Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/127

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12 s. iv. MAY, 1918.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



C N T E N T S. No. 80.

NOTES : Thomas Fuller's First Wife, 121 Sou they 's Contributions to "The Critical Review,' 122 Hunting- donshire Booksellers, 125 Scott in North Wales Dyeing Yellow and Green, 126 Denization by Letters Patent" Stoup," 127" Beauty is the lover's gift " National Gallery's First Home Waller Stepney Taverns, 128 General Shrapnel's Epitaph " Decease," Transitive Mr. F. J. Baigent : Dr. W. Greenwell, 129.

QUERIES : Fredrika Bremer Nelson, Lady Hamilton, and Collenbach, 129 Metropolitan Club Wybnrne Family Naturalization by Act of Parliament Merrington Family Hussar's Sword Cowper and ' Greek Anthology ' ' Greek Anthology ' : Westminster and Eton F. Thackeray : J. W. Buckle, 130 Hilliard's Miniature of Bacon Lady Frances Hastings, &c. Arnolds, Actors Mermaid Tavern Blphinstone : Flahault Turning the Teacup W. Petyt Walrond Family, 131 Crusader in York Minster Miss Meadows Wharton : White St. Pierre Lake, Berne Mr. Medop : Dr. Cosin Garcilaso de la Vega Stereoscopic Illustrations Inscriptions at Gipping, 132 Sol as Woman's Name Lincolnshire Escheators T. Postlethwaite, M.P. Drury, Flintshire- Boys born in May Washington Family Bp. Dawson of Clonfert Tyrannicide Frederick the Great and a Frenchman, 133 Dr. Chris. Baynes 6th West India Regiment Devils blowing Horns Rev. Cave Beck W. Stokes " Mors sceptra ligonibus sequat," 134 Byron's Valet Authors Wanted, 135.

REPLIES : Laying a Ghost, 135 Lord Charles murdered by his Brother" Rapehouse "Legends on Love Tokens St. Martin de Londres, 137 Whalley Abbey" Wine- sour " Chesterfield's Poems Willibald Dodson Family Statue as Water- Fountain ' The Shepherd's Calendar,' 138 Sanigar St. Paul's School Feasts - Crossing the Line North-Country Customs Aleston, 139 Hedgehogs Lilliput and Gulliver Sheppard Murder Stone, 140 German Works in English Mrs, Legh John Miers Parrot Epitaph Serpent and Eternity, 141 Lords Baltimore Winchester Episcopal Arms, 142 " Corruptio optinii pessima "St. George New Shakspere Society- Chimney Sweeper's Boys, 143 Admiral Tromp ' Tom Brown's School Days' F. Timbrell " Act of Parliament Clock "" Pharaoh "=Travelling Showman, 144 -Gar- goyles W. Ooghtred Clown of London' 65th Regiment Comte_sse d'Olonne Weekes Grammar -Schools, 145 New Milk as a Cure " Raising Cain" Young Ladies' Companion Authors Wanted, 146.

NOTES ON BOOKS : Life of Richard Cumberland ' Social Life in Britain 'Scratch Dials.

Booksellers' Catalogues. Notices to Correspondents.


PROBABLY few of the readers of ' N. & Q.' have any idea of the enormous increase that has taken place in the cost of paper. The difficulty of obtaining anything approaching suitable paper, at a price which ' N. & Q.' can afford to pay, looks like becoming insuperable. We have been blamed for not raising our price to an amount which would enable us to meet this cost ; but those who thus criticize us are probably hardly aware how many of those who have a deep affec- tion for ' N. & Q.,' and support it by their contributions, would find it impossible to continue to purchase the paper, were the price raised as suggested.

The fact that we are dependent for copies of ' N. & Q.' for April, 1917, on friends who

[cindly return them, proves how low we have recently kept the number printed, in order that no paper should be used unnecessarily. We have enough matter in type to fill two or three monthly issues, but little of this will be able to see the light unless the paper difficulty can be surmounted. Is any one able to help us in this respect ?


FOR over two hundred and fifty years the surname of the first wife of this famous old divine (now disclosed) has been a mystery, and has eluded the investigations of all his biographers. From the extremely rare little 12mo ' Life ' which appeared in 1661 the year of his death we learn that, while at Broad Winsor, " he was married to a virtuous young gentlewoman ; and by her had, born there, his eldest son." The will of Bishop Davenant, dated Jan. 29, 1637, states that her Christian name was Ellen or Elinor. She is mentioned as " the wife of my nephew Thomas Fuller " (the Bishop's sister Judith was Fuller's mother).

Passing over a number of biographers, we come to John Eglington Bailey, whose labours of many years resulted in an ail- but exhaustive ' Life ' of 778 pages, pub- lished in 1874. In it he says that " the family of his [Fuller's] wife is, at present, unknown. The writer has diligently in- quired after it, in many quarters, but no particulars are recoverable." Bailey's book was succeeded (1886) by a 'Life' by the Rev. Morris Fuller, in which he says that the Doctor was his ancestor, a statement which is without foundation.* Bailey speculates as to the date of the marriage, which the author of the anonymous ' Life ' sets down at " about the beginning of the troubles in Scotland." This tends to fix it in the early part of 1639 ; but the date of the Bishop's will shows that it must have been at least two years earlier. It was cer- tainly not later than 1634, because the Enford register contains the entry of bap- tism of " Judith, daughter of Thomas and Elinor Fuller, of Broad Winsor, 29 Apl., 1635." Mrs. Fuller died in 1641. Sir

  • In Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldicc,

Fourth Series, vol. iii., I published, during his lifetime, a full pedigree of his branch ; and iu it, at p. 173, I stated that this claim to be a descendant was not true.