Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/375

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Notes and Queries, March, 1919.



J. (E. A.) on Dr. Towne, 75

J. (P. A.) on Scott of Hartwoodmyre and of

Harden, 273

J. (G.), F.S.A., on Empress Eugenie and the Kirkpatricks of Closeburn, 104. Tax on armorial bearings, 12, 191

J. (G. H.) on Aristotle on the Greek temperament, 302. Authors of quotations wanted, 135, 304. Caultham : its locality, 242. Greek stadium, 216

J. (W. C.) on Jean Ingelow, 310 J. (W. E.) on " Gone west," 218 .T.P. on women as Justices of the Peace, 11 Jackson (H. Latimer), D.D., on Philip van

Marnix, 158

Jackson (J.), Lieut., on " Glas," its meaning, 303 Jacobs (A.) on author of quotation wanted, 304 Jaggard (Wm.), Lieut., on New Shakspere Society's publications, 338. Prudentius : title- page of 1625, 338

James (F. R.) on Christopher Baynes, D.D., 134 Jessel (P.) on maw : piquet, 171 Jesson (T.) on sugar introduced into England, 61 Johnston (F. A.) on Edmonstone of Newton, 17 Jonas (Maurice) on " barleymow " : its pro- nunciation, 74 Jones (Miss A.) on Pre-Raphaelite stained glass,

217 Jones (E. Alfred) on British Army officers, 302.

Dyeing yellow and green on cotton, 126 Jones (Rev. T. Llechid) on Burt, miniature painter, 115. Davies (John), D.D., 14. Price (Jack) of Pepys's Diary, 106. Reed (Parcy) of Troughend, 88. Scott (Sir Walter) in North Wales, 126. Vaughn and Welch as surnames, 28

Jones (Tom) on Madame Taglioni, 313 Julian (R. Hill) on Grammar School Registers, 78, 228

K. (H.) on Matthew Arnold on Beethoven, 85.

German works : English translations, 141 K. (L. L.) on barrel-organs, 164. Billiards : red ball, 313. Book about pirates, 17. " Burnt champagne," 251. Conserve of roses, 104. English 'Garden of Health,' 89. English travellers on the Vlachs, 57. Frederick the Great and a Frenchman, 338. Magic squares in India, 54. ' Othello,' Act V. sc. ii., 212. Palestine Canal, 84. " Pharaoh " = travelling showman, 145. " Rua Nova," 1636-7, 256. St. Clement as patron saint, 82. St. George : two incidents in his life, 143. Saxton's map of Lancashire, 253. " Slouch," 335. Taglioni (Madame), 252. Willibald, two of the name, 138 Kealy (Rev. A. G.), Chaplain R.N., on '."gadget,"

282. " Straitsman," 257 Kean (M-) on Artemis Aphaia, 70 Kennard (T.) on General Grant on Wellington,


Key (Dr. J.) on old wood carving : inscription, 197 Kirby (T.) on " Act of Parliament clock," 258 Kleman (Ellen) on Fredrika Bremer, 129 Knowles (Sir Lees), Bt., on " Vitta Latta " : Napoleon's ' Moliere,' 102

L. (C.) on author of quotation wanted, 106 L. (E.) on water-colour pictures, 47 L. (F. de H.) on Sir James Porter, F.R.S., 265 L. (G. G.) on ' Dunciad," iii. 35, 299. Milton's- oak, 299. Webb (Capt. John) : Bradshaw family of Ireland, 330 L. (H. A.) on foreign graves of British authors :

Rev. H. F. Lyte, 83 L. (M.) on Constitution Hill, 162 L. (W.) on " Pharaoh "= strong beer, 75 L.R.B. on war slang : " Sandbag Mary Ann," 270 Lambarde (Brigadier-General p.) on "burnt

champagne," 251 Lane (John) on Rosa Corder, 270. Picture frames,

11 Langley (Rev. Arthur S.) on Baptist ministers i

Purdy and Grantham, 172 Larkin (Mrs. E. P.) on Franklin and Millington

families, 245

Laurence (Miss E. V.) on Sir George Brown, 1790-1865, 331. Brown (Joseph), 1781-1868, 331. Brown (Rear-Admiral William), 300. Browne of Leicestershire : Seabrook of Essex. 273

Lecky (John) on author of quotation wanted, 135 Le Couteur (John D.) on devils blowing horns or trumpets, 134. Flower (Bernard), the King's- glazier, 247. Saint and the Devil, 110. Shield in Winchester stained glass, 188. Winchester College Chapel : stained-glass painter, 216. Winchester episcopal arms, 75 Lee (Sir H. Austin) on Dessin's Hotel, Calais, 248 Lega-Weekes (Miss Ethel) on chimney-sweeper at Exeter, 28. Jacob or James, 115. Picture - of our Lord, 89. " Rapehouse," 46 Leighton (Miss Rachel) on Abigail Chetwood, 301 Leslie (Lieut.-Col. J. H.) on " burnt champagne," 217. Cleaveland on the early history of artillery, 239. Light Division's march to Tala- vera, 1809, 228. " Whiskey," a carriage, 217 Letts (Louis R.) on John Lyon, founder of Harrow

School, 339

Lewis (Penry), C.M-G., on " Act of Parliament clock," 61. Japanese " castera," 255. Khaki- clad figures in a stained-glass window, 214. Lilliput and Gulliver, 73. 65th Regiment of Foot : Yorkshire regiments in Ceylon, 200 Lindisfarne on Beaconsfield's novels : kevs wanted,


Ling (P. H-) on authors of quotations wanted, 50 Lloyd (Llewelyn) on Anthony arms and ancestry ,

13 Lombard on authors of quotations wanted, 106,


Louch (J. D.) oh Mervyn Stewart, 117 Loxton (C. A.) on first khaki-clad figures in

stained-glass windows, 250

Lucas (J. Landfear) on Boston, Mass. : Tri- Mountain, 73. Dwerryhouse (John), clock- maker, 243. Elphinstone : Keith : Flahault, 131. "Facing and bracing," 218. Magniac family, 162. Regency Park, 299. Roupell family, 103. Smoking in England before tobacco, 331. Tower of London : Yeomen of the Guard and Tower warders, 190 Lumb (G. D.) on John Miers the profilist, 45 Lupton (E. Basil) on Priestley's portrait by J. Sharpies, 185. Shakespeare misquoted by Scott, 298