. 31, 1746.

(7) Of Craignish. Was the first Lieutenant- Colonel of the " Fencible Men of Argyllshire " on its formation in 1759. Died Dec. 30, 1764.

(8) Of Kincraig. Later was Captain in Lochiel's Regiment. He died in 1760.

(9) Younger son of Alexander Frazer of Culduthil. Was present, as a Captain, at Fontenoyv and was killed at Bergen op Zoom in August, 1747.

(10) A John Mackniel was Captain in the regiment, Dec. 16, 1752. He is possibly the same man..