Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/398

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[12 S. III. AUG., 1917.

Aberdeen,. In 1864 he exhibited a portrait of ' The Earl of Dalhousie ' ; and in 1866 a portrait of ' Duncan M'Neill, Lord Justice of Scotland,' which is in Parliament House, Edinburgh. ARCHIBALD SPARKE.

[Mr. Algernon Graves, in his list of Phillip's works exhibited at the Royal Academy, records as the earliest contribution the ' Portrait of a Young Lady ' shown in 1838. The title of the picture exhibited in 1860 is given by Mr. Graves as ' The Marriage of the Princess Royal with the Prince Frederic William of Prussia, January 25, 1858.']

BENEDICTINE PICTURE : INTERPRETATION DESIRED (12 S. iii. 331). The picture represents the death of St. Meinrad, who is supposed to have been murdered in 861 by two wayfarers to whom he had given hospitality in his hermit's cell. The mur- derers were brought to justice through the agency of the two ravens depicted in the panel. On the site of the hermit's cell the famous Benedictine monastery of Einsiedeln was built in the tenth century, the arms of which are Gold, two flying ravens sable. The artist has taken some topographical liberties in depicting the scene, for the Lake of Zurich, which is doubtless intended to be shown, is not visible from the site of the monastery. The island will be the Ufenau, which belonged to Einsiedeln ; and the bridge, which should not reach to the island, but merely span the lake, the famous bridge of Rapperswyl.


74 Grand' Rue, Montreux.

It is the story of St. Meinrad of which M. TURPIN is in quest. This beautiful tale is charmingly told in Baring-Gould's ' Lives of the Saints,' January, pp. 321-30 (ed. 1897).

The saint's relics are preserved at Ein- siedeln, where the thousandth anniversary of his death was celebrated in 1861. The authentic life, which is anonymous, is contained in the Bollandist ' Acta Sanctorum,' January, ii. 381-5.

In 1681 was printed in the monastery of Einsiedeln a stout quarto volume with this title : " Curiosa, | Scholastica, Stemmato- graphica | Idea | Vitse, - Ac Mortis | S. Meinradi | Martyris Gloriosissimi," &c. The earlier part of this book is a genealogy of the abbots and princes of the famous Einsiedeln monastery, who regarded S. Meinrad as their patron. A series of 41 abbots (of whom 39 ranked as princes), with their coats of arms, occupies 99 pages. The rest of the book contains the Life with rather tedious scholastic discussions.

In a German ' Passional ' (circa 1480) is a long Life of " Menrat Einsidel," with a quaint woodcut representing the martyrdoncu The saint, coming out of his hut-door, bends his head to receive the blow of one murderer ; the other has his club (which looks more like a sword) ready to strike ; the ravens are angrily flying overhead.

Plate 22 in the ' Sylvse Sacrse ' of John and Raphael Sadeler, published at Munich iix 1594, after Martin de Vos, shows the saint prostrated beneath the trees, apparently in devotion. On the top of his rudely built hut a raven is perched. In the interior is an altar with book and candle. In the distance a fine panorama reveals a river, lake, town., and lofty mountains. Beneath are these lines : Augia MEINRADVM dives veneratur egentem,,

Dum latet in sylvis perpetiturque necem ; Quam Deus accensa claram face reddidit orbi,

Et quam sunt ultae (nam Deus ultor) aves.

CECIL DEEDES. Chichester.

The legend refers to the monastery of Einsiedeln, and the story is to be read in ' Murray's Handbook for Switzerland ' (19th edition) at p. 352.

See also " Saint Meinrad, Histoire du pelerinage d'Einsiedeln, par le R. P. Dom Charles Brandes, Benedictin d'Einsiedeln, . . . .Troisieme edition. .. .Einsiedeln, New York, Cincinnati, et St. Louis, Charles & Nicolas Benziger Freres. . . .1885."


[ST. SWITHIN also thanked for reply.]

FOREIGN GRAVES or BRITISH AUTHORS r EUSTACE CLARE GRENVILLE MURRAY (12 S. iii. 177, 277). I read the epitaph given at the first reference with great interest, but, as one or two of the words appeared open to question, I wrote to the guardian (con- servateur) of the Passy cemetery. After an. interchange of letters I am now able to give what I believe to be a correct copy of the epitaph :

In memoriam Eustathii Clare Grenville Murray

Comitis de Rethel d'Aragon Ricardi Plantagenet Ducis de Buckingham

et Chandos et Henricse Anna; Marquisa? Strozzi


Natus die Oct. ij 1819. Ob. Dec. xx 1881. Qui seminant in lacrymis in exultatione metent

Viro egregio

Clara Comitissa de Rethel d'Aragon

uxor pia


The inscription is in Roman letters.