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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. iv. OCT., 1918.

to view them, before whom they performed all their mimmicke tricks and postures to ye life ; from there we crossed over ye Pallace yarde, where we tooke Boate and went aboard our shipp."

On p. 69, under date " August ye 28 " : " The wind was at N.W. ; in the morning we got our anchor aboard and loosed our foretop- sayle : the Lieutnt, and of: with ye gunner went ashoare and bought some ' sweetmeates a Rua Nuova with a great deal of bastard China ware, which was imediately sent aboard. Prom there \ve went to ye Pallace, where we met the Counsell."

A " filho da Rua Nova " evidently means a " regular Lisboner," just as we say a Cockney is one who was born within the sound of Bow bells. " Rua Nova " must have occupied the site, or nearly so, of the present Rua Aures.


Oxford and Cambridge Club.

COL. CHARLES LENNOX (12 S. ii. 89, 138). Having only just come across the query of W. R. W. relating to the dates of the com- missions of Charles Lennox prior to 1787, I hasten to send the following, and hope the information will not be too late to be of use :

Cornet or Ensign, 7th Royal Fusiliers, Ap. 12, 1782. Ensign, 100th Foot, Ap. 6, 1785. Lieutenant, 102nd Foot, Ap. 27, 1785. On half-pay, 102nd Foot, 1786. From half-pay and Captain-Lieutenant, 7th Foot, Ap. 18, 1787. Captain, 35th Foot, Aug. 29, 1787. E. H. FAIRBROTHER.

ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL : STEWARDS OF THE SCHOOL FEASTS (12 S. iv. 38, 68, 98, 139, 198). Sam. Palmer (p. 98, col. 2), surgeon St. Barth. Hosp., died Aug., 1734 (London Mag., p. 448).

Humphry Thayer was Inspector '-General of the Duties on Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate in the Excise (5001.) in 1727, and a Com- missioner of the Excise (1,OOOZ.) Oct. 20, 1732, till he d. Dec. 9, 1737. His brothers Robert and Thomas d. April 6, 1737, and Jan. 2, 1738, respectively (Gent. Mag.).

Benjamin Tooke senior was Treasurer of St. Bartholomew's Hospital at his death July 5, 1716. Benj. Tooke, bookseller, d. May 24, 1723 (Hist. Reg.).

William Tims was made Register of St. Bartholomew's Hospital before 1716, and held the same (afterwards in 1727 and 1748 styled Clerk thereto) until succeeded by John, Tims (probably his son) in 1748, when his death probably took place. He was also from before 1716, until 1748, one of the " eight attornies of the Sheriffs'

Court " of London, being senior on the list in 1727.

Thomas Trenchfield d. Jan. 5, 1730, aet. 44. Geo. Jas. Trenchfield of Dorset d. Dec. 6, 1756.

Rich. Truby sen., vintner, St. Paul's Churchyard, master of King's Arms Tavern, St. Paul's Churchyard, d. May 26, 1730 (Hist. Reg.).

Nathaniel Bishop, proctor in Doctors' Commons in 1755, d. July 13, 1790, set. 70.

Thomas Benn (p. 99), attorney, Billings- gate, d. Sept. 26, 1769.

Wm. Purcas, one of the Six Clerks in Chancery from Feb., 1751, till he d. Jan. 2, 1766, was probably the man, the unusual name serving as a sufficient clue.

George Dance senior was made Clerk of the City Works between 1734 and 1737, and held the post (afterwards called Surveyor of the City Buildings) till he d. Feb. 11, 1768. Son of Giles Dance who d. July 6, 1751, set. 87, and of kin to - Dance, builder, Surveyor of Guy's Hospital, who d. Aug. 23, 1733. Possibly the George Dance of Cripplegate, London, gent., whose son James matric. from St. John's Coll., Oxford, March 1, 1737/8, aged 18.

Christopher Tilson (p. 68) was in 1700 and 1707 Register to the Commissioners of Appeals in the Excise (200Z.). William Tilson (p. 98, col. 2) may very well have been his brother, as another Christopher Tilson who matric. from Ch. Ch., Oxford, June 22, 1725, aged 17, was son of William Tilson of St. Margaret's, Westminster, arm.

George Morton Pitt, son of John Pitt and Sarah Wavell, who were m. at St. Mary's, Madras, was born in Fort St. George, and baptized in St. Mary's Church, Madras, 1693. He was a distant cousin of Governor Thomas Pitt, M.P., the owner of the famous diamond. He was M.P. for Old Sarum Nov., 1722, till made Register of the Excise Office (3501.) Jan., 1724, and for Pontefract 1741-54. He resigned as Register Aug., 1724, and arrived at Madras Dec. 26, 1724 ; took office as Governor of Fort St. George, Madras, May 14, 1730 ; was made Commander -in- Chief -there Dec. 5, 1729, and held both posts till he embarked for ,home Jan. 23, 1735. He afterwards became a merchant in London, and d. Feb. 5, 1756.

Benjamin Marriott was in 1727 one of the eight Attorneys, or Sworn Clerks, in the Court of Exchequer.

Richard Marriott, probably his brother, was in 1727 one of the four attorneys of