Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/417

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128. III. SEPT., 1917.]



I detained the Cossid Something the longer that if possible I might have Sent you news of the Petre-boates,* but not hearing a word of them thought better to dispeed him, and having no more then my best wishes for your health, prosperity and quick returne, I conclude


[Xo signature.]

about his buttons or to buy 5 or 6 ps: english gold. [Endorsed] To Mr March Sept : 17th 70


Richard Edwards to John Vickers (rough draft). (O.C. 3478.)

Cassumbuzar September 17th 1670 L To Mr Vickers

my last to you was Per Mr March I which togither with the Small fardlef Per I one of the Punes hope you have ere this I received. Yours Per expresse 10th Currt: I came to hand the 15 do: with the key of the I escritore and papers of pills for my ring- I wormes, for your kind care in the Speedy I Sending of which I give you many thanks I and desire you would place the hire to my I account. I hope they will prove successfull \i in the cure.

I am very glad the goods are Sent downe to Ballasore consign' d to Mr Mainwaring, hoping he will find a speedy vend for them. The things from Mr Freeman I question not but you will Send Per the next oppor- tunity after their arrivall with you ; Sooner you cannot.

I herewith Send you the measure of my noddle and desire the hat you procure may be good and fashionable, as also the band, which if you meete not with ready made among Mr. Foley's frippery, J entreate you would get me so much scarlett or other light coloured ribon and fancie as Shall Suffice. I thank you for your promise to buy as many knives, combs, &ca. as may Serve both our occasions.

  • Boats laden with saltpetre, from Patna.

t Bundle.

j Foley seems to have been in the Company's service and to have died in 1670. since some of his " frippery " had reached Bengal, but I have found neither his appointment nor his Christian name. He appears to have served at Fort St. George, for hi July, 1670 (O.C. 3450), he denied "that prohibited goods were bought of him at that place, and in the Court's letter of Dec. 18, 1671, to the Fort (' Letter Book,' vol. iv. p. 511) there is an allusion to " Mr. Fooleys " charge and " falce suggestion " against Matthew Main- waring.

Mr March being now with you, will I suppose Provide a Caske or Jarr for the Lime-water which I am glad to hear you are So forward with.

I am extream Sorry to hear Mr Bully vant is in So Sad a Condition, and that his dis- temper proceedes of a double cause, either of which were enough to put any body in the like, but hope by gods blessing and the care and Skill of those with you he may in a Short time recover his health.

I am more beholding to the friend your mother writes of (who is the waterman's wife that nurs't one of your brothers) then to all my relations who have not writ me a word Per this Shipping, nor ever So much as enquired (as I can hear of) whither I am living or dead ; therefore pray, when you write to your mother, present my humble Service to her and desire She would re- member me kindly to her ; and if you will advise me when you write home, I Shall Send her Some Small token which I must get you to entreate your mother to deliver ; and whereas you expresse a ^desire that our Relations at home may be acquainted (wherein I equally concur with you) I thinke no way better then by enclosing letters each in-other' s pacquets, which if you approve of, I shall in yours Send one for my brother to be kept at your house in fullam till he calls for it, which by Some other Shall advise him to doe ; and you may doe the like in mine, and it Shall be kept in london or kingstone which you like best.*

I desire you would deliver the accom- panying letters, and present my humble Service to Mr March and Mr Vincent, and my respects to Mr Bagnold and Mr Nurse &ca. [Unsigned.]

[Endorsed] To Mr Vickers Sept: 17th 1670


John March to Richard Edwards. (O.C. 3481.)

Cassumbuzar f Le 20th September 16[70] (Mr) Richard Edwards Respected Friend

On Wednesday morning, praised be God, we arrived here ; and yesterday in the afternoone received yours of the 17th Curtt., per Mr Vickers' s Cossid, wherein find you had sent forwards to Pattana Per bills of

  • Edwards's elder brother Thomas, of the Inner

Temple, resided at Kingston, and the Vickers family lived at Fulham. See the notices of B. Edwards and J. Vickers.

t A mistake for Hugll, whither the writer had gone from Kasimbazar.