Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/353

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Notes and Queries, March, 1919



3ibliography :

' Modern Society,' identity of " Keirkenny,"

12 New Shakspere Society publications, 77, 143,

170, 338

Parish registers in print, 14, 60 Pearson (J.), his editions of Chapman,

Heywood, and Dekker, 12, 249 "Picture frames, 11, 59 Pirates, book about, identified, 17, 111 Pope (Alexander), books on or by, 44 Prudentius, 1625 and other editions, 190,

258, 338

  • Qanoon-i-Islam,' translated 1832, informa-

tion wanted, 241

Robertson (John), pseudonymous poet, 185 Ryckwaerts (C.), his ' Histoire des Troubles

et Guerre Civile de Flandres,' 26, 83 Sieyes (E. M., Comte), whereabouts of his

MSS., 101

Signboards and shop devices, 28, 61 Southey (R.), contributions to ' Critical

Review,' 35, 66, 94, 122 "Spanish literature, 199 Spenser (Edmund), " Colin's emblem " in

' Shepherd's Calendar,' 12, 138 Staffordshire poets. 329 Stendhal (Marie Henri Beyle), lost article

wanted, 100 Stereoscopic illustrations in books, earliest

date, 132 Stevenson (R. L.), ' The Wrong Box,' 159,

224, 257, 341

Tenniel (Sir John), list of his book-illustra- tions, 237, 314 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord), variant readings in

'Maud,' 176 Wars of the Roses, children's story about,

187, 230, 254 Zola (Emile), key to ' Rome ' wanted, 16 ;.gi

Billiards, size of the red ball, 245, 313

Bilston ( ), North of England artist c. 1843,

information wanted, 326 Birds, epitaphs on, 141

Birds or animals, names for collections of, 255 Birth folk-lore : parsley beds and gooseberry

bushes, 219, 256 Births, tax on, 48

Bishops, three, of the fifteenth century, informa- tion wanted, 330

Blackthorn winter, Gilbert White on, 148 ' Blackwood's Magazine,' Chaldee Manuscript in,


Blagrave (William), 1566, his history, 60, 168 Blanchard family, its arms and alliances, 273 " Blighty," derivation and meaning, 204 Blue Boar at Islington, 1680, where was it ? 49 Bodimant family, its arms, 187 Bolles (Mary), Baronetess, biography, 57 '" Bolshevik," Russian political party, origin of

name, 71

" Bolshewhig," new political term, 241 Bolton Priory Coucher Book, its whereabouts,

217 Book of Common Prayer, Confirmation Service,

1549, 43 ; " water-pipes " in Psalm xlii. 9, 243 Book-plate bearing Sa., on a chevron arg.,

between three cross-crosslets or, three escallops

of the first, 219 Books desired on loan, 241

Books recently published :

Bradley 's (Henry) New English Dictionary :

Stillation Stratum, 90 Calthrope's (Char.) Relation betweene the

Lord of a Manner and the Coppy-holder

His Tenant, 203 Carpenters, Records of the Worshipful

Company of : Vol. IV. Wardens' Account

Book, 1546-71, ed. by Bower Marsh, 203 Cartwright (William), Life and Poems of, ed.

by R. Cullis Goffin, 259 Cathay and the Way Thither, ed. by Sir

Henry Yule, revised by Henri Cordier,

Vol. IV., 119 Coleridge (Samuel Taylor), Table Talk and

Omniana, 259 Collins and Gray, Poetical Works, ed. by

Austin Lane Poole and Christopher Stone,

231 Cordwainer Ward in the City of London, by

A. Charles Knight, 288 Coulton's (G. G.) Social Life in Britain from

the Conquest to the Reformation, 147 Cumberland (Richard), Life and Dramatic

Works, ed. by Stanley Thomas Williams,


Dobson's (Austin) A Bookman's Budget, 63 Gaselee's (Stephen) Stories from the Christian

East, 343 Goffln's (R. Cullis) Life and Poems of William

Cartwright, 259 Gray and Collins, Poetical Works, ed. by

Austin Lane Poole and Christopher Stone,


Hampshire Field Club, Papers and Pro- ceedings, Vol. VIII. Part I., ed. by J.

Bautenville Cope, 91 Harrison's (Henry) Surnames of the United

Kingdom, Part 16, 33 ; Parts 17-19, 204 ;

Parts 20 and 21, 260 Hazlitt's (W.) Selected Essays, ed. by G.

Sampson, 33 Hornchurch, Ye Olde Village of, by Charles

Thomas Perfect, 231 Home's (Dom Ethelbert) Primitive Sun Dials

or Scratch Dials, 148 John Rylands Library, Bulletin, Vol. IV.

Nos. 3 and 4, 288 Keats's (J.) Endymion : the Volume of 1820,

and other Poems, ed. by W. T. Young,

203 Knight's (A. Charles) Cordwainer Ward in the

City of London, 288 Lyell's (James P. R.) A Fifteenth-Century

Bibliography, 316 Marsh's (Bower) Records of the Worshipful

Company of Carpenters, Vol. IV., 203 New English Dictionary : Stillation Stratum,

by B . Bradley, 90 ; Supple Sweep, by

C. T. Onions, 230 Onions's (C. T.) New English Dictionary :

Supple Sweep, 230 Perfect's (Charles Thomas) Ye Olde Village of

Born church, 231

Prideaux's (Col. W. F.) Bibliography of the Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, revised by Mrs. Luther S. Livingston, 174 Rumney's (Thomas) Letter-Book, 1796-8:

From the Old South-Sea House, 287 Similes, Intensifying, in English, by T. Hilding Svartengren, 342