Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/383

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12 S. III. Arc., 1917.]



those nuisances in the vicinity of the institution which have so long degraded the neighbourhood.

This must end my note, although there are probably many omissions from the list. ALECK ABRAHAMS.


(See ante, pp. 1, 44, 81, 122, 161, 205, 244, 262, 293, 323, 349.)


John Vickers to Richard Edwards. (O.C. 3488.)

Hugly the [? August 1670]* Dear Friend

Yours of the 18th received the 23d do: advising the Receipt of mine of the 13th present, Since which the Dilligence is arrived and within 4 or 5 dayes will be Dispatcht for Ballasore road againe.

For the same Reasons you mentionf did Intend [to send] the goodes down Per the Madrass Pinnace, having for that [? end] Imbaled them, though had not Mr March and y[our] order for it, but she being very Deep laden, was un[able] to send them, the winds at this time of the year Generally] blowing hard and she not able to indure bad weather [which] they must expect to meet with, soe Intend to put them aboard the Dilligence ; and for any thing that I have yet, Consigne them to Mr Mattnew Main waring J ([?] them of their Prime Cost) and am very Confident [his] Endeavours to Dispose of them to as great advantage as may be will not be wanting, Though should have been very glad to have accompanied them my self, but think it Cannot be this tune.

If any opportunity presents of send[ing to] Mr White you may rest Confident Shall be mindfull to send you word.

The enclosed letter from Mr Freman Received [the] 18th Currt. enclosed in one to Mr Bagnold, which [? opened], supposing

  • This document has been placed in the Records

amongst those for October, 1670, but it clearly belongs to August, since it refers to the writer's letter of the 13th and to Edwards's of the 18th (Letters L. and LII.). Further, in Edwards's notes of Sept. 12 (Letter LVII.) there are com- ments on the contents of this communication.

t See Letter LII.

$ Matthew Ma in waring came to Bengal with nis wife Ann in 1669, and was employed at Balasor. He did not take up his appointment at Masulipatam, as noted in Letter XXXVII., until the following year.

those things you writ for might [be in it], it accordingly falling out soe. But he_men- tio[ns] Nothing where the things aref only writes in Mr Bagnolds letter, Enclosd I!send you a letter for Mr Edwards with a Small Bundle which suppose is enclosef d] in his ; he having writt to Ballasore for it j shall when it arrives send it Per first opportunity,

In one of the Dingees* Where the Com- -panies Silver is have sent one escritore which pray accept of ; the small one etca. Shall procure as soon as possible.

Mr Clavell at his arrivall brought severall Europe letters but can meet with none Directed to you. In a letter I Received from my Mother She writes to know how you doe and where you are set led thatfshe may satisfy A friend of yours at Putny that comes very often to hear of you, knowing wee came out together, Soe Per the Next shall satisfy her and could heartily wish I knew which way to Bring it soe about that our Relations in England might come Ac- quaint ed.f Have little more to add save my humble Service to Mr March and Mr Vincent and Respects to Mr Peacock Subscribing My Self Your Reall and affect ionately Loving Friend


Mr Bagnold desires to be Kindly [remem]- berd to you and promises a letter Per [? next]. The escretore is Delivered to one of [? the pe]ons who promises to keep it Drie. If [you] think he may Deserve it I promise him 2 or 3 anaes buxes. J

[Id]em J. V. [No endorsement.]


Richard Edwards to Valentine Nurse (rough draft).

(O.C. 3464.)

Cassumbuzar August the uit: 1670 To Mr Nurse

Yours of the 14th Current received the 18 do: Some few gurrys after the dispatch of a Cossid to your parts, by which

1 advised Mr Vickers that I had bespoke the

2 pair Cottstrings he writt you ordered me to provide. The things you write for have also given order for, and hope Shall have ready to send you Per next conveighance.

  • . Native rowing boats. See Letter XVIII.

t This statement disposes of my surmise (see note to Letter XIV.) that the Edwardses and Vickerses were acquainted before 1668.

t Bakhshish, gratuity, tip : 3Jd. to 5d,

See Letter XX.