Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/356

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Notes and Queries, March, 1919.

Darell (Sir Lionel), of Ancaster House, Richmond,

Surrey, 327

Davies (Canon John), d. 1861, biographical par- ticulars, 14, 64

Dawson (Jacob), proverb relating to his wife, 214 Dawson (Robert), Bishop of Clonfert, d. 1643,

his biography, 133, 171 " Decease " as verb transitive, 1676, 129 Denization by Letters Patent, 127 Denman (Hon. George, " Mr. Justice "), and Latin rendering of a committee notice, 167, 220 Deptford, inscriptions in St. Paul's Church, 180 De Quency, mediaeval family, information wanted,

160 De Quincey (Thomas), death of his daughter

Emily Jane, 43

Dessin's Hotel, Calais, its history, 187, 248 Deutecum (Johannes and Lukas a), their maps,

117 Devil, overlooking Lincoln, 34 ; his appearance

to a saint, 48, 110

Devils blowing horns or trumpets, representa- tions of , 134, 201,308

Dickens (C.), origin of name Pickwick, 12, 51, 89, 102, 221 ; Cheeryble Brothers in ' Nicholas Nickleby,' their prototypes, 69 ; " habit of living," in ' Great Expectations,' 72 ; musical error in ' Dombey and Son,' 84 ; meaning of Sarah Gamp's name in ' Martin Chuzzlewit,' 102 ; his reference to " flat candles," 106, 173 ; Weller family extracts from Bromley parish registers, 214 ; Shaw of Bowes and " Dotheboys Hall," 218, 282 ' Dictionary of National Biography,' additions

and corrections, 85, 169, 240, 265 Dings, the, meaning of the place-name, 273 Discoveries, scientific, anticipated in 1817, 184 Disraeli (Benjamin). See Seaconsfield. " Dobbie," a caretaker of church or school, 100 Dobson, Dodson, or Dodgson family, 138 Dodd (Robert), marine painter, 55 Dodgson, Dodson, or Dobson family, 138 Dodson, Dodgson, or Dobson family, 138 Dolben (Lieut. Mackworth), memorial at Finedon,


D.O.M- = Deo optimo maximo, 161 Donald (" Pug "), his career, 215 " Dorism " in English speech explained, 176 " Doublet," etymology of the word, 218 "Doughboys," American infantrymen, history of

the word, 271, 307 Douglas (Margaret), afterwards Richardson, and

the Young Pretender, her history, 67, 108 Dove (Eleanor), memorial at Cullercoats, 209 Drama, French, in London, 1817-28, 213 Drama in 1767 and 1826, lists of popular plays,

212 Dream of Gerontius, his name explained, 102,


Dress, evening, for men, changes in, 61 Drury, hamlet in Flintshire, origin of its name,

133 Drury Lane Theatre, motto " Vivitur ingenio "

in, 139

Diirer (Albert), his magic square, 54 Durham tithes and Charles II.'s house at York,

161 Dutch barometer, its curious construction, 158,

256 Dutch in the Thames, origin of their privileges,

111, 227, 309 Dutch literature, books on, 14, 112

Dutton (Eliza), murdered by her neighbour, 1687,.


Duval (Claude), his life and death, 15, 112 Dwerryhouse (John), history of the name, 243,


Dyak folk-lore, souls conveyed in iron ship, 113 Dyde surname, examples, 30, 60 Dyeing yellow and green on cotton, inventor of

process, 126

East Challow House, Berks, its history, 48

East India House in 1711, drawing by George

Vertue, 72 " Edmonds (Mr.) " in Lady Fanshawe's ' Memoirs/

his identity, 8

Edmonstone (James), of Newton, b. 1627, 17 Edwards (Sir Henry), d. 1897, statue at Wey-

mouth, 295 Edwards (Richard), correspondence of, c. 1669,.

39, 96, 151, 209, 267, 321

Eglinton Tournament, 1839, descriptions of, 336 Eldridge (Sir Frederick and Lady), fountain at

Croydon, 209 Eliot (George), discrepancy in dates in ' Adam

Bede,' 325 Elphinstone (Hon. Margaret Mercer), married

Comte de Flahault in 1817, biography, 131, 169' Embalming the dead, methods of, 260 England with France ancient, arms of. 31, 61 English, Tudor, still used in Ireland, 298 English translations of German works, 73, 141 English words derived from Hebrew or Syriac,

288 Enigma, " We rule the world, we letters 5,' r

answer, 110

' Enigmas of Luberius,' information wanted, 49" EO, game of chance, explained, 176 Epigram : Rear me not, traveller, 130 Epigrams, Greek, collections used at West- minster and Eton, 130

Epitaphs :

" As I was riding on the road," at Abenhall,

324 " As I was so are yee," in Llansantffraed

Church, 206 " Bold Infidelity ! turn pale and die," its

history, 102. 172, 251, 338 Fleete (Rev. William), at Selworthy, 324 Hall (John), two centenarians named, 166 " Here lie my old Limbs my Vexation

ends," 108 " Here rest my old bones, my vexation now

ends," 67, 108

" Just Rebeccah's Little Bark," 324 Norton (Anne, Lady), at Newington-next-

Sittingbourne, 323 " One of the little winged Choir lies here,' r


Shrapnel (Lieut.-General Henry), 129, 171 Slave, at Windermere, 323 Stokes (Amelia Mary), acrostic, 251 Sturgeon (William), "120

Escheators of Lincolnshire prior to 1400, 133 Eshe (Peter), Sheriff of York, 1546-7, 242 Essex (Robert Devereux, Earl of), burial in- Westminster Abbey, 183, 267