Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/506

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NOTES AND QUERIES. 112 s. IIL D.C.. 1917.

sure it has cost me near one hundred pounds in Apparell and other necessarys, which any one that lives in any credit in the Countrey can't be without, so that I might before now have run my selfe out at heeles if I had not met with some so kind here as now and then to put me in a way to get a little money ; and indeed I am extreamly obliged to the Chief of Cassumbuzar, Mr March, who hath always favoured me very much, and now upon my coming downe hither ordered me 1000 Rupees, if I can procure any comodities here by which I may make any proffit at Cassumbuzar ; and were it not for such helps sometimes, no one that has but a small stock were able to live in this Countrey, which is so expensive that I cannot but admire* at the reports I heard in England, as that one might live very handsomely and lay up halfe of the Com- panys sallary .at the year's end, when my servant's wages costs me above three quarters of it now.

Not having heard a word from you or any of my friends this year, I am somewhat to seeke what to write, must only in generall desire of you, that as I ha. /e in my former year's letters accquainted with the benefit would accrue to me by having my small stock here to trade with, you would be pleased to send what I may have left (after the disbursements then mentioned) as soone as possibly you conveniently can, in dollars, large swordblades, or gold, and withall two fashionable hats, and about 10 or 15 li. in toys, as multiplying glasses, magnifying and triangular glasses, cases of tweezers, Small looking glasses pictured on the back side, handsome cases of knives, wax figures in glasses (if safely put up), or any such like raritys, and a quarter Caske of wine, which let be very good, and delivered to some honest Comander. Unsigned]


To brother Edwards 15th November 70. f


Richard Edwards to William Street

(rough draft).

(O.C. 3522.)

Ballasore December the 15th 1670. To brother Streete

from Cassumbuzar I writ you one of date the 20th October, under Mr Vincent's

  • Wonder.

f There would appear to be some mistake here made by Mr. Edwards, as the letter is dated December 5, and endorsement November 15. From the letter which follows (3522) he seems to have meant to endorse December 15.

cover, to be sent per first ship, and them promised you to be more large by some of the other ships, but the businesse being finished there for this year, I was by the- Chief &ca. ordered downe hither, so that I fear I shall be worse then my word, having since my arrivall been almost continually busied in writing and other worke, [ther]e- fore hope you and the rest of my friends will pardon me if I give [not] so full an account of my concernes and the Countrey as otherwise I should.

I tooke the boldnesse last year to beg some favours of you, wherein I hope you have afforded me your care and assistance as to make meanes to the Comittee to get my Salary encreased, which I hope you have found somewhat the easier to compasse, for- that the Chiefe &ca. here were pleased ta favour me so much (as I am since ad vised) asto- make mention of me in the Generall to the honoble. Company, much to my advantage,, so that I hope by next year's shipping to- find that they have taken it into considera- tion, and augmented it, for what I now have is very inconsiderable to the ex- pensivenesse of the Countrey. Also I hope- you have (if you found occasion) been ready to perswade brother Edwards to the pay- ment of those bills I drew on him payable to Mr Powell, whom I should be extream sorry should receive the least dissatisfac- tion or disappointment in leiw* of so many favours done, and also the loss I should sustain in my Credit, the thoughts of which keep me not a little in trouble and suspence,. till I may be satisfyed by next shipping, when I hope I shall not fayle to hear from' you, which I have not this year, nor from' any of my friends [Unsigned]

Writ also to Mr Powell. [No endorsement]

R. C. TEMPLE. (To be continued.)


IN the Westmeath Grand Juries, under " Delamaire of the Street," it is stated that

" The Delamares had very extensive property before 1841. Theobald and William Dclamare were among the Catholic gentlemen of West- meath who signed a petition to the King in 1605. Peter Delamare served as Sheriff of Westmeath in 1775 ; he died without issue in 1805. He possessed the estates of Killeen, Knightswood,,

  • Lieu.