Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/362

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Notes and Queries, March, 1919.

North-Country customs, information on, 74, 139 Norton (Anne, Lady), her epitaph at Newington-

next-Sittingbourne, 323 Norwich, fire on Dec. 25, 1766, 159 Nothing : Bp. Hall on doing nothing, 300, 335 Noviomagus, Society of, 24 Nursery rime : Peter, Peter, pumpkin-eater, 189

Oak, mistletoe growing on, list of examples, 105 Oak and the ash, weather rime, 161, 229 Oak on Hampstead Hill, Milton's connexion with, 299

Obituary :

Crouch (Walter), F.Z.S., 176 Lee (Sir Henry Austin), 316 Letts (Louis R.), 344 Prosser (Richard Bissell), 120

Olonne (Comtesse d'), miniature by Petitot, 75, 146 Omar Khayyam, queries on first edition of Fitz-

Gerald's translation of the ' Rubaiyat,' 330 Onion, supposed effect on the magnet, 57, 89 Orders, British : third class, their insignia, 7 ;

insignia of Order of the Bath, 82 Organs, mechanical, their history, 100, 164 Ortiz (Diego), 1567, his identity, 78, 197 Oughtred (William), mathematician, his son, 146 Ovid, his best and worst lines, 99 Owen (Henry), M.D., D.D., his birthplace and

career, 245, 315 Owen (Rev. Henry) of Stadham, information

wanted, 246

Pace (Thomas), d. at Balasor, 1676, biography, 96 Pacificist or pacifist, use of the words, 29 Paddington Pollaky. See Pollaky. Palestine, hollyhocks in, 161 ; caves and tombs

at Barbara, 189, 282 Palestine or Jordan Canal, information wanted,

46, 84

Pall Mall, National Gallery's first home in, 128 Palmereton (H. J. Temple, Viscount) on man in

full vigour, 101 Panton Street Puppet Show, 1750-80, its history,

303 Paragraph mark in the Bible, meaning explained,


Parallel passage : Sir T. Browne and Dickens, 72 Parish registers, lists of those printed, 14, 60 Parliament, verses by Waller or Tate on openiner

of, 128

Parliamentary papers, " Cd.," term explained, 100 Parrot, epitaph on, 141 Parsley beds, children born in, 219, 266

Pasoletti ( ), key to casts of gems wanted, 77

Patience, Bp. Thome's definition, 245

Paul (William), " the Parson," executed at

Tyburn 1716, his history, 190, 228, 313 Pausanias on Phocian sacrifices to the dead, 299,

338 Payne (Mrs. Caroline), married 1764, her first

husband, 169

Peacock (George), d. in India, 1683, biography, 152 Pearson (J.), quality of his editions of Chapman,

Heywood, and Dekker, 12, 249

Peat (Rev. Sir Robert), his biography, 303

Peerages, their sale, instances, 27, 85

Pell and Mildmay families, 87

Penn (Admiral Sir William), armorial relic, 93,

168 Pepys (John and Edward) of Salisbury Court,

their relationship, 59, 170 Pepys (Samuel), Jack Price in his Diary, 106,

170 Petitot (Jean), miniature of Comtesse d'Olonne,

76, 145

Petyt (William), d. 1707, his biography, 131, 172 " Pharaoh," name for strong beer, 75 . " Pharaoh," name for travelling showman, 76,


Philosophical and Literary Society, early in- stances, 217, 311 Pickwick, origin of the name, 12, 51, 89, 102, 162,

221 Pickwick family of Bath, its history, 102, 162,


Picture frames, books on, 11, 59 Pictures, water-colour, by Verner, Hugh Carter,

Macpherson, and W. Joyce, 47 ' Piers Plowman,' v. 600, " mealtime of saints,"

8 Pigott (Jane Sophia), hymn-writer, biography

wanted, 243

Pigueuits at Westminster School, 218 Pilgrims' marks at Shere Church, 162 Pilgrims' Way in East Kent, its history, 271,

338 Pinnocks at Westminster School, biographies,

243, 311

Pirates, book about, identified, 17, 111 ' Pirates,' opera by Cobb and Storace, 1792,

dialogue wanted, 158

Place-Names :

Aye, 45

Batch, the, 273, 340

Bedford, 148

Bristowe Causeway, 111, 202

Brystow, 316

Capel Curig, 126

Constitution Hill, 162

Dings, the, 273

Drury, in Flintshire, 133

Flearbottom, 105

Jenkins, near Barking, 112

Lindis, 45, 85

LI an Goven, 74

London, 204

Rhe or Ree, 46

Rhydygroes or Rhydcroyse, 74

Plague, gravestone memorials of, 1665, 220 Plato, a " plank from the wreck of Paradise,"


Pocahontas, Thackeray's poem on, 17, 67 Poetical enigma, " We rule the world, we letters

6," answer, 110

Poetry and prose : Milton ana Newman, 181 Poland Street Academy, details wanted, 217 Pollaky (Ignatius Paul), celebrated detective, 31,

311 ; his death, 88 Ponet (John), his ' Shorte Treatise of Politique

Power,' 282

Pope carries his crosier at Treves, 13 Pope (Alexander), collections of books on or by

44 ; sage with "length of ears " in ' Dunciad,

iii. 36, 299, 340