Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/550

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Notes and Queries, Feb , 1918.

B. (P. P.)|on Queen Charlotte, 9. " Derby Bam," 70. Dyde, 417. Heart in hand, 31. Jeatt: Walls : White : Moretus, 300. King's private roads, 332. " Liberty," 211

B. (G. F. R.) on Thomas Atkins, M.P., 149. Bio- graphical information wanted, 333. Hand- asyde (Roger), M.P., 28. Hodges (Luke), M.P., 129. Hoyle (Alderman Thomas), 91. Keith, 299. Leake (John), M.D., 50. Marl- borough (Sarah, Duchess of), 169. Masham, 69. Members of the Long Parliament, 299. Penington (Isaac), Lord Mayor of London, 28. Smyth (Sir Robert), Bart., 169. Uvedale (Dr. Robert), 33. Wallis (Albany), 149. Yates, 507. Young Ladies' Companion, 522 B. (M.) on Steele surname, 387 B. (M. L. R.) on Jewess and her hair, 484 B. (R.) on candles : a heavy penalty, 503. Com- position for veal and lamb, 508. Le Fanu's (J. Sheridan) works, 59. Long leases, 413. Marshals of France, 74 B. (R. J.) on Julius Caesar's reform of the calendar,


B. (R. S.) on Bolton Light Horse : the Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry, 419. ' Shooting Party, Ranton Abbey,' 385

B. (R. W.) on ' Fleetwood Genealogical Puzzle,' 389 B r (R.) on Americanisms, 116. 'English colloquial similes, 277. Low Ford : its locality, 519. Portraits in stained glass, 4.31. Pro- nunciation of " ea," 313 B. (S.) on Jill, Gillian, 117 B. (W.) on Bible and salt, 18 B. (W. O.) on word " symbol," 385 Bacach (Bernard) on ancient Irish titles, 156 Baker (A. E.) on authors wanted, 372 Baldpck (Major G. Yarrow) on foreign graves of British authors, &c. : Churchill and Campbell, 39

Baldwin (E. T.) on gloves at weddings, 210 Balleine (G. R.) on Avignon Society, 475 Ballinger (John) on library of the late W. W. E. Wynne of Peniarth : National Library of Wales, 388

Barker (E. E.) on author and title wanted : boys' books c. 1860, 37. Gunners' handbooks, 218. Mittan (Mitan), engraver, 14. Reference wanted, 314. " Small Books on Great Sub- jects," 278

Barker (H. T.) on silhouettes, 30 Barnett (C. E.) on " Mountain," a wine, 387 Barnett (Charles) on Pell and Mildmay families,

517 Barns (Stephen J.) on " decelerate," 48. Sorcery

in Essex in 1863, 521 Barratt (Reginald) on authors of quotations

wanted, 29 Baskerville (G.) on Johann Zoffany : missing

picture, 477 Batista y Roca (Joseph M.) on touching for the

king's evil, 480

Bayley (A. R.) on Bowtell : Beauclerk, 219. Canterbury (Archbishop of) buried at Hauterive, Switzerland, 312. Eglinton tournament, 1839, 285. Ewald : Sir John Cutler, 74. Hanway (Jonas), 1712-1786, traveller and philanthropist, 238. Heraldic query, 215, 278. Jill, Gillian, 117. Liverpool to Worcester a century and a half ago, 178. " Lock "=lazar- house, 312. Maund (Clinton) of Merton College, 239. Phillip (John), R.A. : portraits by him, 391. Portraits in stained glass, 286. Portraits wanted, 313. Pronunciation of " ea," 79.

St. Paul's School subscribers to Knight's ' Life of Colet,' 283. Shelley's copy of Abbe Barruel's work on secret societies, 196. Siege of Oudenarde in 1745, 509. Silhouettes, 114. Tartar's bow, 13. Turberville (George), 37. Verdigris, 34. White Hart silver, Dorset, 98. " Wipers " : Ypres, 54. ' Works of King Alfred the Great,' 315 Bayliss (H. J.) on Banbury. 455 Bayne (Thomas) on Americanisms, 36. Pro- nunciation of " ea," 58. " St. Bunyan's Day," 17. ' Staig," 34. Tennvson and Grindrod, 253

Beaven (Rev. Alfred B.) on Bird : Villiers, 299. Contested Lord Mayoral elections, 96. Hood (Admirals), 199, 311. Penington (Isaac), Lord Mayor of London, 76. Staffordshire M.P.s, 90. Wallis (Lieut. Col. Lewis [Bayly]), 74 Beddows (H. T.) on bibliography of the Victoria

Cross, 219. English colloquial similes, 370 Bedford (Edwin C.) on legend of the Magi, 197 Bensly (Prof. Edward) on alphabet in the Christian Church, 369. Artists in stained glass, 396. Authors of quotations wanted, 36, 119, 195, 522. Baldwin (Francis), 1564, 157. " Cadua," 252. " Corruptio optimi pessima," 503. Cutting off the hair as a preservative against headache, 307. Duncombe (Col.), 5l!l. English Army List of 1740, 132. English colloquial similes, 232. English travellers in the Netherlands, 456. Ewald : Sir John Cutler, 74. "Felons and fugitive goods," 491. Folk-lore : the spider : wall-rue, 395. Gray (Thomas), 153. Guise (Francois, Due de), 33. Jeatt : Moretus, 399. Jill, Gillian, 117. Knife- grinder, 312. Lamb (Charles) on" All round the Wrekin," 455. Library of the; late William Watkin Edward Wynne of Peniarth, Merioneth- shire, 283. Magic squares in India, 517. Members of the Long Parliament, 366. Phranician traders in Britain, 281. Picture of our Lord, 401. Poems by Lord Chesterfield, 173. Portraits wanted, 313. Prescot (Ken- rick), D.D., 488. Reference wanted, 431. Rushbrooke Hall, 423, 462. Saying attributed to Cardinal Pole, 192. Statue as water- fountain, 521. ' Tales of my Landlord,' new series, 372. Thrale Hall, Streatham, 306. " To weep Irish," 13. Title of play wanted, 458. " Uncouth forms in disarray," 415 Venetian account of England, 135." Villiers (Barbara), Duchess of Cleveland, 1640-1709, 484. Wheble's ' Lady's Magazine,' 454. " Whites," 490

Berney-Ficklin (P.) on Farewell family, 477 Biggs (M. A. ) on origin of ' The Winter's Tale,'

164 Bircham (Saml.) on authors of quotations wanted,

480 Black (Adam) on Charles Lamb on " All round the

Wrekin," 417 Black (Gerard), R.C.S.I., on booksellers of Glasgow

and Edinburgh c. 1800, 445 Blair (Sir D. O. Hunter). See Hunter -Blair. Bleackley (Horace) on Mary Bellamy, actress, 108. ' Diaboliad,' 99. Esten (Mrs.), 61. Marat : Henry Kingsley, 343 Bloom (J. Harvey) on sixteenth-century recipe

for jelly, 443

Bowes (Arthur) on authors wanted, 372. From Liverpool to Worcester a century and a half ago, 133. Magic squares in India, 454. Scotch Universities : undergraduates' gown, 59