Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/39

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12 s. in. JA*. is, MI?.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


FRANCOIS, Due DE GUISE (12 S. ii. 507). De Thou gives a detailed account of the wound suffered by the Duke of Guise in 1545, when the French were making un- successful attempts to recover Boulogne, captured in the previous year by Henry VTIL:

"Interea crebra inter nostroset Bononiae praesi" diarios quotidie certamina conserebanbur : in queis Fr. Lotaringus Aumalius, Claudii Guisiani nlius, graviter vulueratus est, accepto infra oculum dextrum hastae iu maxilla ictu, fractaque hasta cum cuspis cum sesquipedali trunco in viiluere remansisset, non tamen tanta succussa- tione ex equo praecipitari potuit ; tandem in hospitium relatus truncum educi constantissime tulit, nulla. quae doloris acutissimi sensum proderet, voce emissa, et praeter chirurgorum spem ex tanto vulnere convaluit." 'Historiae sui Temporis,' Lib. I. cap. xxvii.

In Book XX. chap. ii. of the same work an account is given of the reduction of Calais in January, 1558, by the Duke, with an army of Swiss, Germans, and Frenchmen, but nothing is said of his having been wounded on this occasion.


DR. ROBERT UVEDALE (12 S. ii. 361, 384, 404, 423, 447, 467, 527). The escutcheon which was snatched from Oliver Cromwell's hearse by Robert Uvedale was lent by the late Rev. Washboume West to the exhibi- tion at Westminster School at tha. com- memoration of the bicentenary of Busby's death, Nov. 18, 1895. G. F. R. B.

GENERAL BOTJLANGER : BIBLIOGRAPHY (12 S. ii. 261, 491). May I alleviate the dry- ness of bibliographical enumeration with a little story about the book listed as : " Ano- nyme. Le general Boulanger. Reflexions et Pensees extraites de ses papiers et de sa correspondance intime " ? The beauty of this work very good reading indeed consists in the fact that it contains not a word of anything ever written or said by the General. The author was, in fact, that irrepressible practical joker, Paul Masson, attache a la Bibliotheque Nationale, ancien magistrat, who introduced himself to an astonished public as " Membre Honoraire de 1'Acade- mie cTHippone" and " Commandeur du Nichon - Istikhar, &c., &c." When the volume came out a long notice of it appeared in Le Temps, the solemn anti-Boulangist paper, the writer pretending to believe the extracts were genuine. A hot protest from Marcel Habert ensued ; the Boulangist press fumed, summonses flitted about, but I have it from Masson' s publisher, my friend Albert Savine, the only reply vouchsafed was to alter the cover and to bring out the second

ssue as ' Reflexions et Pensees d'un Faus saire.' P. Masson's ' Pensees d'un Yoghi,' ' Projet de Loi sur le Duel,' ' Les Trains- Eperons,' &c., are immense fun. A native of Strasburg, he got drowned near that city on a holiday visit. His friends declined for~ months to lament the sad event, feeling sure Masson could only be joking and would turn up again.

I append seven more titles :

J. Ermerius. Een Laaste Woord. Haagsche Stemmen. No. 44. Gravenhage, 31 October, 1891, in 80. Piece.

Dr. Chassagne. Elections Legislatives, 1893. Les Quarante Mortels du Boulaugisme. Paris ,~ 1893, in 80.

A. Vallet de Brugnieres. L'Etoile n'lante jr.. Grandeur et Decadence du G6n6ral Boulanger. Paris, 1893, in 80.

Dr. Chassagne. Les Grandes Elections de 1893- et le Panamo-Boulangisme aetuel. Paris, 1893, in 80

Pierre Denis. Le Memorial de Sainte-Brelade. Paris, 1894, in 12.

Georges Belz de Villas. L'QEillet Rouge. Sou- venirs du Boulangisme. Paris, 1899, in 12.

Th. Cahu. Les Amants d'lxelles (Georges et Marguerite). Paris, 1904, in 12.


22 Rue de Belleville, Paris.

[Our correspondent's corrected proof of his former- article (12 S. ii. 491) returned to us after it had ap- peared. The following corrigenda are required:

J. Ermerius, &c. Delete entry.

Saint-Ernan Read Saint-Eman

A. L. A. Pourquoi nous aurions. Read)

aimans. Ibid. Aoiit. Read Avril. Robert d'Arcysse. Read Ascyse. Constantin von Boste. Read Bosse. Charles du Hemme. Le general Boulanger et

le parti r^publicain. Read le parti repub-

licain national.]

VERDIGRIS (12 S. ii. 470). Verdigris is; found in practice to be decidedly contagious and readily communicated from one coin to another, some blends of bronze being espe- cially susceptible to this dread scourge ; but to produce " the patina much valued by numismatists " by this process would be impossible during the lifetime of any collector. Verdigris is loathed, not loved, by numismatists, a canker which, small- pox-like, eats away the features of our- cherished F. D. C.s.

Certain woods and varnishes must be- avoided in the manufacture of coin cabinets,, as they give off volatile essences favourable to the "chemical formation of verdigris.

Unwittingly, I have marred many a per- fect coin and token through being addicted to the vice of smoking, as where an atom off cigarette ash fell and remained there a speck of verdigris formed. To cover a copper or-