Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/559

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Notes and Queries, Feb., 1918.



Strunk (W.) jun., on author of quotation wanted, 344

Summers (Montague), F.R.S.L., on " cadua, 186. Dominican Order, 31, 171. English colloquial similes, 77. Petit Fleury, comedien, 249. Bepresentations of the Blessed Trinity, 232. St. Barbara, V.M., 136, 279. Taswell, 273. Uncanonized saints, 141

Surtees (Brig.-General H. C.) on Fitzwilliams of Grimthorpe, 384. Greystoke pedigree, 384. Justiss family. 449. "West: De Morgan: Bannermnn : "Turing, 358. Wilkinson of Thorpe, 358

Svartengren (T. Hilding) on English colloquial similes, 27, 50, 170, 188

Swynnerton (Charles) on St. Leonard : pre- Conquest dedications, 476

Sykes (H. Dugdale) on Elizabethan and Jacobean plays : suggested textual emendations, 441.. Elizabeth's (Queen) Palace, Enflel 257, Shakespeare on Satan as an angel of light, 175

T. (A. D.) on Banbury, 360

T. (A. K.) on authors of quotations wanted, 510

T. (C.) on K.C.B. : its three crowns, 449

T. (D. K.) on Barbara Villiers, Duchess of Cleve- land, 1640-1709, 448

T. (F. N.) on authors of quotations wanted, 450

T. (J. B.) on " profiteer," 383. " Battle," 487. Wood-sorrel, 430

T. (M. S.) on portraits in stained glass, 76

T. (Y.) on folk-lore : the spider : wall-rue, 395

Tanner (Lawrence E.) on John Gilbert, Arch- bishop of York, 1693-1761, 50. Gray (Thomas), 32

Tapley-Soper (H.) on artists in stained glass, 397. Sugar : its introduction into England, 472. Tucker and Peter families, 504

Tavar6 (Fred. L.) on introduction of turkey-red dyeing into England : the Marquis de Launay, 167

Taylor (Frank J.) on route of Charles I. from Newcastle to Holmby, 300

Tearle (Christian) on poems by Lord Chesterfield, 119

Temple (Sir B. C.) on Arbor tristis, 423. Corre- spondence of Bichard Edwards, 1669-79, 1, 44, 81, 122, 161, 205, 244, 262, 293, 323, 349, 377, 409, 439, 470, 498. ' Master Papers ' : two hotel dinner bills, 228

Thomas (Balph) on John Phillip, B.A. : portraits by him, 391, 457. Bemoval of memorials in Westminster Abbey, 431. Submarines, 397. Tinsel pictures, 18. Title of play wanted, 386. Will of Nathaniel Kinderley, 282

Thorns (Alex.) on MacBains of Scotland, 366

Thome (J. B.) on Frances Elizabeth Anne, Countess Waldegrave, 90

Thrift (Gertrude) on ' Memoirs of the La Touche and Guinness Families,' 250

Tilley (M. P.) on Shakespeare on Satan as an angel of light, 75

Turpin (Pierre) on Benedictine picture : interpre- tation desired, 331. Jacob or James, 284. Pronunciation of " ea," 77. Bepresentations of the Blessed Trinity, 231. Bimes on St. Thomas's Day, 254. St. Barbara, V.M.. 211. " Traunser " : "transom " : " traversin," 413

Tyrrell (T. W.) on title of play wanted, 458


Udal (J. S.), F.S.A., on arms of England with France ancient, 486. Arms of St. Wilfrid, 310. Dominican Order, 114. Heraldic queries, 52. Heraldic query : salamander : Francis I., 194. Boyal arms : a suggested change, 435. Seize- quartiers, 13. White Hart silver, Dorset. 97

Uniacke (B. G. F.) on Philip Winton, alias Seton, 177

V. (L.) on water-colours, 476

V. (V.H.I.L.I.C.I.) on Carlyle and Newman, 277.

Coventry churchwardens' accounts, 386 Venden (L.) on pictures : where exhibited, 70 Viard (Henri) on General Boulauger : bibliography



W. on Dr. Bateson on Colenso, 449. Wheble's ' Lady's Magazine," 359

W. (B. J.) on " Church drops," 430

W. (E. F.) on will of Nathaniel Kinderley, 9

W. (G.) on " A ring, a ring of roses," 129

W. (H.) on author wanted, 130

W. (J. L.) on John Hamilton Beynolds, 425

W. (L. A.) on ' Sir Walter Scott and his Literary Friends at Abbotsford/ 477. " Self " : a dictum, 520

W. (S.) on authors wanted, 148

W. (W. B.) on Bird : Villiers, 366. Bishop, private secretary to George III., 218. Churchill (Lady Mary), 91. Contemporary M.P.s of the same name, 69. Fielding (Edmund), 340. Hand- asyde (Boger), M.P., 112. Hassell (Buisshe), 339 Ogle (Sir William), 94. Pedigrees wanted, 315. Bolls of Lords Lieutenant, 456. St. Paul's School subscribers to ' Life of Colet,' 398. Saurin (Mark Antony) 49. Staffordshire M.P.s, 176. 36th Begiment of Foot, 368. Timbrell (Francis), 427. Trelawny (Sir William), 6th Bart., 37. Uvedale, Cary, and Price families, 490. Wallis (Lieut. -Col. Lewis [Bayly]), 155. Winton (Philip),' 57

Wainewright (John B.) on alphabet in the Christian Church, 369. " Among the blind the one-eyed man is king," 330. " Austria, the China of Europe," 520. Authors of quotations wanted, 462. Benedictine picture, 392. Bio- graphical information wanted, 353. Browne (Charles), 418. Casscll's illustrated ' Bobinsoii Crusoe,' 195. " Deuce," 474. English collo- quial similes, 117, 233. Galli (Cardinal) : portrait by Velasquez, 30. " Lock " -=lazar- house, 210. Music to song of Christina Bossetti, 192. Picture of our Lord, 402. Portraits in stained glass, 218. Pronuncia- tion of "ea," 313. Byckwaerts (C.), 448. St. Barbara, V.M., 137. St. Burchard, 127, 306. " Wipers " : Ypres, 118

Walker (Benj.) on Linnaeus and the blossoming gorse. 400

Walker (C. Thompson), B.N.V.B., on " Church drops," 360. " Death's part," 360

Walker (B. J.) on Bath Forum : continuity be- tween Boman and Anglo-Saxon Bath, 54

Wallis (Wallis A.) on ' Water- Plane,' a poem, 505