Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/247

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12 S. IV. SEPT., 1918.]



guese o, a, os, as the Z of " Lascari " being mistaken by sailors conversant with Spanish for the article preceding the abbreviated " Askari"; or the latter word becoming curtailed by constant use, and in opposition to " Lascar," which had a different connotation. N. W. HILL.

" BOLSHEWHIGS." Sooner or later a corre- spondent of ' N. & Q.' will be troubled respecting the origin of this pleasantry . Its birth may be found in a leading article in The Mornincf Post for Wednesday, Aug. 14, 1918, p. 2, on ' Party and Prin- ciple ' :

" That the whole nation wants victory may be taken for granted, and we may suppose that most if not all candidates will profess that faith. There will, no doubt, be the exception of what we might call the BolshewJiig party that strange combination led by Lord Lansdowne and Mr. Ramsay Macdonald," &c.


WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on fsmily matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

' QANOON-I-ISLAM.' I shall feel obliged for any information regarding the lives of the authors of the following work, and also for any notes on, or corrections of, state- ments in it :

" Qanoon-i-Islam, or the Customs of the Moosulmans of India ; comprising a full and exact Account of their various Rites and Cere- monies from the Moment of Bitth till the Hour of Death, by Jaffur Shurreef (a Native of the Deccan) : composed under the Directions of, and translated by, G. A. Herklots, M.D., Surgeon of the Madras Establishment. London, Parbury, Allen & Co., Leadenhall Street. M.DCCC.XXXII."

Kindly reply direct. W. CBOOKE.

Langton House, Charlton Bang's, Cheltenham.

ROBERT HOOKE AND THE FIBE OF LONDON. I should be glad of any informa- tion with reference to drawings by Dr. Hooke. He was employed after the Great Fire of London to make plans of various sites in the City. They were probably drawn in one or two large books.


TOWNLEY FAMILY. Information wel- comed on the Townley family in Ireland before 1627. Reply direct to

WILLIAM MACABTHUB. 79 Talbot Street, Dublin.

LOWNDES'S ' BIBLIOGRAPHEB'S MANUAL.' Is the manuscript of Henry G. Bohn's revised and enlarged edition of Lowndes's ' Bibliographer's Manual,' 4 vols., 1857-64, in existence ? If so, information as to its whereabouts would be appreciated by


Public Library, Norwich.

REV. ARCHIBALD JAMES BENNOCH. In ' Alumni Oxonienses, 1715-1886,' is found :

" Bennoch, Archibald James, o.s. Archibald of Islington, Middlesex co., gent. Magdalen Hail. Matric. 14 March, 1856, aged 19. B.A. 1860, M.A. 1864. Vicar St. Luke's, S. Norwood, Surrey, 1874."

Can information as to the ancestry of the Rev. A. J. Bennoch be obtained ? I should like to know if the name is not of Scotch origin. A James Bennoch was one of the Covenanter martyrs in Ayrshire or Galloway.

C. M.

Virginia, U.S.A.

" SEBVEB" : INIOO JONES. Can any one explain the word " server " as applied to Inigo Jones ? I know it only as used by contemporary foreigners. An Italian writes of him as "Signer Server." Sandrart in his ' Teutsche Academie ' speaks of " Inigo Jones Server, des Konigs beriihmten Archi- tect." Can " server " represent a foreign corruption of " surveyor," the office held by Inigo Jones in the King's service ? English contemporaries frequently mention him as " Mr. "Surveyor." MARY F. S. HERVEY.

BOOKS DESIRED ON LOAN. In ' N. & Q.' for August DR. WILLCOCK, I notice, asks for the loan of a rare book (ante, p. 215). I have experienced much kindness of this sort from total strangers, and I hope that readers of ' N. & Q.' may be able to help me with respect to some or all of the follow- ing :

1. Joachim Sandrart, ' Teutsche Academic,' ed. 1675 or other unabbreviated edition.

2. Wiirzbach, ' Niederlandisches Kimstler- lexicon.'

3. Father Charles Ferrers Raymund Palmer, O.P., ' The Life of Philip Thomas Howard, Cardinal of Norfolk,' London, 1867.

4. Catalogues of the pictures of George Vilh'erst Duke of Buckingham, and ol the collection of Sir Peter Lely, printed and published together, I think in 1680 (date not quite certain).

Please reply direct.

(Miss) MARY F. S. HEBVEY. Shiplake House, Henley-on-Thames.

[We shall be pleased to assist in this way ' contributors known to us.]