Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/373

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Notes and Queries, March, 1919.



Driscoll (J.) on the call of Africa, 301

Drury (Charles) on " Mr. Basset " of Helperly, 117. Drury place-name, Flintshire, 133. Knife- grinder, 110

Dudeney (Henry E.) on magic squares, 87

Dunheved on " hutching," 102

Dyde (S. W.), D.Sc., on Dyde surname, 60

B. on author of quotation wanted, 106

E. (C. E. H.) on Dyde surname, 30. Westcott

(Philip), portrait painter, 65 E. (T. J.) on " Son of a Duke, brother of a King,"

219 Eagle (B. L.) on Spenser and ' The Shepherd's

Calendar,' 12 Ellershaw (Prof. H.) on ' Hamlet,' Act I. sc. iv.

11. 36-8, 211 Esposito (M.) on ' De Nugis Curialium ' . of

Walter Map, 99. " Macaroni " : origin of the

word, 326. " Msebus," a ghost-word, 268 Evans (H. E. G.) on Wordsworth : Seneca, 272 Evans (Rev. J. T.) on Laugharne family of

Pembrokeshire, 184

F. (A.) on " Gone west," 280. " Mantle-maker' twist," 272

F. (E. W. H.) on Meryon or Merignan family, 187

F. (H. T.) on birth folk-lore : parsley beds and gooseberry bushes, 219

F. (J. T.) on birth folk-lore, 256. Conserve of roses, 171. Douglas (Margaret) and the Young Pretender, 67. Dutch thermometer or barometer, 158. " Gamp " as adjective, 102. Grammar School Registers, 174. Jerusalem : the Holy Sepulchre, 79. Johnson (Dr.) : turning the teacup, 131. " Stunt," 252. Sugar introduced into England, 338

F. (J. W.) on Keare Bakyrsaxther, 242. Bishops of the fifteenth century, 330. Craggs and Nicholson families, 220. Dawson (Bp.) of Clonfert, 133. Land tax and charitable in- stitutions, 272. " Paul (Mr.) the Parson," 190

F. (M. T.) on Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, 17

Fairbrother (Miss E. H.) on Lieut. Henry Gold- smith, the poet's nephew, 177. Lennox (Col. Charles), 284. 65th Regiment of Foot, 199

Fakenham on Anglesey topography, 74. Bangor wills, 74. Pepys (John) of Salisbury Court, 170. Villiers (R.) c. 1640, 14

Farrer (W.) on Clitheroe Parliamentary elections, 278. FitzReinfreds in Lancashire, 248. Sugar introduced into England, 255

Fawcett (J. W.) on Anglican clergymen, 13. Australian memorial inscriptions : III. St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney, 184. Baynes (Christopher), D.D., 228. " Bold Infidelity ! turn pale and die," 102, 251, 338. Clerical indexes, 273. Douglas (Margaret) and the Young Pretender, 108. Epitaph to a slave, 323. Hutchinson family, 106. Latin elegiac renderings of a committee notice, 167. Reed (Parcy) of Troughend, 287. " Slouch," 335. Sugar introduced into England, 312. " We live as Jacob Dawson's wife died," 214. West- morland centenarians' epitaph, 156. Wyborne family of Elmstone, Kent, 254

Finlay (E. C.) on Bernard =Payne, 159. Finlay or Findlay family, 188. Labat (Valentine Knightley Chetwood), 188: Ward (James Edward), 159

Firebrace (Capt. C. W.) on cedars in England, 83. Newport (I. of W.) and the Revolution of 1688, 289. 65th Regiment of Foot, 145

Fleming (Charles F.) on Spenser's ' Faerie Queene,' 71

Fletcher (Prebendary Jas. M. J.) on representa- tions of the Holy Trinity, 228. Wax : " mede wax " and " bolen wax," 186

Fletcher (Rev. W. G. D.), F.S.A., on Grammar School Registers, 228. Tax on armorial bear- ings, 192

Flint (Thomas) on " D d littery fellers," 154

Forman (W. Courthope) on Helen Faucit as- Antigone, 76. Heraldic : a shield sable, 106. St. Pierre Lake, Berne, 132. War slang, 333

Fortescue (Mrs. Mary Teresa) on author of" quotation wanted, 287

Foster (William) on East India House, 72

Fox (James T.) on Japanese " cast6ra," 255

Fraser (Galloway) on Metropolitan Club, 130

Fraser (G. M.) on Carcassonne, poem on, 118

Free (Rev. Richard) on Free family, c. 1800, 273

Freeman (J. J.) on chess : castle and rook, 89.- ' Lavengro,' 311. " Slouch," 156

Frost (W. A.) on Bulwer Lytton's ' Pelham,' 9

Fry (E. A.) on William Blagrave, 60

Fuller (Ernest A.) on authors of quotations - wanted, 62

Fuller (J. F.), F.S.A., on Thomas Fuller's first wife, 121

Fynmore (Col. R. J.) on author of quotation wanted, 341. Baptist ministers : Purdy and Grantham, ^7. Epitaph in Folkestone church- yard, 324. Kent family and Headbourne Worthy, 276. Medical men assassinated, 339. Medop (Mr.) : Dr. R. Cosin, 132. Meryon or~ Merignan family, 254. Smith family, Wilts and Berks, 245. Taglioni (Madame), 313. Westcar family, 336

G. on Castlehill, 286. Shield divided quarterly.


G. (A. H.) on " Gone west," 337 G. (D. L.) on heraldic : captor and his captive's

arms, 251. Shield divided quarterly, 251 G. ( J.) on Roman milestones in Cornwall, 245 G. (M.) on authors of quotations wanted, 78, 331 G. (S. G.) on Mews or Mewys family, 166 Galbreath (D. L.) on Mario Sforza, 196 Gale (Fred R.), Lieut. A.O.D., on Sir David

Murray and the '45, 225. " Yours to a cinder,"


Garart (Roy) on D.O.M., 161 Gatley on 6th West India Regiment, 134 Gibbons (P.) on Rose of Denmark Inn, 326 Gillespie (H. G.) on Duke of Suffolk's head, 299 Gladstone (Hugh S.) on collections of animals or

birds, 255 Gladstone (Miss Joan) on Craggs and Nicholson

families, 310

Glenny (W. W.) on " trouncer," 229 Gould (Arthur W.) on Mermaid Tavern, Cheap- side, 131

Graville (C. R.) on. Scott at Les Andelys, 15 Grey (F. S.) on Lord Kitchener in fiction, 302