Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/428

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[128. Ill SKIT., 1917.

volume,* under Corhampton, is mention of the Manor of Lomer, on which is Preshaw House, which

" after 1605 was vested in Lady Anne Sandys, widow of William, Lord Sandys, who in 1(534 settled it upon her grandson John Stewkley, the younger son of Sir Thomas Stewkley by her only daughter and heir, Elizabeth."

The question then arises, who was Anne, Lady Sandys ? For, if she was widow of William, Lord Sandys of the Vyne and Mottisfont Abbey, Bomsey, she was Alathea, daughter and coheir of John Panton of co. Denbigh. In the Inq. p.m. of her husband, William, 4th Baron Sandys, taken at Salisbury on Sept. 17. 1633, it is stated that " he died on the 12th of November, 1629, and that Alathea his wife remarried to Sir William Holland, Baronet."

Mottisfont is the next parish to Michel- mersh, which Sir Thomas Stewkley purchased in 1600, and it was to its Manor House that Sarah, widow of the first Sir Hugh Stewkley (1604-42), retired to live upon her " dower " with her second husband, Sir William, Viscount Ogle after 1648, the latter dying there in 1682.

Preshaw House, describedf as " a pictu- resque gabled house of at least three dates, set in the beautifully timbered park on the southern slopes of Millbarrow Down," was the scene of much hospitality in the Stewkleys' time, and is said to have reminded Dr. Denton " of the loaves and fishes that increased and multiplied with the company."

After the Great Fire of London, when John Stewkley experienced heavy losses, he sold Preshaw House to his nephew, Sir Hugh, in 1677, and, retiring to London with his family, there died in 1683. Possibly the parish registers of Lomer (1665-7) might tell the baptism of Kitty Stewkley, but her

marriage to Ogle probably took place

in London, and is doubtless to be found in some of the published parish registers. It is not a little tantalizing to miss the con- nexion with the Winchester Ogles for the want of this item of information, especially after the new and valuable notes contributed by W. K. W. on this family.

Regarding the remarks of A MASTER OF ARTS (ante, p. 236) as to the pedigree of Mewys of Hampshire, of whom was " Sir Richard Mewys of Rookley, whose daughter Jane married John Worsley, gent." This was presumably the " Jane Mieux," wife of Sir John Worsley, who succeeded to Appuldercombe in the Isle

  • ' Victoria Hist, of Hampshire, vol. iii. p. 246.

t Ibid., p. 246.

of Wight in 1567, and died in 1580, leaving a son, Thomas Worsley, who was- married at Wonston, near Winchester,, in 1586, to Barbara, eldest daughter of William St. John of Farley Chamberlayne and Barbara Gore. The latter were the direct ancestors of Christian St. John, who was married at Farley on Oct. 4, 1666, to Ellis Mews of Winchester, Mayor of that town in 1686, and Recorder of Romsey^. where his arms still hang in the Council Chamber of that town. In the Visitation of Hampshire for 1686 this Ellis is described as-. son of Richard Mews of the city of Win- chester (who died circa 1646, aged 60), sort of Ellis Mews of Stourton Caundle, Dorset. Richard had a brother, " John Mews, of Winchester," possibly the same as Johns Mew who was married at St. Michael's lit that city upon the morning of Easter Tuesday, April 12, 1642. By his wife,. Christian St. John, Ellis Mews had sons r Henry, aged 18 in 1686, Ellis 16, William 14 r and a daughter Anne, 19. After his wife's- death in February, 1680, Ellis remarried at King's Worthy on Jan. 27, 1689/90, to Joaik Cox. In his will, dated April 1, 1707, he mentioned his house and garden in Win- chester, which he left for twenty years to hi& wife Joan, with reversion to his son Ellis Mews.* He was buried in Winchester Cathedral on June 26, 1709. In the Coffer Book,f Winchester, under date of Dec. 22,. 1710, there is this entry :

" Paid to Mr. Wavell, Mayor, to be given to Mrs. Mews, relict of Ellis Mews deceased, a alderman of this city, upon occasion of her extraordinary poverty. '

" From this, down to 1720, she yearly had! either twenty shillings or ten shillings to relieve' her necessitie. Mews was steward to Oliver- Cromwell, Junior. W. H. J."

With regard to the above stewardship of the Manor of Merdon there is an entry in the parish register of Hursley, under burials for May 2, 1666 : " Margaretta Mew, uxor Ellis Mew Generosi, fuit Sulp'." If this was Ellis, the Mayor of Winchester, like his son. and namesake, he thrice ventured into the bonds of matrimony. It would be very interesting to establish his relationship to Bishop Peter Mews, who was elevated to the See of Winchester in 1684 (two years bef ore- Ellis became Mayor). The Bishop was bora on March 25, 1618, and Ellis in 1623. Ellis' s- father was born in 1586, and Peter Mews o Purse Caundle is said to have been dead before 1597. F. H. S.

  • Will at Winchester.

f Hampshire Notes and Queries, vol. vii. p. 68.