Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/393

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12 S. III. AUG., 1917.;



" MOUNTAIN," A WINE. I possess two large decanters, engraved, one " Sherry," the other " Mountain." A friend of mine has an old silver wine -label engraved " Mountain." Can you enlighten me as to what sort of wine this was, and where it was made ? I shall be much obliged by any information. C. E. BARNETT.

Arthur's, St. James's Street, S.W.I.

[The ' New Eng. Diet.' says, a.v. ' Mountain,' 5 : "In full mountain wine. A variety of Malaga wine, made from grapes grown on the mountains." The quotations illustrating the definition range from 1710 to 1833, the last being from Redding's ' Modern Wines ' : " Very little old Mountain or Malaga sweet wine is grown at present."]

CLERICAL BIOGRAPHIES. Biographical in- formation is desired concerning the following :

Rev. Frederick Salter, Rector of Hethe, Oxon, 1854-81. Died June 30, 1881, aged 70 ; buried at Hethe.

Rev. William Leonard, Rector of Hard- wick, Oxon. Died Dec. 2, 1840, aged 82.

Rev. George Lamb, Rector of Hethe, Oxon, 1769-1801. Died Feb. 10, 1801, aged 58.

Rev. Ricbard Roberts, Vicar of Stewkley, Bucks, 1830-59. Died Feb. 21, 1859, aged 85.

Rev. Edward Stenson, formerly in H.M. 43rd Regiment, and for many years a missionary in the diocese of Bloemfontein. Died at Stewkley Vicarage, Nov. 3, 1900, aged 70.

Rev. Charles Howard Wright, twenty-five years Rector of Keston, Kent. Died at Stewkley, Bucks, Oct. 28, 1912.

Please reply direct.


28 Denmark Street, Bedford.

JOSEPH TRAPP'S ' PR^ELECTIONES POETICS.' A translation of this work is said to have been brought out in 1742 by William Clarke and William Bowyer. I cannot find the book in the British Museum. Has any reader seen a copy ?

  • W. A. HIRST.

STEELE SURNAME. I should be obliged if any reader interested in the history of surnames could give me information con- cerning the surname of Steele, its origin, and the date of its first occurrence as an English name. M. B.

CREST. I should be glad to know to what family this crest belongs, viz., A demi-lion couped, holding between its paws a cross fleury. CURIOUS.

JOHN TYNDALL. Can any reader inform me where I may obtain a pedigree of the family of John Tyndall, the scientist ?


Goodmayes, Essex.

' IRELAND IN FICTION.' (See ante, p. 359.) I shall be much obliged for any informa- tion about the following Irish novels and stories, or to hear from any possessor of them. Please reply direct.

Hall (E.). The Barrys of Beigh. (Gill.) Hamilton (Edwin). Ballymuckbeg.

Waggish Tales. Hamish (Maureen). Adventures of an Irish Girl

at Home and Abroad. Harpur (Rev. W. G.). The Glen Farm ; or, Jim

McGuire's Dream and what came of it. Hartstronge (Mathew Weld), M.R.I.A. The Eve of All Hallows ; or, Adelaide of Tj rconnell. Healy (Cahir). Escapades of Condy Corrigan. Henderson (Rev. Henry). The Sandy Row


Hilary (Joseph). The Parish Priest in Ireland. Hobhouse (Violet). An Unknown Quantity.

Warp and Weft.

Hughes (Mrs. Kate Duval). Fair Maid of Con- naught.

Hungerford (Mrs.). A Little Irish Girl. Jarrold (Ernest). Micky Finn's New Irish Yarns. Johnstone (Mrs. D.). The Brothers in High Life ;

or, The North of Ireland. Kelly (Mrs.). The Matron of Erin. Kennedy (John J.). Corrigmore ; or, Light and

Shade in West Kerry. (Wangaratta.) Kennedy (Patrick). Fictions of our Forefathers. Kerr (Eliza). Keena Karmody. King (Richard Ashe). Bell Barry. Lowry (Frank M.). The Dublin Statues at Home. Lysaght (Mrs.). Rex Singleton. Macmanus (Seumas). The Red Poacher. Mannix (Mary E.). Pilgrims from Ireland. Mapother (Mary J.). The Donalds. Marshall (Thomas H.). The Irish Necromancer ;

or, Deer Park.

Meany (Stephen J.). The Terry Alt. Murphy (Con T.). The Miller of Glanmire. Murray (John Fisher). The Viceroy. Naughton (Wm.). The Priest's Boy. Neville (Eliz. O'Reilly). Father Tom of Conne- mara.

(Rev.) STEPHEN J. BROWN, S.J. Clongowes Wood College, Sallins, co. Kildare,

(To be continued.)


My dead love came to me, and said : " God gives me one hour's rest

To spend with thee on earth again. How shall we spend it best? "

" Why, as of old," I said, and so

We quarrell'd, as of old ; But when I turn'd to make my peace,

That one short hour was told.


148 Warwick Street, Eccleston Square, S.W.I.