Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/260

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. iv. SEPT., uis.

In an atlas issued in 1579, Christopher Saxton gives a General Map and 34 county maps of England and Wales. Unless the map your correspondent has is a separate issue, it is probably one from the above atlas. The Brit. Mus. does not appear to have a copy of the Lancashire map in- dependent of the atlas, but a copy is in the Manchester Reference Library Cata- logue without date.


WYBOBNE FAMILY OF ELMSTONE, KENT (12 S. iv. 130). Burke' s ' General Armory,' 1884, "gives for Wyberne (Kent and Suffolk), Sable, a fesse or between three swans (another, coots) argent, membered gules ; and for Wyborn (Hawkwell Place, Kent), Sable, a fesse or between three swans argent, membered gules, quartering Sidley, viz. : Per pale ai^ure and sable, a fesse cheque argent and gules between three goats' heads erased argent. Crest, a swan as in the arms. Motto, " Fama perennis erit."

John Wybarne, son of Thomas, of Kent, May 13, 1463, had a grant from J. Wrex- J worth, Guy on King of Arms : the blazon could be obtained at the Heralds' College, the reference being " Grants, li. 676." Tester's ' Grantees of Arms ' (vol. ii. part ii. p. 288) gives as the date of" this grant " 13 May, 3 Ed. VI. 1463," which is obviously wrong : the records must be searched to clear up the discrepancy. Further, no such King of Arms is to be found in Noble's

  • History of the College of Arms.'



May one ask if the following belonged to the Wyborne family ? Percival Wibourne, M.A., Vicar of St. Sepulchre's, Holborn, March 8, 1563/4, to July, 1566 ; Prebendary ' of third stall in Westminster, Nov. 16, 1561, to 1603 : a Nonconformist.


DE LA VEGA (12 S. Iv. 132).

The ' Diccionario Enciclopedico Hispano- Americano ' includes several members of this family under various dates, the earliest being a favourite of Alphonso XI. of Castile, who died in 1328 ; it explains the surname s resulting from a combination of two personal names, Garcia (not Garcias) and Laso, so that the spelling Garcilasso is clearly wrong. The same compendium indexes Lope de Vega Carpio under Vega. As El Inca's name appears to belong to the same category as Bernardin de St. Pierre, Houget de Lisle, Balfour of Burleigh, &c., I

should certainly prefer the arrangement of the Spanish encyclopaedia and Meyer's Konversations- Lexicon ' to that of ' The Ency. Brit.' and Brockhaus, which index the writer under Vega. N. W. HILL.

Garcilaso de la Vega is indexed under Garcilaso in Prof. John Garrett Underhill's ' Spanish Literature in England under the Tudors ' (New York, Macmillan & Co., 1899). ANEUBIN WILLIAMS.

Menai View, North Boad, Carnarvon.

CHILD BEN'S STOBY OF THE WABS OF THE ROSES (12 S. iv. 187, 230). The book inquired for is probably ' The De Cliffords,' the story of Henry, Lord Clifford, Words- worth's Shepherd Lord. I remember the book well in my childhood, but cannot remember the author or publisher. I read it about 1866, but I think it belonged to an earlier period. MAUD RUSSELL.

MEBYON OB MEBIGNAN FAMILY (12 S. iv. 187). See Holloway's ' History of Rye' (1847), p. 583 :

" This family came to Rye at the latter prt of the seventeenth century, and some are still remaining. This name has undergone great changes : the original, Merignan, Mirinian, Merian, Meryon. In the possession of this family is still preserved a large pewter tankard in which the wine was formerly put when the sacrament VTM administered to the French Protestante, who were permitted, it is paid, to perform divine worship in the parish church of Rye in the intervals of the English service."

E. W. H. F. will find many references to individual members of the family in the work referred to, which, however, is unf ortunately not indexed.

The Lewis Meryon who died in 1824 was the fr.ther of Charles Lewis Meryon (1783- 1877), the author of the 'Memoirs' and ' Travels ' of the eccentric Lady Hester Stanhope. An interesting account of his life will be found in the ' D.N.B.'


Robertsbridge, Sussex.

Miscellanea Oenealoqica et Heraldiea, Second Series, vol. v. No. 8, p. 113, has a pedigree of the Pix family, wherein Harriet Pix (born Dec. 25, 1780) marries (Feb. 22, 1810) Thomas Meryon, Esq., of Rye, who died June 28, 1820. Mrs. Meryon died June 21, 1864, buried at Northiam. They had issue Lewis H. Meryon, John Meryon, Charles Pix Meryon, and two daughters.

C. P. Meryon married Mary, dau. of

Brockett of Spains Hall, Essex, and was connected with the Rye Bank. L. H.