Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/367

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Notes and Queries, March, 1919.



Teals at Westminster School, 272

Tenniel (Sir John), list of his book-illustrations

237, 314 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord), variant readings in

'Maud,' 176 Thackeray (Frederic), living at Cambridge, 1833

letter by, 130, 229, 313 'Thackeray (W. M.), poem on Pocahontas, 57

" Sylvester night " in ' Esmond,' 272, 338 Thames, Dutch boats in, origin of their privilege

111, 227, 309

  • ' Than " sometimes a preposition, 148

Thorn (Hannah Mary), memorial at Liverpool, 319 Thomas (Bishop) in Finland c. 1200, his identity

331 > ' 9 Thomas family of baronets, biographical particu

lars wanted, 104

Thome (Bp.), his definition of patience, 245 Thousand, its 17th-century sign, 160 Timbrell (Francis), pedigree, 84, 144 Tithes, Durham, and Charles II. 's house at York

161 m* Todd (Anthony), Secretary of the G.P.O., his

history, 11, 114

Toleration Act, 1689, records under, 185 Tonks surname, its etymology, 114, 169 Tottenham shall turn French, the phrase, 269 Tower of London : Yeomen of the Guard, and

Tower warders, 190 Towne (Dr.), head of Towne Academy, Deptford,

Christian name wanted, 75

Townley family in Ireland, particulars wanted,241 Townshend (Lord Charles), was he murdered by

his brother ? 75, 137

Transportation as a punishment, its abolition, 64 Travels in Spain, book on, c. 1830, 198 Treacle Bible, why so called, 23 Trevelyan (Sir Walter C.), memorial fountain at

Cambo, 208 Tri-Mountain, early name of Boston, Mass., 73,


Trinity, Blessed, representations of, 55, 228, 331 Tromp (Admiral), his English descendants, 25,

84 ; his correct name, 144 " Trouncer," meaning and etymology, 101, 198,


Trousseau of a lady c. 1630, prices, 291 Trumpets, devils blowing. See Horns. Tucker family papers, their custody, 31 Turner (George), Leeds prophet, information

wanted, 76

Twilight sleep, origin of the term, 92 Tynte (Mary Waters, Lady), her history, 178, 205,

313 Type-founders : Thomas James, of Bartholomew

Close, 156 ; Fournier family of Paris, 157 Tyrannicide, first British writers to defend, 133, 195, 282


Urchins or hedgehogs, payments for killing, 76 >

140 Uttoxeter, Dr. Johnson's penance at, 185, 230

4 Valo4, conte,' 1817, scientific discoveries anti- cipated in, 184

Van Dyck (Sir A.), portrait of Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, its whereabouts, 101

Van Mildert (Bishop), his ancestry, 232

Van Somer (Paul), supposed portrait of 1st Earl of

Marlborough, 45 Vaughn surname, its origin, 28 Vega (Garcilaso de la), correct form of his name,

132, 254

Verdun, 1806, Englishmen detained at, 232 Vertue (George), drawing of East India House in

1711, 72

Villiers (Robert), c. 1640, his identity, 14 Virtue poetically defined, 77 Vlachs, English travellers on, 1, 57 Voyce (George), clockmaker at Monmouth, 75


Waddington (Mary), d. 1876, bequest to Hethe

parish, 104

Wades at Westminster School, 272 Wales, North, Sir Walter Scott in, 1825, 126, 278 Walker (Dr. George) of Londonderry, his descen- dants, 46

Walker (John), son of Walker of Londonderry, 46 Walker (John), second lieutenant, 1709, his

history, 46 Walker (Thomas), B.D., Fellow of Sidney Sussex

College, 186

Waller ( ), Fleet Street bookseller, 1884, infor- mation wanted, 158 Waller (Edmund) or Nahum Tate, verses on

opening of Parliament, 128 Walrpnd family of Devon, 131 Walsingham (Sir Edward), Lieutenant of the

Tower, 49 Walsingham (Sir Francis), Secretary to Queen

Elizabeth, 49

Wantage, Berks, Price's Arms Inn, 18 War, 1914-48 : public-houses with names con- nected with the War, 46, 88, 225 ; armistice signed on St. Martin's Day, 296. See War slang.

War, the Great, vision of, in 1819, 340 War slang : mebus, 11, 86, 308 ; " Sandbag Mary Ann," and other phrases, 270, 271, 306, 308, 333 Ward (James Edward), founder of Ward line of

steamers, his family, 159

Ward family of Norwich, burnt in fire, 1766, 159 ' Ward-room," its etymology, 109 Wars of the Roses, children's story about, 187,

230, 254

Warwickshire sheep folk-lore, 155 Washington (George), cornet en second in British

army, 1746, 133, 281 Washington (Laurence), captain in British army,

1742, 133, 281

' Water-pipes',' Psalm xlii. 9, its meaning, 243 Waters (Mary), Lady Tynte, her history, 178, 205,


Waters or Watkins family of Scethrog, 178, 205 Vatkins or Waters family of Scethrog, 178, 205 Wax : " mede wax " and " bolen wax," meaning

of terms, 186

Weather: blackthorn winter, 148 Weather rune : oak and the ash, 161, 229 iWebb (Capt. John) of Islandbridge, co. Dublin,

his biography, 330 Wedding trousseau of a lady c. 1630, prices, 291 Veekes, boys at Westminster School, 73, 145, 169 Weenix (Jan), his pictures, 25 Welch surname, its origin, 28