Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/415

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12 S. III. SEPT., 1917.]



First Lieutenants

Colonel Wolfe's Regiment of Marines


Captain Lieutenant John Corbett . . James Carr (6). . Robert Eyton . . Francis Ingoldsbey James Magrath (7) John Slater (8) Charles Repington (9) Ralph Jennison Nicholas Stephenson Robert Shaftoe (10) I Dean Poyntz (11)

( Cotterell (12) George Moore . . Rycault(13) Thomas Robinson Isaac Green James Joans . . Robert Mitford Thomas Sheldon William Colvill Joseph Gage . . Spencer Powell George Marriot William Howe Harry Hodges John Parry Charles Bercher Andrew Pyle . . Wetherington Morris

V. William Leckie

(6) Captain, March 14, 1741.

(7) Captain, April 11, 1741.

(8) Captain, April 25, 1741.

(9) Captain, April 22, 1741.

(10) Captain, April 25, 1741.

(11) Captain, April 27, 1741.

(12) Captain-Lieutenant, Jan. 1, 1741 ; <13) First Lieutenant, Jan. 1, 1741

Dates of their present commissions.

. . 17 Nov. 1739

Dates of their first commissions.

Ensign, 2 Aug. 1708.

econd Lieutenants

24 ditto. 27 ditto 30 ditto

1 Dec. 1739

3 ditto

6 ditto

8 ditto.

9 ditto. 12 ditto.

23 Nov. 1739.

24 ditto.

25 ditto.

26 ditto.

27 ditto.

28 ditto.

29 ditto.

30 ditto.

1 Dec. 1739.

26 Jan. 1739-40.

27 ditto.

28 ditto.

29 ditto.

30 ditto.

31 ditto.

1 Feb. 1739-40.

2 ditto.

3 ditto.

4 ditto.

From Half Pay. Ensign, 1 Mar. 1732-3. Ensign, 26 July 1735. Ensign, 23 April 1736. Ensign, 17 July 1739.

Captain, Dec. 28, 1741. Captain, June 12, 1742.

J. H LESLIES Major, R.A. (Retired List). (To be continued.)

THE CORRESPONDENCE OF RICHARD EDWARDS, 1669-79. (See ante, [pp. 1, 44, 81, 122, 161, 205, 244, 262, 293, 323, 349, 377.)


William Bagnold to Richard Edwards. (O.C. 3474.)

Hugly September the 10th 1670. Mr Richard Edwards

And Respected freind, yours of the last past mouth came to my receipt the 2d present. By Mr Vickers doe understand the reason of your being Soe long Silent, in which you did not much frustrate my ex- pectations, being mine required noe speedy answere, though it is my desire as often as convenience will permitt to read a few iin[es f]rom those that I esteem my reall freinds.

For your readiness and willingness to comply with my desires (if I am ordered for the Fort) doe returne you hearty thanks, but being yett att an uncertainty, I cannot resolve uppon any thinge. If my stay bee ordered here, I shall have noe occasion to trouble you. Mr March and Mr Vincent are expected here vet few daies, uppon whose arrivail it will bee presently after deter- mined ; and if then it cannot with conve- nience bee effected, doe assure you shall not attribute it to any fault in your selfe, being assured that you are none of the cast* that

  • An interesting early anglicizing of the term

"caste" to mean kind, sort.