Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/296

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[12 S. IV. Nov., 19J8.

Newport or Carisbrooke. These families

Thos. Kinman, 1788

Wm. Redston, 1747-8

were all connected by marriage. I should be glad to have any information regarding

Jas. Kirkpatrick (Pre- sident 1749). 1740-81 Jas. Kirkpatrick, junr.

Wm. Revnolds, 1765 Win. Richardson. 1773 Jno. Rickman. 17407

Wavell, who attended a meeting in 1771.

(President 1784),

Edwd. Roach, 1742-8

His Christian name appears to be Jonathan,


Hen. Roberts (Presi-

and he was probably the father of Dr. John

John Kirkpatrick,

dent 1750). 1740-54

Wavell, a well-known physician in the island. The last entry is for 1790, there

177789 Joseph Kirkpatrick, 1782-92

Henv. Roberts, junr., l7'tn-53 Will. Rochfort, 1744

being no more room in the book. At this

Wm. Knowles, 1779-90

(Alderman) Mark

meeting Dr. Peter Lewis was elected Presi-

John Leigh (President

Rogers (President

dent for 1791. It would be interesting to know up to what

1760), 1740-63 Bar. E. Leigh, 1741 Ste. Leigh, 1756-72

1751), 1741-73 Fras. Rogers (President 1772). 176179

date the society continued to hold its

Dr. Peter Lewis (Presi-

Matthew Rolleston,

annual meetings.

dent 1791), 1789-90


Alphabetical L*st of Subsrrlbers, tcith dates of

Joseph Lowe, 1769 Mordo Macaulay (Pre-

Samuel Rolleston (Pre- sident 1761). 1760-4

first and l^st attendance.

sident 1752), 1747-62

Hugh Rose. 175573

J. Abbatt. 1771 David Davis, 1788

Jos. Masefleld. 1788

Heaton Rose, 1771

Richard Alford. 1757-8 Tho. Daw (President

Rt. Maywood, 178f

Linthonn Rotrev, 1773

William Allen. 1773 1780), 1774-84

Arthur Messant, 1740-

John Rud, 1746

Wm. Arnold (President Willm. Daw. 1780


Robert Sandy, 1747-8

1754), 1749-59 John Daw, 1784-8

Jno. Miller, Junr ,1773

Nichs. Scanla'nd, 1745-6

(Rev.) Elias Atkins James Day, 1773

Thos. Morgan, Esq.,

Jereh. Self, junr., 1787

(President 1768, Richd. Deacon, 1771-3


Thos. Serle (President

1787), 1761-86 Robert Deacon, 1773

Ant. Morgan, 1743-4

1756), 1750-74

M. Bagster, 1742-3 Jno. Delgarno, 1747-54

Henry Morton, 17445

Wm. Sharp (President

Tho. Bagster, 1743 Geo. Doughty, 1760

Andw. Mouncher, 1787-

17.-).-,). 1749-90

G. Baines, 1780 Geo. Douglas (President


Win. Sharp, jun., 1757

W. Baker, 1786-9 1765), 1755-78

Geo. V. Neimburg. 1778


James Barker. 1779-82 Robert Dore, 1788-

W. Newman, 1757

Saml. Sills (President

Richard Barlow (Presi- George Dyke, 1743

Peter Nichols, 1763

1759), 1756-9

dent 1774), 1769-83 Isaac Espinoza, 1744

P*eTer Nichols (Presi-

Richd. Slader, 1749-60

James Barlow, 1781 Capt. Finkonson (? Sin-

dent 1778), 1777-90

Richd. Slader, 1778

Geo. Barton (President konson), 1745

S. (? L.) Nicholson,

David Smith, 17(55-9

1779). 1778-87 Richd. Foquett (?),1764


Chas. Smythe. 17.">4

Robt. Bird, 1755-6 Hugh Maclean Prome,

Wm. Norton, 1751-3

Richd. Stephens, 1765-

Cornelis Jan Breewagt, 1760

Robt. Noves, 17513


1773 Peter Fromow, 1785-90

Phillip Od'ar, 1740-5

Alexander Stewart, 1771

Richard Brown (Presi- James Getly, 1756

Geo. Oglander, 1741-5

Edwd. Stockton, 1786-7

dent 1762). 1747-90 Charles Giffard, 1758

R. Palmer, 1740-1

(Rev.) John Stnrch

Thomas Buckell, 1784-6 F. Gleed, 1784

Tho. Parkinson, 1742"

(President 1775).

John Bunnv (President Wm. Goodeve (Presi- 1753), 1745-61 dent 1781), 1775-90 John Bussell, 1740 Richd. Gosse, 1783-90

Mr. Patrick, 1744 Hugh Pearson, 1756-60

1750-90 Thos. Sweet, 1769-72 David Sweet, 1787

John Campbell. 1765 Jim Gould, 1758

Nichs. Pearson, junr.,

Wm. Tackwell, 1763-8

Wm. Carpenter. 1771-4 Edwd. Grace, 1782


John Tavloi'. 1747-51

H. Carpenter, 1773 Arthur Gray, 1773

Geo. Pedder, junr.,

Robt. Taylor. 1749-51

John Chater, 1750-7 John Grav (President John Clarke (President 1782), 1780-9

1788-90 Henry Perkins, 1784-8

Thos. Temple (Presi- dent 1759). 1749-82

1767). 1766-74 Jno. Greene, 1742-8

G. Phelps, 1773

Samuel Terrick, 1740

John Cnker. 1756-7 Jas. Gumm (President

S. Phillipps, 1780-1

John Till, 1751

Nichs. Collison. 1784 1764), 1761-4

Frans. Pike (President

- Thos. Townsend. 1756-8

John Cook, 1787-8 ' Jas. Hardley, 1788

1766), 1764-90

John Trattle (President

John Cooke, 1740-2 Wm. Harwood, 1772

John Pike. 1778-85

1763). 1740-68

Richd. Cooke (President James Hawksley (Pre-

Wm. Pike (President

Jos. Trattle. 1761-4

1776. 1788), 1765-90 sident 1770). 1770-4

1773), 1773

Robt. Trattle, 1747-55

Wm. Cooke (President John Hayles (President

Richd. Porter, 1758-66

Benj. Travers (Steward

1777, 1786), 1765-89 1771), 1770-3

John Potticary (Presi-

1745, President 1746)

Wm. Cooper. 1787 W. Heath, 1771-4

dent 1789), 1788-90


Capt. John Cope, 1740 Edwd. Hinxman, 1765

Cha. A. Powlett, 1743

John Tucker, 1771-84

Thos. Cope. 1712 Jas. Hollier, 1788

John Prosser, 1740

Elisha Turner, 1770-1

John Cotton, 1740-50 Wm. Hollier, 1788

Richd. Prowse, 1786-80

Thos. Turner, 1769-77

Richd. Cowlam. 1742-9 (?) Ralph Houghton,

George Pyke, 1745-7

Wm. Turner, 1754-72

John Crow, 1744-5 1763

R. Ratsey, 1773

John Upward, 1781

(Rev.) Thos Dalton Wm. Johnson, 1740-7

John Read, 1740-55

Jno. Venn, 1740-8

(President 1790), John Johnson, 1782-9

Jereh. Read (President

George Wade, 1780

1789-90 James Jolliffe, 1747-57

1785), 1784-7

F. Walker, 1778

Peter Daniell, 1779-80 John Jolliffe, 1742-3

John Redston, 1740

John Warren er, 1754

Edwd. Davies, 1741 Wm. Jolliffe, 1756-78

Loving Redston (Presi-

E. Watson. 1787

John Davies, 1785-6 S. King, 1748-51

dent 1748), 1741-58

Jonn. Wavell. 1771