Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/196

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[12 S. IV. JULY, 1918

i.e., should take immediate precedence of the latter. In the same year he was on oaravan duty on the galleys. On March 22, 1540, he was given permission to depart from Malta. On the dissolution of the Venerable Tongue of England in April, 1540 (by 32 Hen. VITI. c. 24), he was allowed an annual pension of 10Z. Some time after he was committed to the Tower, whence he was removed to the King's Bench prison. From this gaol he was drawn through South wark to St. Thomas's Waterings, and there executed for " the supremacy/' on the 1st (according to Stow), or the 12th (according to Wriothesley), of July, 1541. Stow says that a Welsh min- strel suffered on the same day for singing of songs which were interpreted to be pro- phesying against the King. This Welsh minstrel's name appears to have been Howell ap Jeuan. It is not clear when or where he was executed.

On Dec. 9, 1886, was signed the Com- mission for the Introduction of the Cause of Beatification of 253 Venerable Servants of God who suffered death in England for the Catholic Faith from 1535 to 1681. Of these Sir David Gonson was one.

Any further particulars of him or his relatives would be welcome.


FrrzPvETNFREDS IN LANCASHIRE. Where were the lands situated in Lancashire held by the Fit zReinf reds ? Yeatman, ' History of the Arundells,' says :

" Gilbert, a son of Reiner, OF Reinfred, settled at a very early period in Lancashire, for he returned himself early in the reign of Henry II. (see ' Certif. of Knights' Fees '), holding then the very estates mentioned as having been granted to Gilbert FitzReinfred by Richard I., from which it would seem that the king was only regranting an ancient possession of the family."


PRUDENTITTS : TITLE-PAGE or 1625 EDI TIOK WANTED. I have a diminutive 8vo copy, in Latin, of the poems of Marcus Aurelius Prudentius Clement, comprising the ' Catbemerinon," c Peristephanon,' ' Apotheosis,' ' Hamartigeneia,' ' Psycho- machia,' ' Contra Symmachum,' and ' En- chiridion." He was born in Spain, 348 A.D., became a lawyer, came under religious convictions and entered a monastery, and died 410. He was one of the earliest Christian hymnists, and the first edition of his works quoted in Chambers' s ' Bio- graphical Diet.' is Areval's, 1788. The copy

I possess bears on its vellum cover the date 1625. Can any reader direct me to a source where I can copy the title-page, which 13 missing, unfortunately, in my copy ?


"Sowc'ON": "WYCHE." I have in my possession a copy of an old will, dated 1558, and the inventory attached contains two terms which have puzzled me and all the friends to whom I have shown them. I cannot find them in Halliwell's 'Dictionary of Archaic Words.' They are as under:

1. " Item, iiij swyne and a halfe and a halfe pipge

y* soioc'on."

2. " Item, halfe a handmylle, halfe a wyche, a

saddull, and a brydull."


" MR. PAUL, THE PARSON." In an account of the Rebellion of 1715 printed at the beginning of the nineteenth century I find the entry, " Mr. Paul, the parson, was executed at Tyburn on 13 July, 1716." Of what place was he parson, and what more is known of him ? J. W. F.

WRIGHT OF SOUTH ELMS ALL, DONCASTER. Can any reader give me particulars of origin, &c., of this family, resident there in 1740 or thereabouts ? EDWARD BLISS.

DEAN JOHN LEWIS OF OSSORY. Particu- lars concerning him will oblige. Was he born in Wales ? ANEURIN WILLIAMS.

Menai View, North Road, Carnarvon.

TOWER OF LONDON : YEOMEN OF THE GUARD, AND TOWER WARDERS. What is the distinction between these two existing bodies ? J. LANDFEAB LUCAS.

Glendora, Hindhead, Surrey.

AUTHORS OF QUOTATIONS WANTED. 1. Sir Herbert Tree used to quote a poem beginning : Silence sleeping on a waste of ocean.

Sundown westward traileth a red streak : One white seagull poised without a motion

Challengeth the stillness with a shriek. I shall be glad to learn the name of the author and in what collection it may be found.


2. "The own arm-chair" of our lyrist's "sweet Lady Anne."

These phrases occur in A. W. Kinelake's ' Eothen ' in the chapter on ' The Desert.' Whence do they come ? R. AYLMER-COATZS.

Tokyo, Japan.

3. While he 1 who walks in love may wander far. But God will bring him where the blessed are.

G. T. W.