Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/533

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Notes and Queries, Feb., 1918.



Birds, carving terms for, 446

Bishop ( ), private secretary to George III., 218

Bishops elect, domiciliary custom, 70

Bisset (Rev. John) and the Duke of Cumberland,

128 " Black Maria "=prison van, origin of the name,


Blagrave (William), hanged for treason, 1566, 334 Blake (William) called " Pictor Ignotus," 272 " Blood is thicker than water," origin of the

saying, 356

Bloomsbury in 1840, description of, 385, 459 Bloorusbury street-names, origin of, 507 Ely the (Geoffrey), English ambassador to Hungary

1502, 229 Boleyn (Anne), her relation to the Croke and

Stocker families, 384 Bolles (Mary), created " Baronetess " by

Charles I., 419 Bolton Light Horse : Duke of Lancaster's Own

Yeomanry, 419, 482

Bonaparte (Napoleon), his librarian St. Denis, 149 " Boniface," word applied to innkeepers, 461 Boodle (Sir Edward), his biography, 299 Book for boys, voyage of the ship Le'da, c. 1860, 37 Books, topographical, for research work, 359

Books recently published:

Aldis's (H. G.) The Printed Book, 99 Ball's (P. E.) Howth and its Owners, 159 Bell's (A. M.) The Johnson Calendar, 79 Sevan's (Rev. J. O.) The Towns of Roman

Britain, 119

Bleackley's (H.) The Life of John Wilkes, 403 Bridge's (J. C.) Cheshire Proverbs, 432 Burke's (Sir B. and A. P.) A Genealogical and

Heraldic History of the Peerage and

Baronetage, &c., 345 Calendar of Inquisitions Miscellaneous

(Chancery) : Vol. I., 1219-1307, 160 Calendar of the Liberate Rolls preserved in

the Public Record Office: Henry III.,

Vol. I., A.n. 1226-1240, 403 Cox's (J. C.) Bench-Ends in English Churches,

345 Craigie's (W. A.) A New English Dictionary

on Historical Principles : (Vol. X., Ti Z)

Verificatory Visor, 463 Dilke (Right Hon. Sir Charles W.), Bart.,

M.P., The Life of, by S. Gwynn and G. M.

Tuckwell, 463 Edgar's (R.) An Introduction to the History

of Dumfries, 287

Folk-Song Society, Journal of the, No. 20, 39 Owynn (S.) and G. M. Tuckvvell's The Life

of the Right Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke,

Bart., M.P., 463 Hanmer's (C.) The Hanmers of Marton and

Montford, Salop, 260 Harris's (J. R.) The Origin of the Cult of

Aphrodite, 60 Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes (Mythology),

collected and translated by W. D. Wester-

velt, 219 Hazlitt's (W.) Characters of Shakespeare's

Plays, 345

Hough (Second Lieut. Henry), Royal Ar- tillery, The Journal of, 1812-13 (Peninsular

War), prepared by Major J. H. Leslie,

R.A. (Retired List). 260 Humphreys's (A. L.) A Handbook to County

Bibliography, 344

Books recently published :

Jataka Tales, edited by H. T. Francis and E. J. Thomas, 139

Johnson Calendar, by A. M. Bell, 79

Jonas's (M.) The Thirty-Third Novel of ' II Novellino ' of Masuccio : Mariotto and Giannozza, 260

Legg's (J. W.) Church Ornaments and their Civil Antecedents, 345

London County Council : Indication of Houses of Historical Interest, Parts XL. XLII., 432

Macdonald's (G.) The Evolution of Coinage, 99

Magrath's (Dr. J. R.) Fresh Light on the Family of Robert de Eglesfeld, 100

Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, De- cember, 1916, 119

Monks of Westminster : being a Register of the Brethren of the Convent from the Time of the Confessor to the Dissolution, ed. E. H. Pearce, 199

New English Dictionary on Historical Principles: (Vol. IX., Si Th) Sullen- Supple, by C. T. Onions, 179

New English Dictionary on Historical Prin- ciples : (Vol. X., Ti Z) Verificatory Visor, by W. A. Craigie, 463

Nonconformity, Early, under Persecution and Indulgence, Original Records of, transcribed and edited by G. L. Turner : Vols. I. and II., 373 ; VoL III., Historical and Expository, 492

Onions's (C. T.) A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles : (Vol. IX., Si Th) Sullen Supple, 179

Orton's (C. W. Previt<) Outlines of Medieval History, 239

Ottery St. Mary, The Collegiate Church of, A.D. 1338, 1339, ed. J. N. Dalton, 315

Peddie's (R. A.) An Outlin<S of the History of Printing, 433

Registra Antiqua de Llantilio Crossenny et Penrhos in Comitatu Monumethensi, 1577- 1644, edited by J. A. Bradney, C.B., 523

Sarkar's (B. K.) The Folk-Element in Hindu Culture, 523

Shakespeare : Shakespeare's Handwriting, by Sir E. Maunde ((Thompson, 18; Characters of Shakespeare's Plays, by Hazlitt, 345

Thompson's (Sir E. M.) Shakespeare's Hand- writing : a Study, 18

Tuckwell (G. M.) and S. Gwynn's The Life of the Right Hon. Sir Charles W- Dilke, Bart., M.P., 463

Watson's (F.) The Old Grammar Schools, 99

Weckley's (E.) Surnames, 79

Wergeland's (A. M.) Slavery in Germanic Society during the Middle Ages, 220

Wilkes (John), The Life of, by H. Bleackley, 403

Booksellers' Catalogues, 80, 240, 317, 373, 404, 433, 493, 523

Booksellers of Glasgow and Edinburgh, c. 1800 445, 518

Boulanger (General G. E. J.), 1837-91, biblio- graphy, 33 138

Bowtell and Beauclerk families, 1 10, 219

Bowyer (William), printer, and the " Bowyer Bible," 510