Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/511

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12S. III. DEC., 1917.]



ARMS OF THE SHERIFFS OF STAFFORDSHIRE. In view of the approaching appointment of the seven hundredth Sheriff of Stafford- shire, I am preparing for publication " after the duration " an armorial roll of the holders of the office, and should be greatly obliged for information as to the achieve- ments of the following Sheriffs :

1128-31. Miles Fit z- Walter de Gloucester, Earl

of Hereford.

1160. Alexander de Claverley, Dean of Bridge- north. 1194-8. Hugh de Chaucumb, co. Northants,


1204. Robert de Hauterive, or Alta-Ripa. 1232. Robert de Haya, or de Leia, of Leigh. 1232-4. Peter de Rivaux. 1286. Leofwin fitz Leofwin, or LeonfltzLeon, of

co. Salop.

1300-3. Richard de Harley. 1344. Sir Robert de Harley, who was the last

Sheriff of the combined counties of

Staffs and Salop.

1378. William Coleson, or Calleson, of Walsall. 1420. William Preston. 1642. Was William Comberford Sheriff this

year ?

1644. W T ho was Sheriff this year ? 1676. Henry Stone of Walsall. 1678. John Stone of Walsall. 1694. John Taylor. 1715. Walter Baylie of Harborne. 1726 and 1730. William Robins. Was he the

Win. Robins who was Mayor of Stafford

in 1731 and again in 1740 ? 1728. Edward Wilson of Cank. 1731. Ralph Williamson (? the R. W. who was

Mayor of Stafford in 1745). 1733. William Faulkener of Rugeley. 1744. Thomas Webb of Blakenail (b. 1690;

d. 1778).

1774. Nathaniel Barrett of Oaken Hall. 1781. Philip Keay of Abbot's Bromley. 1791 and 1820. Moreton Walhouse of Hatherton. 1805. John Heyliger Burt of Crofton. 1810. Henry Webb of Forebridge. 1812. Thomas Mottershaw of Southwick. 1828. John Atkinson of Maple Hayes. 1839. William Moore of Stonet 1842. John Edwards Piercey of Warley Hall,


1858. Philip Williams of Tipton. 1869. Colin Minton Campbell of Woodseat. 1876. Richard Holt Briscoe of Somerford Hall. 1880. Walter Williams of Sugnall Hall.

1887. George Fox of Elmhurst Hall.

1888. Frederick Charles Perry of Dunston,


1890. Samuel Lipscomb Seckham of Lichfield. 1904. Robert Halstead Hargreaves of Knightley




STALLIONS AT FuNERALS.^-At a military appeal tribunal at the Guildhall, London, on Sept. 14, an undertaker tried to get a skilled horsekeeper exempted, on the ground that twenty-two fine stallions were kept for the business ; whereupon the chairman of

the tribunal remarked : " There is nothing in the law of nature making it necessary to be drawn to the grave by stallions." It would be of interest, however, to ascertain the origin of the custom, still in vogue, as shown by this case, in London in 1917.


Glendora, Hindhead, Surrey.

' THE WATER PLANE,' A POEM. Can any one help me to find the writer of a short poem entitled ' The Water Plane ' 1 It commences :

O, the fierce purr of it. clang of it, whirr of it ! O, the brave might of it, flight of it, fight of it ! > O, the swift curve of it. swoop of it, swerve of it ! O, the proud speed of it ! U, the vast greed of it Gripping the air !

It was published in a weekly or monthly magazine about three years ago, I am told, but I do not know which.


ENGRAVINGS OF WAR SCENES. Many years ago I saw in a scrapbook some en- gravings (about cctavo) apparently taken from a book. The scenes were striking, and I have often wished to trace them. Three of the titles I remember : ' The Salute at Fontenoy ' ; ' An Affair with the Moors ' ; ' Kavanagh at Cawnpore ' (waving his hand, and standing on a high earthen rampart). I Can your readers give me any informa- tion ? " CHARLES MITCHELL.

148 Chapeltown Road, Leeds.

LEIDEN DEGREES. Could any of your readers give me the exact data of the charter or agreement by which physicians holding a degree of the Leiden University are allowed to practise in London (or in the whole of England) ? I believe that this privilege is reciprocal. J. R. v. S.

PRESTON PARISH CHURCH : ITS CHANTRY PRIESTS, CHAPLAINS, AND CURATES. Can any of your readers help me in compiling a list of the assistant clergy of the parish church of Preston in Amounderness, especially from early times up to the Reformation ? I may say I have received kind and valuable help from Mr. J. Brownbill, Mr. E. Axon, and other authorities ; but on account of the very sparse references to assistant clergy in most of the existing official records, I need help from sources I am unacquainted with. There being so many Prestons in the country, one has to be very careful in picking out this particular one in Amounderness. In records such as the Patent Rolls and the Bishop of Lichfield's Registers (1358-85) it is not always stated which Preston it is.